Bob's Heroic Links Page

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One of my favorite hobbies is to play Champions, the Super Hero Role Playing Game from Hero Games. There are many excellent resources for Champions players on the World Wide Web; here are some pointers to my favorites (and the good stuff that I don't point to, at least one of them probably does).

(Please note that I haven't updated this page in a very long time, so many of these links may be "dead." I'll be working on this by the end of the year, with some links eliminated, others added, and others corrected. In the meantime, use these links for whatever they're worth -- which is probably site recommendations, and not much more.)


Shelley Chrystal Mactyre runs a Champions campaign in what she terms the Golden Hawk Universe, after the Hudson Hawks and the Golden Gate Guardians (the two main superhero groups in that world). The site also includes her own now-infamous work on PRIMUS and VIPER, her husband Matthew's Super Agents group the Chessmen, Champions-related humor, some really kickin' superhero art, and much more, all wrapped up into her own superhero universe (the "Golden Hawks" Universe, since it centers on the face-to-face Hudson Hawks game and the play-by-email Golden Gate Guardians game). In my view, this is the best Champions website on the Web -- especially if you take the further path to her Gratuitous Links page at the bottom (and that one, in turn, can bring you back to my own Original Hero Stuff Page, which points back here...).

The Hero Games Home Page is the most natural and obvious place for information on Hero Games. As of this writing, they don't have much there, but hey -- it's still a relatively new site! They do have a news page and profiles for many of their authors, links for information on their Hero Plus line of products (which you soon will be able to download -- for a price!), and much more, with still more on the way.

Over at Rising Force Publications, I've become a regular contributor (effective with the Summer 1996 issue) to Herozine, a fan publication for Champions. I'm also editing a sourcebook for the Rising Force Universe, which I hope to have ready for release by GenCon in August 1997. (This is with desperately crossed fingers, however; computer problems totally scuttled the February 1997 deadline I'd stated previously.)

One place with some interesting rules articles (and other stuff) is Kestrel's Hero System Resources, managed by Casey "Kestrel" McGirt. Of particular interest here is an original article expanding on the Energy Blast Power.

Night on the Sound is the nickname given to a site for face-to-face Champions and other games being played in Portland, Oregon, as run by Christopher Kelly. Of greatest interest is a detailed write-up of LifeLine Inc., an organization introduced by name in The Mutant File but never detailed in print. The site is still under serious construction, but is worth the look just for the LifeLine material.

Dave Mattingly, who writes a regular column in the quarterly fanzine Haymaker!, has a home page dedicated to his column. The column is called Power Point, and so the home page is rather appropriately called the Power Point Homepage. Ryan has a lot of good ideas on using existing Powers to represent various unusual effects as well as other topics, but his home page does have one odd idiosyncrasy: rather than simply placing each article on a single page as most websites do, he has each section of each article on its own page. When you finish reading each section, you click on a "NEXT" button to continue reading. Other than this oddity, however, he has quite a good website under way here.

Stemming from the hottest unofficial Hero System BBS in the country, the Red October Web Page is developing into an HTML mirror of the BBS. You can also reach Red October BBS via Telnet, or check out the Red October ftp site to get files.

For those who are interested in seeing what one of the better-known "Champions gurus" does in his own campaigns, there is a website devoted to Sean Patrick Fannon's Champions Campaign. He plays face-to-face, and has posted most of his campaign information -- including several useful "house rules" -- on this site.

Theala Sildorian's Unofficial Champions Home Page is the former titleholder for Best Hero-Related Website, but it's been languishing from inattention for several months. Once, this site has links to virtually everything that even could have to do with Champions, plus news reports, artwork (including Chris Avellone's Stick Figure Theatre, now a classic fixture in Champions circles), and probably a bunch of stuff that I'm forgetting. Its lack of attention has hurt its usability, but I'm still including it because it does have a lot of useful material that can't be found elsewhere, and because Amy Crittenden (aka Theala Sildorian) could come back to it at any time.


While my Champions campaign is set as much as possible in the "official" Champions Universe with just a few additions and subtractions (since I hope to become one of their authors at some time -- I'm treating it as a playtest world), almost all of my NPCs come from published works. However, I'm not above using "alternate dimensions," and I like to draw from others' work (such as the PRIMUS and VIPER pages on the Original Champions Index above). Along with much of the material on Shelley's Index above and what's available from Red October, these websites below are ones that I think would be useful in that respect.

The Alert Force Archive describes a nicely fleshed-out superhero world actually used by a gaming group. Okay, I admit it -- the game they play is DC Heroes, not Champions. But with a good system for converting the characters to the "right" system, the Alert Force Universe can be a good resource for Champions GMs as well as those for DC Heroes (a game which, I understand, has been discontinued by its publisher, Mayfair Games, for some years now).

At Doug's Character Archive, there are a (very) few more characters which a Champions GM might find useful, despite the fact that they're all heroes and vigilantes. If you explore other parts of Doug McDougal's website, too, you can find a lot of really useful stuff -- including the aforementioned conversion system from DC Heroes.

Rob's Character Archive, managed by Rob Rutherford, is another area with a number of interesting and unusual characters. There are only a few, but the look is worth it (as is the link).

Brannon "Ben" Boren, co-author of Normals Unbound, brings us The H-files Index, which consists primarily of all-original characters as well as updates of those he's worked on in the past (including the members of Castle Security Inc., the outfit that appeared in one of the last issues of Adventurer's Club). I highly recommend this site for any GM who operates primarily with Champions Universe characters, especially if the "Golden Hawks" version (see above) is the one used.

For a bit of insight into the workings of the Rising Force Universe, check into The Troubleshooter's Page, based on a campaign run by Robert Edwards (unofficially the Number Two Man among the Rising Force creative crew).

Whispers is another Champions campaign, run by J. P. Brannan. Its information is arguably a tad sketchy at present, but I think it has potential. The feel, from what I can gather, is something of a cross between The X-Files and the old Super Agents game.

There are also some Write-ups of Champions Originals on the Unofficial Champions Character Write-Up Page. This hasn't been updated by much in quite a long time, but what is there (which, the last time I checked, consisted of two hero groups and a villain group, along with a fantasy-world character or two) looks cool.

Original Stuff


Slowly but surely, I'm going to be including my own original material on Champions and Hero Gaming (adventures, articles, characters, and other stuff) on this site. I've put the index for this material on a separate page, which I'm calling Bob's Original Hero Stuff Page, so people who want to link directly to it without having to wade through everything above can do so. Note that this collection is relatively small right now, but it will grow over time.

Note that this area is also my way of testing the waters for my writing. The better the response to this is, the harder I'll work on putting my books online.

Other Gaming Areas

Though the company doesn't publish anything directly related to Hero Games, Flying Buffalo Inc. is known for putting out several good role-playing and other games, as well as what may be the best line of play-by-mail games in the business. I include them here because of their Catalyst line of universally generic fantasy role-playing supplements (to which I am a contributor, as I noted above).

How related this is to Hero Gaming is subject to some debate, but the Fuzion system is finally here, and Fuzion World Wide is online to distribute the full rules. (Partial rules can be found in the games Bubblegum Crisis and Champions: The New Millenium.)

Fans of the Fuzion system can find a small but growing supply of interesting material on the Fuzion Mailing List Archive, which also includes information on how to subscribe to the list itself.

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