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Secret Board Hunting's Classic Quotes!
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From: Medea | Posted: 7/29/2003 11:56:44 PM | Message Detail
I'm starting up a list of funny or interesting quotes that I come across in my travels. You've probably seen them too, but you've forgotten already. Don't worry, you can see them again.


Hefwudzigem: Was it Star Wars? I didn't even bother watching the last two after hearing that Liah picked Han over Luke. I mean, yeah, it was Han Solo, but there was something between Luke and Liah. Sad.

(This has got to be one of my favorites)


warutrid: Fellow board hunters, post here to show that you're proud to sit around clicking every board until you find someone who thinks their board is secret just so you can say something casual like "That's quite a post" or "You sure about that?" Maybe we'll run into each other in our travels..

Xim: I hope not. That would hurt.


atoecko: *is hit in the face with a pumpkin*
Don't know if I'm considered popular or not.

Kinnison: I think you could gather that information based on the fact that people are throwing pumpkins at you.


FBI Porker Gold: What exactly is a haxxx0ring cough?

(Don't know why but I thought this was funny. Heh.)


Duck: Funnier than anything you could do, you unfunny person.

NinjaMaster: Way to be unfunny in that last post Duck. If I were that unfunny I would remove my funny bone so as not to be a living oxymoron.

Charagon: Wait, what?

ch4: So his life won't be an oxymoron.


Sky Olivine: After you post your first message, you have to post another one 30 days later to prevent the topic from purging, once the post count reaches 100, you have to post every 20 days, and every 15 days if there're more than 250 posts.

So,the longest time a topic can exist without purging =
30 x 100 + 20 x 150 + 15 x 250 = 3000 + 3000 + 3750 = 9750 days.
That's more than 26 years. I wonder what the world would be after so many years...

(Glad someone bothered to figure that out.)


FBI Porker: You can't say that. Secret board hunters aren't sheep you know. We don't follow each other continually.


CloudS: This game would be better if it was called Panty Raid.


That's all for now. More to come.

"Virgin Birth! An entire religion, built on an oxymoron!" - The Marquis de Sade, Quills
From: ElementSk8er87 | Posted: 8/2/2003 4:25:26 AM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: Medea | Posted: 8/3/2003 2:17:25 PM | Message Detail
Muck: Muck is devoid of emotion.

*cries because he is sad about being devoid of emotion*


dwimmerlaik: You mean look through a bunch boards. Pfft, sounds boring to me.

Console Gamer: That's what board hunters do, look through boards.

dwimmerlaik: My joke didn't work!


duckduckduck: I am pretty well dressed . . . for three ducks.


Scum: Speaking of which, where is the men's room? I could never find it so I've just been using a corner in the Art Gallery.

Interceptor: WHAT? I thought that was part of the art gallery...


Hommie G: i wear clothes

This is the first time he said something other than oh dear lmao since the beginning of Atari 2600.


Scum: That makes it taste all the sweeter. It was made out of pine, you see. The candy of woods.


"Virgin Birth! An entire religion, built on an oxymoron!" - The Marquis de Sade, Quills
From: zeldagirl | Posted: 8/8/2003 1:00:13 AM | Message Detail
Medea: Except Kinnison is a robot. I doubt he has all the necessary programming to make a decent lover.
Zeldagirl: Aww
Zeldagirl: How come I never knew?
Medea: He's good at hiding it.
Zeldagirl: I mean, I only slept with him a few times, but he never revealed that to me
Medea: Really? You didn't notice that his embraces were a bit colder and steelier than average?
Zeldagirl: No, in fact, they were quite warm and filled with love
Zeldagirl: Maybe he's learned to mask it
Medea: Could be. Or he could have had a hot soak in some molten lava beforehand. Maybe that's how he prepares for dates.

Chess players mate better.
From: Medea | Posted: 8/22/2003 5:10:04 PM | Message Detail
Naked Ape: How about... rotten apples?

Scum: There's no such thing.

Naked Ape: You’re a bad apple, Scum.

Scum: Again, no such thing. That's an oxymoron.


zeldagirl: What if the world is actually upside down but we see it as right side up because our eyes are mirrors?


winger131: Fear not. Your account won't get banned unless you start posting offensive messages.

RdDragon: Imagine that..


NinjaMaster: Scum doesn't make fish sticks.
Scum only makes things no one needs.


ibinsane: Hi, I'm just passing by. With a jar of sweet, sweet, honey.

*With an evil laugh and a swift hand, I pour honey all over your sacred tooth*


Take that, People of Toothtopia (or whatever).

*twirls away never to be seen again*.


"Virgin Birth! An entire religion, built on an oxymoron!" - The Marquis de Sade, Quills
From: Medea | Posted: 9/2/2003 1:34:40 PM | Message Detail
I didn't find this on a secret board, but it's funny, nonetheless:

Omega Gilgamesh: By many accounts, I legally qualify as a near genious.

"Virgin Birth! An entire religion, built on an oxymoron!" - The Marquis de Sade, Quills
From: Medea | Posted: 9/13/2003 1:26:58 PM | Message Detail
Xim: I'm starting Commodore again soon.
dwimmerlaik: You're mad!
Xim: Mad like a fox!
dwimmerlaik: Fox like a mental patient.
Xim: Oh yeah?! Here's what I think of your accusations!
*hands in a detailed report*
dwimmerlaik: *reads it over*
Hmm...everything seems to be in order here. You're hired

"Virgin Birth! An entire religion, built on an oxymoron!" - The Marquis de Sade, Quills
From: blablabla16 | Posted: 9/17/2003 9:27:28 PM | Message Detail
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From: blablabla16 | Posted: 9/17/2003 9:27:59 PM | Message Detail
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From: blablabla16 | Posted: 9/17/2003 9:28:36 PM | Message Detail
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From: blablabla16 | Posted: 9/17/2003 9:28:59 PM | Message Detail
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From: blablabla16 | Posted: 9/17/2003 9:29:52 PM | Message Detail
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From: blablabla16 | Posted: 9/17/2003 9:30:19 PM | Message Detail
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From: blablabla16 | Posted: 9/17/2003 9:30:55 PM | Message Detail
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From: blablabla16 | Posted: 9/17/2003 9:31:19 PM | Message Detail
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From: blablabla16 | Posted: 9/17/2003 9:31:56 PM | Message Detail
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From: Medea | Posted: 9/18/2003 12:28:47 AM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: Medea | Posted: 9/18/2003 12:29:21 AM | Message Detail
Kinnison: (About CjayC) The man seems to have moved on, but not before he's trapped all of us inside of this addictive little microcosm that we have all come to know and call home. We are lost, doomed to wander boards and topics for eternity. This is our fate, our destiny, our solemn curse

"Virgin Birth! An entire religion, built on an oxymoron!" - The Marquis de Sade, Quills
From: Xim | Posted: 9/19/2003 6:13:40 PM | Message Detail
An all-time favorite:

"I have good news and bad news. The good news is there is enough apples for all. The bad news is that's just enough for Scum." - Interceptor
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: Secret Xim | Posted: 9/25/2003 10:46:26 AM | Message Detail
I think this is how it went:

some guy: He's still here, I guess.
some other guy: Apparently.
dwimmerlaik Transparently. I can hardly see him.

Have you found all of my secret boards?
From: Medea | Posted: 10/2/2003 12:00:13 AM | Message Detail

Glass Joe: SBP’s indifference angers me.


warutrid: In a fight between poison shark bait and a shark, I think the shark would live longer.


Hommie G: oh dear lmao

dwimmerlaik: *kicks previous poster in the face*

Hommie G: mmmm your shoe tastes like baby flesh

oh dear lmao

He's so weird...

"Virgin Birth! An entire religion, built on an oxymoron!" - The Marquis de Sade, Quills
From: Medea | Posted: 10/15/2003 6:51:55 PM | Message Detail
Er yeah... this isn't a quote but I have to bump it somehow.

"Virgin Birth! An entire religion, built on an oxymoron!" - The Marquis de Sade, Quills
From: Black Mist | Posted: 11/3/2003 2:37:56 AM | Message Detail
I love Hommie G!

I wonder what's next...
From: Medea | Posted: 11/16/2003 2:25:41 PM | Message Detail
Nice one there, Mist.

"Virgin Birth! An entire religion, built on an oxymoron!" - The Marquis de Sade, Quills
From: Medea | Posted: 12/1/2003 6:06:08 AM | Message Detail

"Virgin Birth! An entire religion, built on an oxymoron!" - The Marquis de Sade, Quills
From: Xim | Posted: 12/3/2003 9:09:57 AM | Message Detail
Scum: Nice try. *taps on the No Tapping Sign*

NinjaMaster: That's some mighty fine tapping.

Scum: Thank you, I practiced a lot.
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: Xim | Posted: 12/23/2003 2:03:06 PM | Message Detail
So I says to SBP, I says, "That Scum sure likes apples!"
And the whole room cracked up laughing. That's when I knew I was meant to be a Dentist. - NinjaMaster
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: Xim | Posted: 12/24/2003 3:05:15 PM | Message Detail
General Joey The 2nd: Virgins dream of me...
Black Mist: No, you, a Virgin, dream of sex.
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: Kinnison | Posted: 12/31/2003 3:28:25 PM | Message Detail
|./.|.|\.|.|\.|.|.(¯ .|¯|.|\.|
|.\.|.|.\|.|.\|.|. _).|_|.|.\|
From: Xim | Posted: 1/23/2004 10:07:37 PM | Message Detail
misterbum: Quick! Someone make an invisible cloaking shield out of Kleenex, Silly Putty and a half used box of Jello pudding!

Xim: Mission completed. But I couldn't find any kleenex or silly putty, so I just used a bit of mayonnaise. Actually, I'd say it's more of a sandwich than cloaking device, but that's just my opinion.

misterbum: What if all MacGyver did was eat all the crazy inventions he made? Would he be a hero? No. He'd be fat. And if TV has taught me anything, you can't be fat and be a hero. Not unless you know kung-fu or can sing.


Kinnison: !!!
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: zeldagirl | Posted: 2/14/2004 12:36:50 PM | Message Detail
This topic is the greatest. I think I'll bump it.
Chess players mate better.
From: Feanor the Elf | Posted: 2/16/2004 9:56:05 PM | Message Detail
"wait dont post in the quote topic"-medea
Istari of Rohan, Formerly First Officer of the Riders of Rohan and Gondor
From: NinjaMaster | Posted: 3/15/2004 10:47:59 PM | Message Detail
MI4 REAL: *Flies off his bike* Le OUCH!

Xim: It'll probably hurt even more when you land!

Medea: I don't know, the air is full of bees today.

dwimmerlaik: That means their honey is unguarded! Come on men, we'll eat like kings today. Kings that eat honey.
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy.
From: zeldagirl | Posted: 3/28/2004 9:52:41 PM | Message Detail
"There's a ghost in my manor. If you know what I mean." - Zeldagirl.
Chess players mate better.
From: ravenwarrior | Posted: 4/14/2004 12:40:58 PM | Message Detail
DocProc: *knocks everything over*

Xim: Ah, I see you've learned the art of anti-psychokinesis: moving things without the use of one's mind.

DocProc: Yup! And it took me 10,000 years to learn!
Now that the new $20 is in, please send all of your worthless old $20's to me.
Machine Gun specialist of the SOMUNIST AC team ~ Moonside
From: Xim | Posted: 5/15/2004 6:26:32 PM | Message Detail
"Yours is not to question why. Yours is to eat the pie." - dwimmerlaik
...(�\/�)(�) (�)_(�) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: Xim | Posted: 5/26/2004 12:07:05 PM | Message Detail
I must've been really tired or something when I posted this, but at the time it just seemed hilarious..

wezal7: has anyone got this game? if so is it out in Australia yet?

Xim:Your face is out in Australia.
...(�\/�)(�) (�)_(�) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: NinjaMaster | Posted: 6/23/2004 5:05:27 AM | Message Detail
"No purge for you!" - unknown
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy.
From: ravenwarrior | Posted: 7/16/2004 1:20:28 PM | Message Detail
I just saw the Austrailia one.
Now that the new $20 is in, please send all of your worthless old $20's to me.
Machine Gun specialist of the SOMUNIST AC team ~ Moonside
From: Hilarious Joke Name | Posted: 7/21/2004 11:15:30 AM | Message Detail
You must have been living under a rock or something...
<Voted least funny joke account of 2003>
From: Bras | Posted: 7/23/2004 3:47:41 PM | Message Detail
*drinks a bottle o'whiskey*

Wash away your darkest sins, if that's what you believe.
But keep in mind that if you do, who is it you deceive?
From: Houou10 | Posted: 8/6/2004 11:34:18 AM | Message Detail
Going over that list, I just realised I actually saw a lot of these o_o One that rings especially familiar is the second one on the first post. Nice listie.
[Current Mood:;_;] (@) "Who is ****'s sake?"~DavidM
From: Flowers of Moss | Posted: 8/8/2004 1:01:07 PM | Message Detail
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
From: Go to Trolls Tale | Posted: 8/8/2004 7:07:06 PM | Message Detail
"I'm a secret board hunter on GameFAQs. Chances are, you don't know what that is, just pretend you do so the other kids won't think you're weird." - Xim
Go join Troll's Tale!
From: DocProc | Posted: 8/22/2004 12:02:18 PM | Message Detail
I like this!
*goes to find quotes*
Doctor by day, board hunter by night...
From: DocProc | Posted: 8/22/2004 12:28:20 PM | Message Detail
ravenwarrior: Gambling with the police is an illegal action. You will be shot.
Doctor by day, board hunter by night...
From: Medea | Posted: 8/24/2004 1:00:01 PM | Message Detail
*Sniff* Thanks for keeping the memories alive, guys, you're the greatest!

*Hugs everyone.*

"Sometimes, at the end of the day when I'm smiling and shaking hands, I want to kick them." --Richard Nixon
From: ravenwarrior | Posted: 9/3/2004 1:29:58 PM | Message Detail
Don't metion it!


Really, don't mention it... If you do, I'LL KEEEEEEEEL YA!
Now that the new $20 is in, please send all of your worthless old $20's to me.
Machine Gun specialist of the SOMUNIST AC team ~ Moonside
From: Groovilicious | Posted: 9/5/2004 2:56:59 AM | Message Detail
So many great quotes...


Interceptor: Yay! Part 2! I'm so excited that I'm going to eat a whole jar of pickles!


Elite Gamer: I'm sure there must be some hidden meaning in that post, but I can't spot it for the life of me....

Groovilicious: Well it's certainly obvious. The post can glow in the dark!

Xim: I bet if the Vikings were around today, they would probably be amazed at how much glow-in-the-dark stuff we have, and how we take so much of it for granted.

Yours is not to question why. Yours is to eat the pie. - dwimmerlaik
From: ravenwarrior | Posted: 9/9/2004 6:35:12 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
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