Agh, I hate Jar Jar with a passion. I want to hit him in the head with pvc pipe. If they only had it on tattooine or on the gungan planet. George Lucas wants the world to commit mass suicide. He attempted by creating the most annoying character ever. George was nearly successful. Only 42 million survived the horror. Apparently, the only way to block out the annoying sounds of Jar Jar that get stuck in your head, is to stick pointy objects in your brain. Only the strong shall survive, said Charles Darwin. "I like Rosie O'Donnell," said Jar Jar.

Yeah, thumbs up to you too, asshole.

"Meee sa say peekaboo. Meee sa also likesa carrot top movies." Meesa say you should choke on your own vomit.

Some monkey sphincter created a jar jar binks lollipop. You eat his tongue. In some countries, it is illegal to make kids pay to make out with a plastic toy.

"Meee sa stab you in your fucking brain. Make icky icky red goo." Bring it on, bitch. Just bring it on.

This is what a gungan looks like while getting blown by Leonard DiCaprio.

Yeah, Eminem made the cover, too. Big Whoop. Britney Spears made the cover, too. Remember that? And she lost her sponsorship from Hershey. You don't have funbags like hers. Go back to Oswego.

Even Queen Amidala takes the time to tan. You need to get out once in a while, put some color on those flabby arms of yours.

He just got done seeing "Spy Kids." It doesn't take much too keep him suprised. Just wave something shiny in his face and he'll cream his trousers.

So, what have we learned from this? That I really don't like Jar Jar. His speech is annoying, incoherent, and he manages to stop a shitload of bots (which are sporting machine guns) with a few frickin' marbles. They should have thrown the marbles at Jar Jar's eye and hoped one got stuck in there. Why didn't you just end the war by throwing your farts. That would be more practical.

This proves idiots always win. Jar Jar, George W. Bush, the president of Nintendo, Molly Shannon. Dumb people always get good luck. How else would Screech have managed so many years on "Saved by the Bell: The New Class?"
