Disclaimer: Transformers owned by Hasbro

 I make no energon chips ... monetary profit from my fanfic/fanart/fanfunnies


CHEETAH'S PROFILE - My Erotic TransFormers Femme Character ~ With gorgeous pic by Darkenlite  :)


Erotic Transformers Dreams - Erotic dreams I've had with Transformers.






     ~ SLASH ~


A BIRTHDAY WISH - Soundwave gives Megatron a birthday present - Soundwave/Megatron.  My very first TF slash


THE PRICE OF FAILURE - Starscream has failed, yet again and must be punished ;) - Megatron/Starscream


CYBER SISTERS - Screamer is in need of comfort - Seawave/Screamer (f/f)



Many more slash fics to come!




 ~ HET ~


MORE THAN JUST BREAKFAST - What happened between Rodimus and Michelle in Only Human? ... Rodimus/Michelle (My first ever erotic fic)


FREEDOM - Continuing the Megatron and Radar story (Formerly posted as Megatron & Mars Part II) - Click here for Part I


ETERNAL FLAME ~ Finally, Radar feels safe to become intimate once more - Megatron/Radar


ENCHANTED LOVE - Crystal Clear  - Interlude I  - Optimus Prime/Elita One


 PLAYGROUND OF THE GODS - I don't want to spoil this one!


STARBURST - When you Wish Upon a Star  Interlude - Starscream/Razormoon


ARISE THE PHOENIX -  Ultra Magnus and Phoenix have a tiff.  Phoenix/Ultra Magnus


BUBBLE, BUBBLE - Toil and trouble ... ;) Arcee/Springer


FIRST NIGHT - Ultra Magnus's first ever shift on guard duty and he makes out with a Decepticon spy  - Ultra Magnus/Nightingale


COMFORT - Prizm worries she's failed her love -  Prizm/Megatron


RUBY LOVE - After a tiff, Star Ruby and her love make good - Star Ruby/Megatron


   NIGHT THUNDER ~ A love story between Thundercracker and his lady love,  Thundercracker/Night Ravór   



More het fics to come!




Requested Fics ...  {Het}


OLD TIMES - Seawave/Optimus Prime  {By Phoenix}


INTIMATE STRANGER - Seawave/Soundwave  {By Springer}





Rude Transformers??!!


"Naughty" TF Pix!  ;)


Circuit Breaker  - Naughtyish Pic




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