Anavatos on Chios Greece

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The deserted village of Anavatos on Chios.
The deserted medieval village of Anavatos with its 400 huises on Chios is also worth a visit. You cannot see the village from a dsitance because it is totally embedded in the rocks as a protection against the Turks. Anavatos is situated on the top of a mountain and can only be reached from the south. Anavatos means unreachable, and it was a hide-away for the inhabitants of Chios. The way to Anavatos could not be found by people that did not know the island of Chios. This natural protection came in handy when the Turks besieged the island. The Turks could not find the way to the top and so the people of Anavatos were safe. In the end they were betrayed and in 1822 there was a terrible slaughter in Anavatos. Eversince the village has been deserted.

Hans Huisman, & Peter Hendriks 2006