~ BY ENTERING THIS PAGE YOU ARE STATING THAT YOU ARE 18 YEARS - (21, 25 or 33 in some countries) OR OVER ~

If not, Varmoose!  Get Thee Gone!  Skedaddle!  Goeth From Here  J  ... But feel welcome to return when you come of age. Hey, treat yourself to a visit here on your coming of age birthday! :D


Last Updated: Monday, 11 May, 2019 ~ sorry so long between updates!


Page Owner's note: Angelfire is an ad hosted website.  some of my links you click on may bring up a full-page ad.  If his happens, click off the ad and you will find the page you clicked upon. I am not affiliated with the ads and sadly, have no control over them.


 Greetings, Interesting Ones .... and welcome to my erotic fanfiction page ... Fics from all walks of genres. I will upload new fics, and things periodically so please, check back often. This page is a work in progress. I am glad I now have people to share my fanfic with. I write erotic fanfic to explore characters deeper, and to explore new avenues and situations. I write both Slash and Het stories. Slash stories are listed first in the genres, then Het.

I give permission to archive my fanfiction, (unless otherwise notified), link to this page and distribute my fics - Please credit me as  "Cheetah" and tell me where. Feel free to download things from this page for your own personal use. 

To read fics, please click on the logos below. A list of fics will appear. I have listed which main characters the fanfics are about though they may not necessarily be in the same fic together.

 Disclaimers: I make absolutely no monetary profit from this page or any Fanfiction~Fanart. My Fanfic is written purely to share and for the enjoyment of the fans. (Disclaimers also on individual pages and fics)  You may link to this page. Please inform me of any broken links.



~ Once more, the stories and images on this page are mostly sensually erotic and passionate - and all characters are of age  ~



  Please email me to read, as I have had to remove this content from the web ~ email below




   Hades with Celesta, Morpheus and another story with Hades & Dionysos {Has some OFC} - Story with Athena planned





  Elves and Wizards and Aragorn mainly (and Hobbits too!) ~  Lord of the Rings {Includes some OFC}




   Professor Snape, Lupin and Lucius stories {Has some OFC}



    Spike, Doyle, Angel, Lorne,  Willow  stories {Has some OFC}



    Data~Lore  - Data~Geordi  {Has some OFC}


Other Erotic Star Trek FanFiction (To come)



   KITT, Michael and Bonnie stories {Has some OFC}




Arthur, Merlin & Excalibur




  Erotic Elektra 




    Cole, Phoebe and Paige {Has some OFC}



Blake's 7 ... Well Avon really ;) {Has some OFC}



Duo & Zechs, Noin and also Quatre stories {Has some OFC}




   Various character ~  Transformers {Also has original characters Fembots and Menbots}




  Ardeth Bey  (Coming)  {Has some OFC}




  Magneto & Storm & Rogue stories {Has some OFC} - to come









~ Please name fics and genres you're inquiring about and keep criticism constructive  :)  Thanks and please put 'Your Angelfire Fanfic Webpage

in the subject line or it goes to junk mail.

Apologies, due to time constraints, I can no longer take take requests for fics or manips.  




~ Thank you for visiting Cheetah's Savannah ... ~








And last, but not least, a big thanks to Derek E, for helping me put this page together!



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"Pleaidies" Space Background Courtesy of
