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Dazey Kind Of Days
Monday, 19 January 2004
To All My Friends!
Jordan~ You're the best! I luv ya!
Stephanie~ Don't worry...It'll happen soon enough!
Eric~ I'll get you your cookies soon!
Alyssa~ Hey! We never talk anymore...What's up with that?
Jen~ You have GOT to start being nicer to Derek!
Ethan~ Hey! You and Rhi are sooooooo cute together!
Christina~ I've got to see that list when you're done!
David~ Bring your cell to HB next time!
Michael~ Haha, I get to go on tour with ya'll!
Drake~ Oooh...still mad?
Nick~ No more Spanish!
Paul~ Did ya kill Ryan(S) yet?
DJ~ You still like Steph?
Ryan~ G O Y (figure it out)
Jeff P~ You're gonna win a lot...right?
Jeff C~ Mr Beer! What's up? Lay off the alcohol..alright? lol
Cierra~ Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming...
Autumn~ We've got to clean our locker again..Your stuff keeps fallin' on my head!
Chris P~ Hey! Do you see someone on the lake? I'm pretty sure...There's someone on the lake!!
Ben P~ Twirl...twirl...Now
Ben Y~ Ben Yooooooheeeeee!!! hehe
Amber Sch.~ Hey! That Jason kid is waaaaaaayy to old for you girly!
Dallin~ Hey Tex! How are ya'?
Alex~ Yes, I know...Jen and I still owe you from math last year!
Kevin~ What's up with you and Alex? Ya'll barely talk anymore!
Josh H~ You gonna be my chair/blanket again next year at the football games?
Jeremy~ Nice pencil car!
Andrew~ Your short bus was awesome!
Rhi~ Oh my gosh...You and Ethan are like thisclose lol
Sara~ Are you taking Honors Civics next year?
Ryan V~ You are REALLY scary...
Eric H~ One of these days I'm taking your drumsticks..and I'm never giving them back!

Posted by stars5/sunshinedaze08 at 5:00 PM MST
Updated: Monday, 19 January 2004 5:01 PM MST
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