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Charles and Jenn Johnson


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Welcome to our Web site!

We bought the domain name from, so we figured that we should probably put it to use.  Right now the above address is forwarded to this address because Angelfire is a free service. 

Basically this page is for us to keep in touch with our friends and family.  Because we are so busy being newlyweds, we don't always have the time to call everyone and share all the new information that married life brings us.  So, hopefully you'll find some recipes you like and you'll learn a thing or two while you are here.

Photo Album

Family Member of the Month

This includes a pictures of our first child, Roxy and a picture from our wedding.  That's it for right now. April's Family Member of the Month is.......

To Be Announced


Breaking News

Birthdays & Anniversaries

bulletApril 26th is the date for the "Johnson Family" reunion.  It will be at Harold and Charlotte's house in Porter, TX, and the meal is pot luck.  Bring your lawn chairs!

January          February         March

April              May                  June

July                August             September

October         November       December


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This site was last updated 03/14/03