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The first time I saw the Locust was sometime in late 1996 or 1997. I expected a cheesy ass ska band but was blown away after their first song. I've never heard anything like it. Blast beats, keyboards, 100 mph of complex guitar strumming and a lot of yelling. This band really caught my attention so I would go to every local L.A or San Diego show possible. This has changed now. Their shows are now over 10 dollars, it's hard to find a parking spot (I got a parking ticket last time) and the crowd just acts fucking dumb. But still, this band is fucking amazing and i'm glad I got the chance to ask some questions. They're not the best but I had to come up with something.

Interviewer= Dingy Danny
Interviwee= Justin Pearson, bass dude.

Let's go to the past....Jerry Springer, that shit was hillarious. My friend Reggie told me that you were supposed to be on it a previous time before that one aired but didn't go on cause time ran out or something. Was that time for the same shit or was another Locust member popping someone's bubble?

Justin P
: well i was supposed to be on it a previous time. id wouldnt say that i was popping anyones bubble that time or the time that i was on it. but i was the "good" one on the first episode. it was allysia from three one g and chris from the festival of dead deer/ moving units. but the forst bunch of people on the episode were this white trash canadian family that beat the shit out of each other and took up the whole episode. so we were sent home.

Where you guys on tour when this happened?

Justin P
: when it was filmed? no. aired? i was on tour with the crimson curse.

What do you do with the money the Locust makes at shows/merch? Does it stay in the band (i.e. equipment, studio time) or do yall split it up?

Justin P
: this is an odd question. well it depends. we split everything up after we cover band stuff like more merch, van bills, etc. what it goes to depends on the time and person. like equipment, food, rent, and so on.

Where do you earn your money for a living? 31G? Pimping your ass? Job?

Justin P
: i earn my money from three one g mostly. i live in the house that its run out of. but i also had a job at a vegetarian co-op for a while. they fired me the last time i left for tour. i have been taking off too much over the years.

Let's talk a little about dudes are married but not legally. Do you have an open relationship cause I saw him all hugged up with a girl wearing a 'slut' shirt at one of yer shows.

Justin P
: well we did get married. it wasnt recognized legally, but we did. it was cool. buy we are not really together. we only made out and shit. never made it past first base. well i guess a little hands on action so second base. that is considered second right? but yea, he is in a more serious relationship with the woman you mantioned in the question.

I read one of your were asked what you thought of the 'punk/hardcore scene/music'. You replied with 'I don't give a fuck for that shit' or something like that. Explain...

: well i think that the label that people tend to tack on to art forms are a drag. i mean the locust is not a specific type of band. we have different elements. i dont think you can classify it. that is a good thing in my book. but yea, hardcore is for the most part a dying horse. to me it seems to be this cummunity or culture that was supposed to kick music in the ass. effect people on a different level. look at bands like minor threat, infest, etc. bands that were real. dont get me wrong, there is and has always been good bands that are labeled as hardcore bands. but for the most part, its mundane and safe and stale. plus, for the locust, we have never been accepted by a "scene" or "community". hardcore has not really welcomed us and i had just said before that we dont care. fuck it. for us, its not about labels or a genre. maybe punk or hardcore ethics is what id like to say we would embrace as far as a label, but not a community or even sound.

Have you heard of a band Hit Me Back? Would you like to? They fall under the punk/hc 'category'. You should release an HMB record. I'm sure you'll get rich!

: never heard of them. its your band right? uh, i dont release records to get rich (obviously, im pretty poor). i dont release records for bands i dont know are are not friends with.

Well, if you haven't heard of the name then now you have. And I was playing about the other shit, although we will make you rich!

Play a fast one. You're skinny. I can see through your bass. Let's pickle wrestle. I wanna lick yer balls. Did you cut your own hair? You suck...this is the shit you put with at every single show. What is something you would actually want the crowd to yell out?

: im not sure. id love to have them put some effort into it though. its the same shit every time we play. there are two things...1. we cant usually hear half of the shit that is being said. and we cant understand most of the time. 2. its interesting how people have this mentality in a dark crowd to insult someone. hidden, calling someone fucked up shit like "fag". it would be interesting if all the jagoffs out there had the "balls" to say the shit to our faces. there would be a different story. its like all the beer bottles thrown at us. or the mace. or chairs. if the people would just show them selves, we could retaliate. but its people being chicken shit.

I remember the shows at the Che, PCH(the best), the Smell(when it didn't have a stage), Public Storage(chain reaction), etc. You fuckers went off! Yer set was filled with intense energy. Beating the shit out of your guitars, Joey banging the mic to his head and you just heavily headbanging hard to the ground! What happened to that energy? Is it because you guys are more focused in playing yer instruments? Do you not feel it anymore? Is it the crowd yelling bullshit that ruins it or is it the fact that your on stage and away from the crowd? Personally, I don't like stages that much. I like being face to face with the crowd. Them falling on our equipment singing along and shit. What's your deal?

: hmmm, our deal. well there are a few things that have changed. one being the audience participation in being assholes. would you be in the "head banging mood" after getting called "fag" "asshole" and other routine one liners for 2 months every night on tour? or what about a bigger 5 month tour? you kind of start to hate the "participation" and it can effect us. two, we are writing more complex songs that we have in the past. also taking on more tasks. not only do we have to remember 23 songs with time signatures that make no sence but we have more effects, gabe throws up more ofter, joey is using a moog drum at times, and we have more vocal parts since we are a 4 piece now.

Yeah, I feel you....I went on a 10 day tour drumming for two bands every night and it was tiring. I can imagine a tour over a month, that would be exhausting...What are some bands you would suggest listening to besides GSL, Three1G bands and HitMeBack (they rock)?

: peeches, queen, pil, liars, the oath, add n to x, gg allin, birthday party, the crucifucks, the frogs, har mar superstar, the beatles, yeah yeah yeahs, etc.

What's a question you always wanted to be asked?

. Justin
: (blank)

Anything you want to ask me? Come on, ask me anything...

: no, not really.

Fine then...Everyone ends their interviews with 'last comments/words, thoughts, contacts, or whatever. Let's end it like this..... Anyone you wanna say 'fuck you' or 'fuck off' to?

: yea, roger hedgecock, mr. w bush, the internet.

Thanks a lot Justin dude, I hope to see you dudes play soon for cheap cause i'm always broke!

Well, there you have it broham dudes. Here's some info you might need or want to check out:

Post Office Box 178262
San Diego, California
United States of America

The pictures where sent in by Justin. I take no credit for them. Ummm.. i think the dude who took them has a website which i'll mention later on today.

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