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Sandi Finlay - Sly Moore


Welcome to the temporary homepage for Sandi Finlay,
who can be seen as the character of Sly Moore in the
upcoming Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.

The Star Wars Episode II Visual Dictionary is out,
Sandi is on page thirteen, looking stunning!

Some interesting stats on Sly Moore and Sandi Finlay.

Name:Sandi Finlay
DOB: None of our buisiness
Origin:Planet Earth, Continent of Australia
Occupation:Actress, DJ, Hair & makeup artist
Characteristics:wicked sense of humour
Force Ability:"If I had hair, I'd be dangerous!"

Name:Sly Moore
DOB: Uknown
Origin: Planet Umbara in the Ghost Nebula
Occupation: Assistant to Chancellor Palpatine
Characteristics: Pale Blue skin, White Eyes
Force Ability: Uknown

Picture Gallery
Sandis' Appearance Schedule

If you want to send Sandi Fan mail, these are the addresses:

Sandi Finlay
c/o EAT Management
PO Box 1487
NSW Australia

Or you can email her at