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The Guild!
Saturday, 31 January 2004
Hello. I just put up a few things to get in the spirit of valentines day. Theres a valentines game/survey and and a cute little picture. I also wanted to know how many of you were gonna be watching the superbowl tomorrow. Well, I gotta go and update the guild, so see ya'll around!

Posted by stars5/lost4eva at 8:11 AM
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Friday, 30 January 2004
Hey. I just wanna tell you about up-coming events. We're about to have our first Bright Idea day, which is basically a day that you go around, looking at guild that are posting in the guild chat, (since they try to sdvertise thier guild)and you look for, duh, bright ideas. If you like an idea, neomail me, and we can slightly morph thier idea, so we aren't copycatting. Also, you HAVE to neomail the owner of the guild, and tell them that you love the idea, and ask if we could use it. Tell them it would be an honor. And, uh, if it takes up too much space, sorry, I can't put it up. If it involves layout, or complicated HTML and that stuff, neomail bloodcanticle (tea) to tell her to look at the place. Maybe she'll help out....

Posted by stars5/lost4eva at 4:16 PM
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