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Index Tutorials
Yes, it is exactly what everyone has been waiting for. A java compiler that ACTUALLY WORKS! Never has this been seen before.


Also, just for the one stop shopping place, we have a ZSpoof download. Courtesy of Wolfman.


For all of you who really need to have a good HTTP Sniffer, here's one from Effetech. Unfortunately, it's only a trial version, but that's ok. Just means you have to download it a lot.

Effetech HTTP Sniffer

Presenting Proxomitron. It's one of the best tools you can have, if you know how to use it. Go to the site, which is here for more details about it.


We now have a new download find for you. It's free, but I can't get a direct download. Just fill out the information sheet with sheer B.S. and submit it. It's a freeware version of a stegano encryption/decryption tool that is very, very useful for not only learning about stegano, but cracking it. Go to the site or click here for more information.


We have a very, very nice download. It's called dsniff and is actually a comprehensive file that has many programs functioning inside it. Go here for more details.


This download is a rather ingenious program that I made. It has the normal functions of a virus, but it does not harm a computer. It works through the Network Service called Messenger. I made it mainly for schools that have very anal Administrators, and it does not use mswinsck components. To use it, open a command prompt and send a message to the computer that it is running on. Make the message on of the following commands, CDOpen, CDClose, Shutdown, Restart, Reboot, Matrix (must have matrix screen saver for this command), Internet and Steal. It is called TheTooL.exe(P.S. all commands are case sensitive, so you must type them exactly).
