College of Electromancers

by Bob Greenwade

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Fantasy Hero Spell Colleges
College of Electromancers
For centuries, even before the advent of technology, men have been fascinated by the properties of electricity. Strikes of lighting making great light and noise and doing great damage have frightened peoples both civilized and not, and the properties of static electricity have often been mistaken for magic -- or was it a mistake?

Indeed, the properties of electricity are varied enough and powerful enough that there is a successful, if small, college of magicians who use them. From the strike of lightning to the electromagnetic pull of a static charge, their mastery of the forces of electricity serves them well.

Most electric spells are fairly quick and simple to learn, though the Unique spells are somewhat difficult and require more experience. They do require, however, that the caster be grounded -- that is, in contact with the ground, either directly or through a good conductor such as metal or impure water. (Contrary to popular belief, pure water is a very poor conductor.) A flying electromancer, generally speaking, cannot use his magic; the only exception is the Static Flight spell, which is a special and unusual case (see its description below). Electric magic is also useless against anything which is well-insulated by glass, stone, fresh water, or other electric-resistant materials.

As a Focus, electromancers use a metal wand the length of their forearm. Steel is the most favored material, though iron, copper, and others are also used (even, on occasion, silver).

All instant spells in this College are accompanied by a flash of light and a faint boom; constant spells are accompanied by the crackling of sparks. In either case the air in the vicinity is ionized by its use, giving a general feeling of calm, not to mention causing clothing to stick to its wearer, hair to stand on end, and metal objects to (mildly) shock the first person to touch them.

Common Limitations: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼). [Total = -3]

Basic Spells

Lightning Bolt

For this spell, the caster simply points his wand at the target and utters his incantation. If he's successful, a bolt of powerful electricity springs from the wand toward the target.

Power: 6d6 Energy Blast.
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼).
Active Cost: 30.
END Cost: 3; Magic Roll: -3; Casting Time: ½ phase.
Real Cost: 7.

Electric Shield

The caster waves his wand in a circle around his head as he speaks this spell. If the spell is successful, he's surrounded by crackling sparks, and the impact of all physical attacks is greatly reduced. (Note that protection from energy attacks is half that against physical attacks).

Power: 10 PD, 5 ED Force Field.
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼).
Active Cost: 15.
END Cost: 1; Magic Roll: -1; Casting Time: 0 phase.
Real Cost: 4.

Static Wall

While incanting this spell, the caster waves his wand up and down in front of him as though to form a wall in front of his face. If it works, a wall of crackling sparks forms, blocking all passage.

Power: 8 PD, 4 ED Force Wall.
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼).
Active Cost: 30.
END Cost: 3; Magic Roll: -3; Casting Time: 0 phase.
Real Cost: 7.

Spark of Magic

The caster waves his wand over an object or set of objects on which magic is to be detected. A few sparks will fly from anything in the pile that's magical.

Power: Detect Magic, Discriminatory, +1 PER.
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼), Costs END (-½).
Active Cost: 10.
END Cost: 1; Magic Roll: -1; Casting Time: ½ phase.
Real Cost: 2.


With this spell, the caster strikes an object whose enchantment he wishes to dispel with his wand as he speaks the words. If the spell is successful, a charge of electricity goes through the item, and its magic is, in effect, short-circuited.

Power: 7d6 Dispel.
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼), No Range (-½), Extra END -- x2 (-½), Extra Time -- 1 turn (-1).
Active Cost: 21.
END Cost: 4; Magic Roll: -2; Casting Time: ½ phase.
Real Cost: 3.

College Spells

Static Cling

The caster touches each hand and each foot with his wand as he speaks this spell. If it succeeds, he's be able to climb walls and other sheer surfaces, sticking to them with static electricity.

Power: Clinging at normal STR.
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼), Costs END (-½), Extra time -- 1 phase (-½).
Active Cost: 10.
END Cost: 1; Magic Roll: -1; Casting Time: 1 phase.
Real Cost: 2.


The caster speaks this spell and taps his head with his wand to cast this spell, which if successful creates a visual effect similar to that of the Electric Shield spell. The effect is different, however, in that all attackers, instead of being blocked, receive a stunning electric jolt as they connect.

Power: 4d6 Energy Blast.
Modifiers: Damage Shield (+½), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼).
Active Cost: 30.
END Cost: 3; Magic Roll: -3; Casting Time: ½ phase.
Real Cost: 7.

Lightning Flash

To cast this spell, the magician simply point his wand at the spot he wants the flash to occur, and speaks it. If it works, it causes an explosion of light at the target hex, momentarily blinding anyone standing in it or any adjacent hex. This is a dangerous spell, however, since failure still results in lightning striking -- it strikes the caster.

Power: 2d6 Flash.
Modifiers: Explosion (+½), Personal Immunity (+½), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼), No Range (-½), Side Effects -- 6d6 Energy Blast (-½).
Active Cost: 40.
END Cost: 4; Magic Roll: -4; Casting Time: ½ phase.
Real Cost: 8.

Lightning Travel

As the magician speaks this spell, he points his wand at the spot he wants to go to. If it's successful, he's instantly transported there (or, if the distance is over 10", he's taken there in as few evenly-spaced steps of that distance or less as possible).

Note that the crash of thunder and crack of lighting makes this a good spell to make Presence Attacks with. Also note that, while the magician may memorize locations for use with this, he gets no Limitations for them -- he must pay full price.

Power: 10" Teleport, up to 160" for 1 extra phase.
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼).
Active Cost: 40.
END Cost: 2; Magic Roll: -4; Casting Time: ½ to 1 phase.
Real Cost: 10.

Static Flight

In casting this spell, the magician simply waves his wand back and forth as he utters the incantation. If it's successful, he's borne up into the air by static electricity.

Note that this spell is an exception to the rule that the magician must be grounded for the spell to work. However, it's much more difficult to cast than most spells, and other spells from this College will not work while it's active, whether the magician is actually flying or not.

Power: 15" Flight.
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), cannot cast other College Spells while active whether flying or not (-½), Difficult Skill Roll (-½), Extra Time -- 1 phase (-½).
Active Cost: 30.
END Cost: 3; Magic Roll: -6; Casting Time: 1 phase.
Real Cost: 6.


The caster activates this spell by passing his wand over his head in a circle as he speaks the incantation. With it, he gives the atmosphere an electric charge, which can have a variety of effects. Certain things will tend to cling together, hair and fur will stand on end, metal objects will give a mild shock when people touch them, mammals may have a feeling a peace and may wish to sleep, etc.

This ionization can have several specific effects. If a Presence Attack is made with the intent of calming a crowd, this can add one or two dice (at the GM's discretion). It might also subtract a die or two from a Presence Attack intended to cause fear or other extreme emotion. Also, a spell, power, or device might have a Limitation of not working in an ion field such as this spell makes, or working only in one.

Power: Change Environment, 128" radius (calm to ionic).
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼).
Active Cost: 40.
END Cost: 4; Magic Roll: -4; Casting Time: ½ phase.
Real Cost: 10.


This spell is cast by touching a wound with the wand and speaking its words. With it, the magician can repair and regenerate damage done by injury. The spell isn't adequate for most non-emergency needs, however, since it can only heal half the damage done.

Power: 5d6 Healing.
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼), can only heal up to half the damage of each wound (-½), Extra Time -- 1 Minute (-1½).
Active Cost: 50.
END Cost: 5; Magic Roll: -5; Casting Time: 1 minute.
Real Cost: 8.


This is actually a low-powered Lightning Bolt spell, and in fact is cast in much the same way. However, the effect is simply to burn all the hair off a person's body. About 98% of that hair grows back after a short while, however. This spell has little direct use in combat, though it is quite effective as part of a presence attack, and other creative uses are possible as well. (At the GM's option, the spell may also destroy its victim's clothing.)

Power: 8d6 Cosmetic Transform (hairy person to bald).
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼), Extra Time -- 1 turn (-1).
Active Cost: 40.
END Cost: 4; Magic Roll: -4; Casting Time: 1 turn.
Real Cost: 8.

Ball Lightning

To cast this spell, the magician waves his wand in a horizontal circle as he speaks the incantation. If the spell succeeds, a globe of electric power -- ball lightning -- appears, illuminating an area of up to 32" radius up to the equivalent of daylight. (Naturally, the caster can vary the amount of light shed and the size of the affected area.)

Power: Change Environment, 32" radius (dark to light).
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼), Extra Time -- 1 turn (-1).
Active Cost: 30.
END Cost: 3; Magic Roll: -3; Casting Time: 1 turn.
Real Cost: 6.

Electric Lift

The caster activates this spell by simply pointing his wand at the desired target and reciting the incantation. The spell uses the principle of electromagnetism to lift and manipulate the target object.

Power: 20 STR Telekinesis.
Modifiers: Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 10 points in College (-¼), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼), cannot squeeze or punch (-¼).
Active Cost: 30.
END Cost: 3; Magic Roll: -3; Casting Time: ½ phase.
Real Cost: 7.

Unique Spells

Lightning Ward

This spell is used to protect some item of the caster's choosing. The magician touches the item with his wand, closes his eyes, and recites a long incantation, at the end of which the air around the item carries a powerful electric charge. The first person (or other being) to touch the object is subjected to a powerful electrical jolt which should be enough to at least stun, if not seriously injure, most creatures. The caster himself is immune, and in fact the spell is automatically dispelled when the caster next touches the item.

Power: 8d6 Energy Blast.
Modifiers: Personal Immunity (+¼), Difficult to Dispel (+¼), Set Trigger (+¼), Usable By Others (+¼), Concentrate -- 0 DCV (-½), Extra time -- 5 minutes (-2), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 30 points in College (-¾), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼), automatically dispels if caster touches the item (-½), no range (-½), 3x END cost (-1).
Active Cost: 80.
END Cost: 16; Magic Roll: -8; Casting Time: 5 minutes.
Real Cost: 9.


This spell appears much the same as the Lighting Bolt spell, and is cast in much the same way, except that the electric current doesn't stop with a single blast -- it continues going until the caster is interrupted (willingly or otherwise). Furthermore, any characters touching the target character will also be damaged. This is a very powerful spell, useful for attacking large, crowded groups of enemies.

Power: 4d6 Energy Blast.
Modifiers: Continuous (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼), Sticky (+½), Reduced END x½ (+¼), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 30 points in College (-¾), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼).
Active Cost: 60.
END Cost: 2; Magic Roll: -5; Casting Time: ½ phase.
Real Cost: 12.

Projectile Rejection

In casting this spell, the magician waves his wand before him in a figure 8 pattern and begins a chant. If successful, the spell sets up an electromagnetic field that causes all incoming physical targets to fly away from the caster. With enough skill, the caster can turn these attacks to hit targets of his own choosing. The main weakness of the spell is that he's too busy to cast any other spells; all attacks he makes must come from those attacking him. (On the other hand, the spell's main selling point is that its name is fun to say.)

Power: Missile Deflection (+10 to DEX Roll) vs. all physical attacks, can reflect to any target.
Modifiers: Costs END (-½), Gestures throughout (-½), Incantations throughout (-½), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-½), OAF -- wand (-1), must have at least 30 points in College (-¾), caster must be grounded (-½), does not work if target is insulated (-¼).
Active Cost: 65.
END Cost: 6; Magic Roll: -6; Casting Time: ½ phase.
Real Cost: 14.

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Fantasy Hero Spell Colleges
This online sourcebook is © 1997-2000 by Bob Greenwade. E-mail me if you have any comments or questions.