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why me
Friday, 18 November 2005
wedding blues
Mood:  chatty
Topic: wedding
OK so to start off if you dont know im gettin married may 20th 2006 and my fiance's mom is getting on my nerves every other day she changes something about the wedding. yea i know i should open my mouth but if i do all david says is "its my mom thats how she is" . he knows how i feel because its starting to get to him 2 but only the things he disagrees with gets mentioned. i mean its only less then 6 months till the wedding n she changed who's doing the cake and who's doing the food. i cant really say to much though because she's paying for everything except the alcohol.well enough for today im out dave should soon be home luvs n kisses

Posted by stars6/p_orr at 4:41 PM EST
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