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Inside Tangerine's Mind
Saturday, 5 February 2005
Mood:  special
OMG has it been long or what??? I don't even know what I'm doing on this! LOL I was goin through my emails & I got to the activation email for this from 28749292957 years ago, and then ended up here!

I was reading alot of the old entries, and most of them made me crack up... a few even made me wanna cry. Sooo much has changed. What can I say? It's an ever-changing world. Back then, we were so naive, we were just kids who wanted to have fun fun FUN... everything was 'cracken'... I was always pushin the limits... hahaa we kept reppin that 'IC 4LYFE!' too, now that's REALLY funny... that didn't last long; then there was AFRICA last year.. LOL..

*sighs* it seems as though we dwell over some matters too long and then let perfectly good opportunities past by without knowing. Life really is too short now that I'm analyzing it.. I think about my relationships with all these people here... the ones I were tight w/ fell apart.. the ones who I barely knew then are the homies now!! And then there are the ones who I had somethin special with but now it's lost. Sound all too familiar?? Hahahaa, well maybe this time next year I'll check in again and see how much more my life has progressed! <3ANGiE

Posted by stars4/swt_tangerine at 2:55 AM YST
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Sunday, 11 January 2004

DAANNGGG its been awhile since i last updated this thingy. I've been using xangurr instead. yupyup... its way more up to date den this! hehe. umm. I'm juss here chillen wit my Pinky Penelope. its 2004 nowz... yupyup. 2 more years till graduation! woot woot! hehe. and yeah...

Education//GHS Sophy
Height//5'1? [still!]

yeah thats me! okey dokes den I'm out!

Posted by stars4/swt_tangerine at 4:55 PM YST
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Wednesday, 24 September 2003
more updating.......
WEDNESDAY, September 24, 2003

+ mmmmhhh.... CaraMel frappachino's are sOo gOoD! Juss sHared oNe with Tina DT. Today was earLy dismisSal [wOoT wOoT] & eVeryOne waS gOnE! sO Jamil, Evey, Tina & Me decIdEd tO gO DT, aNd we saW RacHeL, JezKaH, & tHeIr frend tHere. ThEn wE sEeN HaLeIgh! She was sHoPpIng fOr hOmecOmiNg. WeNt uPsTaIrs. I sEen Auntie Jessuhcuh & JesUsa & Kevin & mOlika bUh I wasNt sHure if it waS hEr @ fIrst sO I diDnt say hi. Evey & Tina caLLed oUt MarCus W. aNd I flicked hIm off nO dOuGht! THen EvEy poInted oUt nOne otHer tHan LesTer! uugghh...

+ We was plaYin arOund talkin abOut hOw Tina & Me were blaCk trapped in azn bOdies wHen wE seen heLLa azns uP @ westlake. I was juss lyke "yeah, ok.." lolz. bUh reaLLie tHo, Im prOud tO bE mE... 100% cHinEsE... sHieT sHort oR nOt! I meaN hOw can yOu say "Acting bLack?" black is a race... or ethnicity or w/e. Not the way yOu act... the way yOu act is jUss your attitude...its YOU...

+ Haleigh stayed DT, and we aLL weNt to the bUsstOp. Sonny's sIs TaMarah waS tHere. She was lyke "ok wHicH oNe oF yOu is my brOther's gf?" aNd Evey pOinted tO me aNd sHe was lyke "yOure AngIe.. aNgeLa? ryte?" I was lyke "yeah" hehe. =)

+ skOoL tOday waS bEtter deN yesterdaY of cOurSe. IoNo hOw it caN gEt wOrse bUh yeaH. BerLin & Sam & Jessica saId tHey sEen mY baBy @ tHe bUssToP dIs mOrnIn. I dIdnt gEt 2 see! I mIss hIm! HeLped Kyra & Nadja on tHeir titles fOr the math prOject! Alex the wHoRe stOLe my maNicUre idea!! ;p see, ya'lls wErE gIven ME a lectUre on nOt dOin my prOject till laSt mIn & I eNded uP fInIshEd & heLpin yaLs wIth yOurs tOo! lolz.

+ JamIL stiLL oWes mE & EveY oUr CD... aNd oNe mOre eaCh fOr Tina & Evey & Me nOw... lolz... JerryL fInaLLy wroTe mE baCk! JamIL stILL haSnt.. and I dIdnt gEt my baby's Letter yeT. weLL ima bOuncE... yay mY mOm & sIs wEnt out! I have the whole house to myself!! =D ayte payCe.

TUESDAY, 09/23/03

+ Halfway dOne with my math project! ;p yeaH I taLked tO sOnny & EveY jUss nOw. He's ok. That cLucK waS gOin off on the pO-po's aNd sHieZ wHen tHey hAd hIm in haNdcuffs... aNd oNe of em was laffin & he was lyke "yUr heLLa fUnnIe...blah blah..." aNd thEn sOnny kept taLkin sO tHen tHey cLoseD thE lil wIndOw tHing tHey bE haVin in pOlice caRs... hahahaha.... pOor bAby!

+ maN I sWear wHoEvEr waLks uP tO mE & saYs sUm tOmOrow Ima gO oFF... sHieZ... ppl need tO mInd dEr oWn fawKin bUsInEss [ryTe sUgapLum? =D] sHit aT leasT nOw I nOe wHos 2-faCed & caN taLk abOut oTHers bUt nOt tHemsELves, aNd wHos tHe trUe hOmIe & frIend.

+ daYm fukk mOm trIppin lyke usUaL & I gOtsa fInIsH mY fukken project...

[updayte 11:49 PM]

+ There was an assembly today during 1,2,3. It was craCken, esPecially in oUr rOw. Berlin, Ladan, Feyeare, and Lula went to StarbucKs. Lula & Feyeare was walkin too sLow sO I tHinK they jUss went baCk haLfway. Berlin & me got Mocha Brownie Frappachino's... gOt us heLLa hyper & I was aLL puMped uP at the assEmBly.

+ LunCh caMe. Hunny was uP tHere! I was sO haPpy tO see hIm... aNd I asKed hIm tO gO uP tO thE sKoOL & hE was lyke "nO tHeyre gUnna bEat me uP" bUt I thOuhgT hE was playin. I waNted tO sPenD mOre tIme wIth hIm sIncE I wasnT staYin aFter sKooL. We went inTo the gYm. He left thRu the oTher doOr, aNd wHen JamiL & mE fInaLLy waLked oUtsIde, Sam teLLs mE hE gOt hIs aSs bEat.

+ BiLLy's bItcH aSs hIt hIm on tHe heAd fRoM bEhInd & gOt hiM oNTo thE fLoor aNd EverYthing. He sLapped hIs gLassEs off hIs facE. That cHeaTin mUthAfUcKer... aNd he was abOut tO juSs sTeP oN hIm tiLL I thInk rObErt stOpped it wHen DicKsOn caMe. Billy aLL tHosE oTher pUssys raN off... wtf! aNd tHen DicksOn toOk Rob & Sonny tO thE office. When he caMe bacK oUt, He waS hELLa hEaTed & he gOt hIs sLippers baCk & iOnO wHat haPPened tO hIs gLasseS, bUt hE wOuldnt let DicKsOn waLk hIm oFF caMpUs cUz iT waSnT a faIr fIghT. If Billy's lil pUssY aSs dIdnt hIt hIm frOm bEhInd, aNd sOnny was reaDy, hE wOulda whOoped hIs aSs, cuz he's hella crazy and they noe it to!

+ I waS sO fUkken hEated. PeOpLe was saYin tHe mOst fUkked uP sHit tO mE! waLkin up to me taLkin abOut "yOur maN gOt hIs aSs bEat!" "I bet yOu feeL heLLa bad fOr maKin hIm gO uP hEre, hUh?" I dIdnt gO tO aNy oF my cLassEs aFteR dat. I was jUss tHinkin of hOw mUch tRoUble hE is gOnna gEt in & hOw I scRewed up hIs cHanCe of bEing baCk @ thE fIeLd. Lauren & Liz was lyke "hOw cOuld it be yOur fauLt? dOnt listen tO whAt otHer PeoPle say! They aRent yOu, tHey dont kNow yOu & sOnny... It aInt yUr faUlt if sOMeoNe eLse started a fIghT wIth hIm!" I jUss weNt oUTsIde & cOuLdnt heLp bUt bLamE mysELf. I waS abOut tO cRy & evErytHing, cuz I kNew tHat wasNt waT eVeryoNe eLse waS thInkin... iF I waLked oUt tHe gYm wIth hIm, hE prObly wOuLdnt haVe fOughT him wHen I was tHere... I cOuld haVe jUss dragged him away...5th per I was jUss uP in tHe library thInkin. It seemed like I sat there fOr abOut 2 years watcHin the cLocK tiLL the bEll raNg. I had tO gO tO 6th per sIncE Gish seen mE aLreaDy. I was NOT in thE mOod, I jUss waNted tO gO sTraIt hOme...

+ Im maD @ pUppy tOo, aNd hE sHouLd nOe wHy! He's sPoSed tO bE my bEst frIend... wTf....

SUNDAY, September 21, 2003

+ sittin here eatin hot cheetoes wit Bebe... daym hot cheetoes are hot! lolz. Im sittin here taLkin tO Audrey, Sam, aNd Sonny. Audrey wants tO be in tHis "thingy" sO Im puttin a BIG SHOUT here... AUDREYs THA HOMIE!! WASSUP WIT CHu GURL?! [feelin sPeciaL?] =D hehehe.

+ FinaLLy fIniSheded my marine science project!! I am sOoOo prOud of myseLf!! SCHOOL ONLY STARTED 3 WEEKS AND I ACTUALLY FINISHED AN ASSIGNMENT!!! MY FIRST!!! WHOO HOOO!!! yuPyUp. I aLL painteded it & made it purty... its PIMPED! aNd Its gOnna be the Best oNe! I dOnt caRe if aNyone saYs its crappy... sHiez... yalls bess nOt hate or eLse Ima see yOu oUtside! lolz aytes I g2g caLL Sonny nOw sO peaCe oUt & drOp a fLow! Luv ya bUhbai

=New Song= Dreaming of You- Selena

+ Woke up & kept tryin to go back 2 sleep...hhmm... wat else?? I gOt heLLa hw! aNd a pRoJeCt dUe! bEss gEt sTarted! Ima bIt hUnGry tOo! sO yeaH Ima update tHis sHiez laTes! =)

SATURDAY 09/20/03

+ ScHoOL waS bOrIng, aNd we tOoK a teSt! tOok tHe bUs tO Evey's hOuse afterwaRds. I was oN fOr aLmOsT 2 hOurS!!! wE waTcHed FinaL DEstInaTiOn 2... heLLa sKurrry!!!! u cAn cOunt on us tO scReaM! aNd tHen Bringing Down The hOusE. Ate fOod & sHieZ. fInaLLy it was stArtin tO gEt daRk lyke 7 and tHen we waLked dOwn tO Viet Wah tO gEt fOrms... yeaH wE mEssed up... lolz...

+ We saW ppl shOplifting!! It was 2 guys... thIs bLacK dudE & tHis aSiaN dUde rUn oUt tHe stOre grIppa fasT aNd ppl cHasing theM aCross thE parKing lOt & thEn tHey raN cRoss tHe sTreet tO BasKin RoBins! It was kInda daRk sO wE cOuldnt see wHat haPPened tO tHem afTer daT. bUh yeaH. Dad caMe. DrOve Evey hOme & drOve me hOme. ParEnts trIppin of cOursE.

+ TaLked tO Evey a LitO bIt. She tOld me sOnny & PhiLLip was taLkin tO heR & sOnny tOld her tHat laSt nIte wHen tHe 3 caMe, I gavE hIm a sad pUppy dOg look aNd sO He sTayed! wAh?!? wHy Is every1 saYin stuff lyke dat lately?? IngrId.. MicHael... Jamil.. and tHen sOnny! aLL said that I be haVin scared or sad or wOrried looks on my face! =/ hhhmm....?? bUh heY he sUppoSed tO waIt wIth me aNywaY tIll mY bUs caMe fIrst!! He waS tHe oNe wHo waNted tO staY baCk wiT me aNywaIse... ;p

FRIDAY 09/19/03

+ Today was actually pretty fUn. 6th per went bY exTra fast. CoRy caMe uP tO me & tOLd me that my mOm caLLed him aNd asked fOr sOnny. I was heLLa sUrprised... what dId sHe want fROm sOnny & hOw dId shE get cOry's #?? aNd sHE nOes SonNy's #! maN sHe nEeds tO stOp trIppiN & gEttin intO my bUsiness.

+ WeNt tO the TLC bUh I didnt see my Baby tHere. MaRcUs went hOme sO we decided to go with Tina. Tina was fInisHed wit vOlleybaLL sO thEn I caLLed him. He caMe back dOwn tO the TLC... aNd we mIssed the 3 lyke 2 times... bUt yeah wE wenT tO Meridian & watcHed Dickie Roberts. OMG Evey & me were lyke "Im never going to the movies with this guy again!" He tried to get us kicked out...

+ He was walkin up tO ppl & taLkin tO thEm & sHiez! lolz! There was this one old white guy readin the newspaper & sonny walked up & was lyke "hello!" and the guy was scared & he all jumped & snatched his newspaper! aNd then he started to taLk to tHese grOuP of white bOys that wEre plaNning to watcH UnderwOrLd bUt they cHanged there mind or sumthing & gave sOnny 2 tickets. bUt we didnt use em of course. aNd theN hE taLked to tHese grOup of aSiaNs, aNd they was bOut tO waTch Dickie Roberts too! sO he was lyke "aytes tHen I'll see yOu in there later then!" lolz. One of the gUrLs looked faMiliar... sHe gOes to my cHinese sKooL & was oNe of Luan's friends that keePs sayin hi to us, bUt CoLL & mE have nO cLue wat their naMEs are... I thInk it was Megan??

+ weNt insIde the tHeatre. Amy & this guy [her bf?] was there! I was lyke "Hi Amy!" aNd sOnny was lyke "Hi AMY!!" I was lyke "shut up!" lolz. TheN he started messin wit the sTuff on the waLL thats suPpoSed tO be aRt! Tina was givin hiM Ideas... sHe was lyke "mOve it tO the sIde! The oNe nExt tO it!" aNd sO I haD to pull him away... hahhaa... Tina & Evey wOuldnt sIt near us! bUt tHen a the gRoUp of aSiaNs caMe in aNd sOme mOre caMe & sHe was lyke "daNg! ThaTs hella sKurry to bE sEeing sO maNy asIans tOgeTher!" faHreaLz tHo... I haVent sEen tHat maNy sInce MerCer! sOnny was lyke "Hey eVerybOdY! dOnt sIt neaR eacH otHer! sPread oUt!" lolz we fInaLLy mOved tO thE baCk cLosEr tO Evey & Tina.

+ then gUess wHo caMe in?? Terrell & WinstOn! We was aLL lyke "oooohhh....." wHen we saw eaCh otHer. They was eaCh wIth a gurL, aNd sOnny was lyke "hey TerreLL! Is that yur GF? Or ONE Of TheM??" They swItcHed sEats wIth tHis wHite guy & hIs litO daUghTer & sOn tO sit in the rOw in fRont of us. oNce in a wHiLe sOnny tHrew poPcOrn @ em unTiL I tOld him tO stOp... hehehe... tHe mOvIe was hELLa fUnny... aNd yeaH of cOurSe I scReaMed at the taraNtULa parT... aNd eveRyOne laffed... bUt hey! sOnny wHo haD the nErve tO taLk! He was aLL grabbin on tighter tO me! lolz! Hunny yOu are sO gHetto sOmetImes... bUt thaTs wHat I Love abOut yOu!

+ FinaLLy wE left. Tina & Evey left us sO we waLked tO thE bUstOp @ BenarOya HaLL. There was this gUy wHo heLd up a sIgn tHat saId "BrOKE aS FuCK... please help" lolz! I sat on the mEtaL tHingy & sOnny kePt trYin tO pUsh me baCk & caTch me... tHe gUy nExt tO us waS aLL inTeResTed uP in oUr cOnvO! lolz. The 3 caMe & sO I was lyke "bYe" aNd gaVe hiM a hUg & hE looked aT me & saId that hE haD tO maKe sUre I weNt hOme fIrst... yEah tHen the 36 caMe... gOt oN... aNd wHen I left wE was taLkin tO the gUy neXt tO us... hOw dId I nOe?! lolz. thEy was taLkin abOut tHe "Broke aS fUcK" sIgn.

+ Got off the bUs fInaLLy & wHen I was waItin tO crOss, tHis dude stOpped 4 me & tHen he was tryin to taLk to me & he said sUmtHin... I was lyke wah?? I cOuLdnt reaLLy heaR him... plus it was gettin dark & I was in a hUrry tO gEt hOme sO yeaH. My aUntIe was oVer, aNd my mOm was taLkin on the fOne sO I was lucKy I gOt off tHe hOok! wOot wOoT!

THURSDAY, September 18, 2003

+ Didnt stay after sKOoL todaY. It waS aYtes cUz tOday wE haD 2-4-6... yUpyUp... jUss fInIsHed my L.A. Pic IntervIew uP in heaLth. LiLo dRew mE a pretty pic! I put it up in my locker. hehehe.

+ My gRaMa J waS lookin sad tOday! We trIed tO cHeer hIm uP... lolz... aNd tHen wHen we were staNding on the sIdewaLk I aLmOst feLL oVer bacKwaRd in sLow mOtIoN!!! lOlz I was tOo JuMpy & hYper... aNd then tHey was maKin fUn of hOw I waS scReaMing & waVing my haNds... lOlz

WEDNESDAY, September 17, 2003

+ TodaY waS pUrty fUn... sKoOL was bOring... aNd daYmmit I was jUss a teeny bIt late tO 5th... agaIn... aLL cUz of MarCUs's faUlt! stOpping mE in the haLLway tO ask fOr mOney! wHat dO I look lyke having money on me?! aNd wHat wOuLd I look lyke gIvin it tO hIm?? hE's fUnnie!

+ After skOoL wEnt tO PhiLLips crIb. It waS PhILLip, SoNny, MicHaeL, CuRtis, BerLin, TIna, Evey, [fOrgOt his naMe] aNd Me. lolz It waS pRetty fUn. We aLL swIsHed intO thE cOucH & foUght tO fIt in. aNd we haD aN Ice fIght tOo. ThEn tHey aLL lefT xCePt fOr MicHaeL & we waS jUss taLkin bOut wHat wE did ovEr thE sUmmer... eSpecIaLLy PhiLLip! lolz j/k

+ Got hOme arOund a gOod 7:40! aNd yaH... waT eLse.... Im tIred... mOm trIppin... peaCe!

TUESDAY, September 16, 2003

+ Suzanne & Jan juss left. Those guys raided my kitchen! EsPecIally SuZanne jUss grUbbin & grUbbin! Jan taKes fOrever tO eaT her fOod... hahaha... yeaH yOu nOe hoW its gOnna be next tIme we gO tO Jan's hOuse... easy as takin candy from a baby! =D

+ sKooL was sO bOrIng! yeaH Last nIte taLked tO sOnny. *sNeezE* He wasnt thurr after sKooL cUz he onLee stayed a lil & there was nOboDy in the gYm [we was in the TLC of the other side] sO he jUss left cUz he's sick too. He tHrew uP bLood @ sKooL! <=0 pOoR baybeh! Evey wasNt feeLin gOOd tO. NeIther was I... aLL I did was taKe naPs yestErday. *cOugH*

+ TodaY @ LuNch, Evey, Liz & Me went tO gO vIsIt hIm cUz evEryOne eLse waNted tO gO tO MagIC DragOn. And yeaH of cOurSe wE was Late fOr 5th per. daYm I havE 6 tArdies! >=p I waLked in & thEy was aLL lyke "Ohh... sHe's aLways late..." wat-evverrr!! lolz. aNd yeaH I was Late tO 6th periOd too... daym shit... Jamil's bag is kiLLen me! It taKes me fOrevEr tO geT my sHiez oUt my locKer! lolz! aNd it taKes him fOrevEr x2 to pUt the baG in & take it oUt!

+ We had to bring a picture that means sumthing specIaL to us in 6th per. I fOrgOt mines again, knOwing me! aNd yeah bUh yOu nOe I was prepared w/out knOein it! I gOt pics on my bIndEr! Evey didnt have oNe either. sO I pOinted to the Lil stIcky pIc of Jamil, Jerryl, me & her and said "Use that one" and sHe was lyke "Aint nUtin sPecIal abOut that pIc!" sO I was lyke *gasP* >=0 "xcePt my bEss frEn & hEr ex, aNd my otHer bess fRieNd's ex" ;p daT loosEr! sO then sHe used tHe pic of mE & sOnny, aNd I used Sonny & MarcuS's gay pic on my binder... lolz.... hehehee..

+ hhmm... *cough* ... gotta stock up on cough drops tomoroe... =( I miss yOu baby! and Im taLking to yOu ryte now on AIM too... hehehe.... I gUess thaTs aLL tO add! *mUahs* byezerz!

MONDAY, September 15, 2003

=New Song= Angel of Mine- Monica

+ Hella tired! Juss got home from skool. Berlin gave me & Evey a ride home. Tina, Berlin, Liz, Kyra, & Charly stayed after. and guess who I didnt see?? yeah sOnny! bootyhead made me stay after!! aNd Im sick too...*cough* Im sO glad to get home & eat & Ima sleep later... *cough*

+ Bri spent the weekend @ Evelyn's... she was lyke "Hows Angela & Jerryl?" and Evey was lyke "They broke up" "gasp... is it cuz of me?" "naw..." "blahblha...[told her]" "but I still feel bad tho..." and then sHe told her I went out wit SoNny... lolz. she was lyke "she stole him from you!!" lolz... typical Bri! I kNew sHe wOuld say sUm lyke that. I miss that gUrl! We gOtta gO kIck it together again... tha mOvies wit MarcUs... lolz!

SUNDAY 09/14/03

+ WoKe up early this mOrnIn @ like 8 & tried to gO bacK tO sLeep... wOke uP... sLept...wOke up sLept... until 9 I started to cLean the house, do the laundry, wash the dishes... cUz my mOm wOuLdnt let me gO today & Sonny called me ryte then & said he cOuldnt gO either sO yeah. w/e it doesnt matter we can go whenever next time, as long as I get to see him & I'm with him!

+ TaLked tO Jamil. nObody was hOme! Evelyn... Berlin.... Jerryl....Marcus had to take care his business outside.... ;p Went online... lolz hahaha....

Sonny PimPin 05: i luv u like a fat kid luvs cake u know my style ill say anything 2 make u smile
clumsyhunnybunny: i love you like elmos loves his crayons & goldfish!

SATURDAY, September 13, 2003

+ *sNiffLes*.... ehh-ChOo! yUpyUp Im sIck! wEnt tO sKoOl tHis mOrNin. It was bOring. Only Kaniea & Bryan wErE tHere... I swEar tHat was tHe LoNgest knOwn cLass sO faR... aNd wiTh thA maTh lady... aLwaIse pIcKin oN me! aNd I swEar sHe FavOrs Bryan! >=[

+ We was taLkin, aNd preteNdIn tO tYpe sHiez intO the caLculator, bUh we was reaLLy taLkin tO eaCh otHer on the caLcUlator baCk aNd fOrth! lolz. Then shE was lyke "bRyan, yOu seem tO knOw wat yOure dOing" aNd he wasnt payin attention sO he was lyke "yeah.." and so she was lyke "y dont u come show us on the board then?" anD he was lyke "wat? hUh? oh.. uhhm... nvm I dont noe.." lolz! sHe made him go and try to do it anyway!

+ Well Im nOt goin today... Im sick... and its good weather outside too! well we'll gO tomoRoe... hhmm...

Sonny PimPin 05: lets runaway tom
clumsyhunnybunny: lets!!
clumsyhunnybunny: to where?
Sonny PimPin 05: and never come back
Sonny PimPin 05: 2 let me think
Sonny PimPin 05: ummm
clumsyhunnybunny: hahaha
Sonny PimPin 05: ummm
Sonny PimPin 05: some hotel or on the road i can take one of my parents cars
clumsyhunnybunny: oooohhhh....
clumsyhunnybunny: hahhaa
clumsyhunnybunny: ok!!! lets do it!!!
clumsyhunnybunny: will we live??

lolz... weLL thaT dOofUs left sO Ima bOunce & fIniSh dOin sHiez arOund the hOuse... [daym I havent used that wOrd fOrever! DOOFUS!] Ima use it mOre nOw that it's DANDY... ryte Marcus?? pAyCe!

Posted by stars4/swt_tangerine at 6:05 PM YDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 September 2003 6:11 PM YDT
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FRIDAY, September 12, 2003

=Bumpin= Like It- Beyonce ft. Jay-z

+ tOday was pretty alrytes. I finally went tO my WH cLass... taLk abOut pretty bOring & empTy. IoNo aNyoNe thEre exCePt Jessica. bUt the teaCher sEeMs pretty dumb *ahEm* I mean easy.. sO its aLL koO.

+ Stayed after sKooL today... nOt on pUrpOse, cuZ I been the wHoLe weeK & I wanna gO kicK it over the weekeNd. bUh yeaH sInce I cOuldnt fInd the dayM bUs I was lyke fOrget it, sOnnys bOusta be uP here later aNywaise sO yeaH. cHilled a mIn wit Charly, Liz, Berlin & Kyra. Then me & Liz & BerLin ended uP gOin to the TLC. PhIllip, Michael B, Curtis, LeRoy, & hella otha ppl there... even Mel.. gross... LeRoy tried to get Mel to go over to us...

+ Went oUt tO aLder jUss in tIme wHen Kyra's mOm drOpped heR off. CharLy & me went bacK tO the TLC & we saW sOnny thUrr. LOLz... we left & saw Tina oUtsIde & met uP wit them rest on ALder. bUt by the time we got back, sOnny was gOne! so Liz & Me & Tina & BerLin was bOusta hEad hOme tiLL we saw eM gUys dowN cHerry & weNt thErr.

+ Went into the caNdy sToRe & TIna was lyke "Hey gO with hIm & get sOme canDy!" aNd sO I weNt in & He was gettin sOme caNdy 4 DomIniqUe & I was lyke "Wheres mInes?" anD he was lyke "yOu want sOme? wHich oNe?" aNd sO yeah gOt sOme yUmmy gUmmies. lolz they were surprised when we went back outside & they was lyke "he got it fOr yOu?" hehehe. sO we ate caNdy & waLked bacK tO tHe hOuse. [I meaN ran sInce Tina & Berlin was attackin him... haha...] DomIniqUe caMe oUt & taLked tO us awHile. Then sHe was lyke "Sonny wHeres yOur candy?" aNd He didnt saY nOthing sO she asked him again & then he was LyKe "I diDnt waNt anY" ;p aawww... hehehe...

+ aNd thEn sHe saId sOme oTher stUff... Liz saId I sHouLd asK arOund fIrst, aNd if I dOnt get aNy aNswers I sHoUld juss ask sOnny. haha. FirST TarGET: MARCUS. YeaH yOU nOE hE nOes sOMETHING. if that anorexic tOothpIck dOesnt sPiLL Ima havfta breaK hIm in haLf!! Uh Oh gettin a lil raVenOus heRe... lolz... weLL w/e if he wOnt teLL me I aInt trIppin cUz it aInt that bIg of a deaL unLess He stILL messIn wiT her.

+ Saw Uniqua on the bUs & taLked tO her. gOt hOme. Sonny & me mite gO tO watcH Dickie Roberts toMorOw. I dOubT it, bUt Ima try tO gO. Im nOt sHure if Evey is stILL on resTrIctIoN... if sHe aInt MarCus & her wOuLd prObly waNNa cOme tOo. ioNo bUh Ima bOuncE... here cOmes my hUn! ;p

THURSDAY, September 11, 2003

+ yUp yOu nOe it was pOurIng tOday tOo! It was Pic day tOo... maN sHiT I bet yOu anYthin my pIc turned oUt uglee... I was sMiling my fake sMile & maN I wasNt even readY & sHe tOok it and was lyke oK!!! yeaH cHarLy braIded my haIr... fInisHed jUss iN tYme! I was late bUh its kOo. 2 tImes tOday... In frencH tOo. wE startEd tO watcH Harry Potter in French! sO I juss weNt tO the "b-rOoM"

+ sHit mOm trIppin.. peace!

WEDNESDAY, September 10, 2003

+ Man It was raInin tOdaY! nOt fUn rUnnIn arOund & jUmpin in a LoNg sKirt & cHucKs! theY gOt aLL messed up! ;p oH weLLz. yeaH weLL I had tO rUn arOund & miss the gOdaYm bUs fOr nOtHang! EveLyn taLkin bOut hOw I had tO get my scHedUle signEd... thaT lil pIece of cRap diDnt need nO sIgnIng!!!! aNd I weNt tO my old class tOday so basicaLLy I was marKed abSenT!

+ daYm tHen then otHer day sOnny cOuLdnt wait fOr me tO fInisH cHangIn my scHedUle sO I stILL havEnt seen hIm yet! I missed the bUs tOday lyke I was saYin & sO mai mOm was triPPin cUz I had a dentIst app. I sat my ass there waitin hella & shIt! anD we gOt thErr an hOur eaRly! I shOuld be trippin! nOt her!

+ haveNt taLked tO anyoNe yet.. sO bOrIng... only Evey... aNd Jamil caLLed bUh Im onLine ryte nOw & my mOm isH bOusta maKe me gEt off & gO to sLeep.. sO Ima bOuncE!

Posted by stars4/swt_tangerine at 6:02 PM YDT
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Tuesday, 9 September 2003

TUESDAY, September 09, 2003

+ ooohh look aNgie T is baCk! wOoT wOoT! I haVent been On in a few. TodaY wAs aytes... staYed afTer skooL w/ Evey, Tina, Rachel, Jess, Mill, Anand, Liz. Charly & Berlin was over @ the annex braIdin haIr. She's dOin mInes tOmOrOw, sIncE Pic daY is oN ThUrsdaY! ToMorOw, Berlin & Evey & me arE bOusta be wearIn lOng sKirts & oUr cHucks. Lilo mite wear her long skirt too.

+ Dang I am tOrn! Its prObly still hangIn OvEr frOm last nIte! I weNt oUt wit mY mOm & sis tO gO tO WaLmArt tO gEt cOmPosItiOn bOoKs [stUpid AP EURO] I saW ShacOnda, CindY, aNd DenNis! dang havEnt sEen sIncE grippa long! yUp I gOt AIM to KIT & sO yeaH waIt letmme gO aDD it...

+ sO aNywaIse, tHen my mOm gOt sUm shIez fOr heR friend's baby! sHe gOt it a CareBear basket... MaN I wanted it! bUt sHe gOt me tHe Chingy & Mary J Blige CD sO I aint trippin. Its sOo cUte wHen it sMiles! I meaN HE. [haha I remember last summer I kept callin my lil niece "IT"] He's bOusta be a lil pimP wHen he grOws uP!

+ Well theY wEre out wHen we gOt thEre [their nEw hOuse] sO we called em up & they was aLL the waY oN the oTher sIde of earth! daymmit... we sat thEre waItin a gOod oL 40 mins! sO I caLLed uP Evey. aNd of cOurse I tOld her hOw I was stUck tHere freezin wEarin sHorts & a T-sHirt in the middle of the nite! nO dOubT sHe caLLed me wHen I was oUt... aNd sOnny dId tOo... [wIth MarcUs]

+ GoT hOme & caLLed my hUn bacK! yUpyUp. He weNt tO G-field today tOo. aNd dIdnt bOtHer tO wait oUtside wHile I was cHanGin my sChedUle!! ;p [I gOt outta AP EURO, bUt I gOt MIz THOMPSON fOr WH1&2!!! sHiet... gOtta repeat this dUmb sHiet!!... aNd wIth hEr!] oH weLLz. hOpefUlly sHe dOnt add anOthEr bad thIng on my list... [Last year talkIn abOut: Messing around with hun, Runnin & Screaming LouDly in the hallways, stealing, Gettin Suspended, and Graffiti!] fukk nO!! I was hella heated with her fat ass listing out all that shiez!

+ wAtevErz Ima rOLL oUt... gOt HW to dO & ppl to taLk tO! byezErz! =)

SUNDAY, September 07, 2003

+ Woke uP earLy dIs mOrnIn arOund 9 cUz I haD a bAd dReaM & yeaH. TrYed caLLin Jamil & Jerryl arOund 10/11.... gEE... sTiLL sleepin! Jamil calls me back & taLk tO hIm fOr aWhILe. Get off. Talked to Marcus fOr a LiL. Then I talked tO Jerryl awHile.

+ aAahHhHh.... my head hUrts... I haVe aLL thIs sTuff tO dO & tHinK & fUkk I juss wanNa sLeep iT off & waKe uP & havE eVerytHIng jUss rYte! =/

+ hmm... Im freezIng up in my tanK & shOrts... waT sHouLd I weaR tOmOroW? It's all cOld... LoOks aS if abOut tO RaIn... daymit I have to go talk to Evey... peace out!

SATURDAY, September 06, 2003

+ Today was bOring bUt fUn... we did sOme wOrksHeets in cLass... then we took the ACT test. I started to drift off & daydream in the 2nd section, and when I looked @ the clock it said 5 mins left & I was lyke UH-OH and randoMly filled out everything. Then ryte b4 I was about to do tha last section, Kaneia told me that it was the EXACT same thing as the woRksheet we juss did! I was lyke are yOu serious?? LOLZ! sO we aLL jUss enDed uP cOpyin that...

+ SAT was next & while we were takin it, Bryan, Kaneia, Khalia, aNd Aliah started to giggle & I was lyke "wahs gOin on??" and Kaneia told me to turn to the back & so I did... GEE guEss wat I saW? ALL THE ANSWERS!!! AHAHAHHAA... I swear tHey tHinK we mUst bE tHAt sTuPid nOt tO knOw... lolz... sO yeaH tHas wAt we dId nO dOubT!

+ THen ppl outside the windOw stArted cHeeRing & screaMing. sOmeoNe said It was the fIrst fOOtbaLL gaMe & tHen ALL THE GUYS TURNED AROUND REAL QUICK! haha... guys & football.... Aliah & Me went to tHe wIndoW & stArted cHeerinG w/ eM peePs & tHen Priya tUrned arOund & tOLd Aliah to be qUiet cUz they were taKin a test. Aliah gOes "ExcUse mE, bUt yOu cOuLda asKed in a nIcE way. dONT taLK TO ME LYKe YOuER tALKin tO A KID" oooohhh... sHe tOld hEr! hehehe...

+ We waS passIn nOtes iN cLass & Aliah tOld me hOw "Bryan thouGht I was haila pretty". I was lyke "hahhaha... fOrrealz??" aNd she was lyke "YeaH he tOld me lasT week he tHougHt yOu weRe sExy & thaT hE lyked gUrls wHo looked lyke yOu" & sUm otHer sTuff.... gURLS wHO LOOK LYKE ME?? wAh dat mean? nObOdy look lyke mE..?? ok weLL maYbe nOt. hahaha.

+ Dad caMe tO picK me uP. Went tO 99 Ranch sUpermarket & I caLLed MarcUs & Evey & Jamil & they was aLL oUt! sO I talked tO Jerryl a bIt bUt he kept breaKin uP sO he tOld me tO call hIm wHen I gOt hOme... oohh yeaaahhh... haha I'll gO caLL him wHen I gEt off! ;p

+ Oh look! Sonny IMed me fOr the fIrst time! hahaha... he fInally gOt AIM... aNd is gettin tO nOe hOw use it.... lolz! wOoT wOoT..

Sonny PimPin 05: hi babe
clumsyhunnybunny: hiye hun
clumsyhunnybunny: hehhehe
clumsyhunnybunny: wat chu doin
Sonny PimPin 05: wat u doin
Sonny PimPin 05: nothin
clumsyhunnybunny: nuthin
clumsyhunnybunny: i was about to call u earlier
clumsyhunnybunny: haha
Sonny PimPin 05: yeah ive been online all day
clumsyhunnybunny: hahah figurin how to use it!
Sonny PimPin 05: no i know how to use it curtis taught me how hahahaha
clumsyhunnybunny: yeah i noe u told me yesterday
clumsyhunnybunny: hehe
Sonny PimPin 05: hey were are the kids
clumsyhunnybunny: iono i thought you had them!
clumsyhunnybunny: they must be hiding in the laundrey cabinet again....
clumsyhunnybunny: daym kids
clumsyhunnybunny: hahaha
Sonny PimPin 05: no u had them for the weekend member
clumsyhunnybunny: no theyre sneaky.... they snuck out last night
Sonny PimPin 05: like there mom u are sneaky
Sonny PimPin 05: illbe back gonna get food
clumsyhunnybunny: okey dokes hehe
Sonny PimPin 05: im back
clumsyhunnybunny: yay sonnys back!
clumsyhunnybunny: wat u doin now?
Sonny PimPin 05: eatin
clumsyhunnybunny: wat you eatin?
Sonny PimPin 05: burritos
clumsyhunnybunny: oohhh
Sonny PimPin 05: there good mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
clumsyhunnybunny: juss lyke yOu!!
clumsyhunnybunny: scrumptious!
clumsyhunnybunny: haha
clumsyhunnybunny: j/k
Sonny PimPin 05: thank u babyyyyy your mmmmmmm gooooooood
clumsyhunnybunny: hehehe
clumsyhunnybunny: who's all on your list?
Sonny PimPin 05: whole bunch of juniors and seniors
clumsyhunnybunny: oohh
Sonny PimPin 05: and some freshman and sophmore
clumsyhunnybunny: you want Lauren & Jamil's SN?
clumsyhunnybunny: but they are away ryte now
clumsyhunnybunny: HEY!!!
clumsyhunnybunny: WHERE ARE YOU??
Sonny PimPin 05: HEY

Sonny PimPin 05: HERE
clumsyhunnybunny: y arent you talking then??
clumsyhunnybunny: oohh icic
clumsyhunnybunny: anywaise Jamil's sn is VersatileSMFE.... Lauren is XxyOuNgEsTpNaYxX... Jerryl is Off That Wet J....
clumsyhunnybunny: iono wat do u wanna do?
Sonny PimPin 05: MAKE OUT WIT U
clumsyhunnybunny: haha
Sonny PimPin 05: DONT U WANT 2
clumsyhunnybunny: sure
clumsyhunnybunny: wat??
clumsyhunnybunny: FINE THEN!
clumsyhunnybunny: >:o
Sonny PimPin 05: FINE BYE
clumsyhunnybunny: BE THAT WAY THEN
Sonny PimPin 05: NO U BE THAT WAY THEN
clumsyhunnybunny: YOURE MEAN
Sonny PimPin 05: YES HOLLA
clumsyhunnybunny: lolz
clumsyhunnybunny: tallkkk
clumsyhunnybunny: hey bootyhead
clumsyhunnybunny: haha I'll try
clumsyhunnybunny: call me later
clumsyhunnybunny: okey dokes ask me on the fone then
Sonny PimPin 05: ALRIGHT
clumsyhunnybunny: ayte ttyl luv ya buhbai
Sonny PimPin 05: BYE BABE

+ I'll bet yOu anYthIng he's gOnn asK me sUmtHin I aLready nOe! hhmm... wat else? daNg maI mOm is trippin fOr me tO gEt off @ 5 to dO that shitty HW, sO I gOtta get off & call Jerryl nOw! buhBaI!

FRIDAY, September 05, 2003

SECOND DAY! 090503

+ DayM this mOrnIn was crazY! sTarted off oN the wrOng fOot! The bUs driver drOve us pasT cHinatOwn! we was lyke where are you goin??? aNd SheldOn was lyke "Angela wHeres yOur buddy takin us??" [cuz the bus driver was asian] and I was lyke "man shut up" hahhaa & then I was lyke "HEY BUS DRIVER!!! WE GO TO GARFIELD HIGH SCHOOL!!!!" and then hes lyke "ok, ok" and then SheldoN's lyke "its all yur fault!! Lets gO jump Angela!" and Cameron gOes "Yeah Lets beat her up!!!" aNd I was lyke "hey man! I'll beat you up!" and everyone was laffin... TheN we started to gIve hIm instRuctIoNs... "LEFT!! GO LEFT!!" aNd Cameron wOuld be sayin the exact OPPOSITE!!! We was lyke "shut up!" the bus driver was all cOnfused & be stoPpin in the middle of the road & makin sHarp tUrns!!! gO RIGHT!!! NO GO RIGHT!!! hahah it was killen guy! Eisha goes "Hey are yOu gunna drive us hOme this afternoon??" wHen were almost der! He was lyke "I dont nOe" aNd she's lyke "I hOpe yOu dO! cUz I dOnt waNNa gO hOMe!!" LOLZ!

+ Eisha told Challise I said "hi" and shE was lyke "wHo?" "tha one we used to walk with!" "???" "that one.... bitch! mutha fawka! ....[etc]" "which One??" "uuuhh... the WAT-EEVVVEEERRRR onE!!!" and then she remebers!!! LOLZ! WAT-EVVEERRRR!! great thats hOw they remember me! cant fOrget that nOw! ;p

+ Hmm... cLass... bOring! Daym I tOTALLy fLunked aLL the tests we took today! Lyke all of em, ALL of em! Math Test... TOTALLY EMTPY xcept for my name! AP EURO? 7 out of 150pts?? >=( tHats bOoty! daym! aNd Sonny wHo was sPosed tO be brIngIn my wHipped creaM & matcHin me w/ the cHucks dIdnt shOw up eiTher! that fathead! lolz j/k. Buh everyone wOre eM cHucks tOday! Me & my babyblue, Evey w/ her Navy blue, Berlin & her Red! yupyup! PimPin! bUt If I kNew sOnny wasNt gUnn weaR it I wOulda weNt tO sKool lookin lyke WHHOOOAAA! yup wat me wake up & juss gO watever... eNd uP in sKool aLL day lookin rUff! [lyke ryte now w/ my frizzy hair!]

+ Didnt see Jerryl anywhere! I swear guy... sO I went to Floyd & said hi to him, Feyeari & Shamikka! Stayed after skool. Went tO Jess's hOuse. DAym it was sOoOo hOt! The 7 had a power outage & it stayed there for a good ol hour while we sat there! There musta been 10 buses all lined up & posted! HaHaha wE started tO dO HW on the bus! sO ghetto! ;p yah then juss cHilled there... taLk on the fOne & eat. LoLz I weighted 100lbs b4 I ate. Ate chips, Lumpia, Pepperoni & 2 bottles of water! and It says 103 lbs! yeah you noe it was broken... =D

+ nOw Im hOme... TalkIn to Jamil & Haleigh online! aNd bOred! *sigh* daym skool tomorow. This be WAY too much HW for AnGie tO be HaNdLIn! =( aytes den peacE!


+ SchOoL ish crAcKen!! wOoT woOt! buH I dOnt Lyke maI claSseS! dUdE tHey aRe grIppa hArd aNd fUll of wHite ppl! *sigH* aNd I dOnt even wanna begin w/ aLL tHe ppl uP in eM! >=/ ...1st, 3rd, and 5th period Ima trY tO switcH oUt tHe cOldesT! 2, 4, aNd 6 aRe kOo wiT me!

+ Hella freshMans dIs yEar, aNd gOoD looKin oNes tOo! aaww weLL I dOnt bE gOin heaD ovEr heels lyke Jezkah! lolz j/k j/k! =D hehehe... I dIdnt see Jerryl at all the entire day! Buh Sonny came to visit. It was hIs birthday! Tha dumb cluck maDe me, EveY, BerLin, Tina, Liz stay after sKool fOr nOthIn cUz he oNly stayed fOr abOut 10 miNs! >=p bUt I gave him his letter & pIcs. LOlz wHen he gOt tO the oNe w/ mE & hiM hE aLL was lyke *gasP* "hOw cUte!" and walked away lookin at it. Then he came back & looked at the rest. hahahaha!

+ Went hOme... sO hOt! Called Jerryl. taLked awHile.. gOt off. SonNy caLLed, aNd was lyke "hey yOu nOe wHicH pic was the cUtest in the stacK?" "which one?" "the one w/ me & Marcus!" "Yeah I noe!" "sIke! the oNe w/ me & yOu! dOnt yOu thInk thAt oNes cUte?" hahaha dahs wUt everyOnes saYd. He said he was bOusta bring my [birthday present] & wE waS gUnna maTch tomorow w/ oUr baby bLue cHucks!

+ Talked to Evey. lalalalala... Marcus.... Jamil? I forgot.... usualy boRIng rest of the day... went to sleep... err trIed tO... *yawn*

Posted by stars4/swt_tangerine at 6:45 PM YDT
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Wednesday, 3 September 2003
+ Yesterday was fun! Woke up early @ 7:30, took a shower. I went to Evey's house @ almost 9 [saw Ebonee & Austin & Austin's cuz] & then called Grama & Grampa J up. Grama J still wasnt in the shower yet! Finally met up w/ Jerryl @ Gaila's house & yeah of cOurse he wasnt exactly on time again... lolz.. Evey & me juss sat there awhile not lookin @ him & deciding whether we should act like how we acted last time they were late. Jamil finally came on the 7. Then Ebonee, Austin, Austin's cuz, and Uniqua got on! They got off @ Promenade to go to Uniqua's house. We went up to G-field & got my locker & stuff. Saw hella ppl... PamPamz, Tina, Jade, Kierra, Audrey, LayLay, Whitney, Chapell, Big Booty Hoe, Phillip, Michael B...etc. =) Then we saw no other than Ebonee, 1 cent & em peeps again...

+ Went to Liz's house & chilled ther awhile. Jamil & Jerryl juss sat outside. Then they kicked me out too! but they let me back in. Liz & Jesse went w/ us back to G-field to get their shiez.

+ Tina, Liz, Evey & me walked to Promenade to the Beauty Store. Jesse, Chapell, Jerryl, Jamil was left behind cuz they walked hella slow & shiez and by the time they turned the corner we was all the way down the block so they didnt follow! We thought they was followin us so we waited up there for them! Tina & Liz went to Red Apple to get some food to eat. [JoJo's! hehe yumyum! thanxie Liz]

+ Went to look for em guys... inside Hollywood video... Walgreens... wasnt there! so we walked back... and they was standin @ the corner so we was lyke "dont look @ em, ignore & juss walk past" and so yeah they was lyke "awww..." Chilled @ the front. Then we went back to look for em & they wasnt there. Found em again later in the front. Jesse left to go back home. We went upstairs & messed around w/ stuff.

+ Jamil found an umbrella & I tried to grab it from him & then juss he gave it to me so I left it on the floor & Jerryl picked it up & threw it down the stairs! Tina & Evey was down ther sayin HI to MRS. LEE and so the ppl thought it was them cuz they heard their voices. We ran off, and then slowed down... Tina & Evelyn told us it almost hit a baby!! It coulda killed the baby!! >=0 Walked and then there was a loud BANG & I turned around...Jerryl knocked over a garbage can! We took off again & the teachers came out. We kept runnin except for Liz & Chapell & Jamil they was the last ones. ;p daym Jerryl juss HAD to!

+ Liz & Jerryl went home so we went DT w/ Tina, Jamil & Evey. It was hella hot on the bus! Saw Juanita & her friend Andrew. Went back to Evey's house & then she braided my hair. Mom came to pick me up & went to Safeway. It was soo skurry there!

+ There was all these old dudes & they was all starin @ me! Then wen my mom & sis went to shop around & I was standin there w/ the cart, these 2 old mexican dudes was all up in mah grill! I was lyke daymm & tried not to look @ em. He was lyke "hi" and I juss ignored em! I was lyke MOM LETS GO! Then I saw Andrew B! It took me awhile to remeber his name buh I knew his face. Then when the 2 mexican dudes was payin 4 ther stuff & I tried to hide behind the stack of pops... I was lyke hhmm... mom I want this... lolz. And then we finally went home.

TUESDAY, September 02, 2003 12:04 AM

+ Hey well its 11:55 already.. and im still @ Yishi's house! daym I was sposed to be home AWHILE ago... lolz.... and considerin that we live across the street from each other.... hehehhee....

+ I spent the last 2 days @ Vivian's house. We had dinner. Sleptover. The next day we went to drop my sister off to skool. BUT there was NOBODY there! and by the time she tried to go in the classroom & found it closed (labor day probly) we was gone! so she waited there for about an hour or so... during that time, Vivian, mai auntie & me went to eat. Went shopping for some misellanoius things. hahaha iono how to spell so w/e!

+ Pick up Bebe & went back to Vivi's. Called Nhi Jea Jea & went to pick her up to go to SC. Shopped around. didnt see anyone. went back to drop Nhi Jea Jea off cuz she had to meet up some frens.

+ Went DT. no one there either. went to this new Safeway there... it was hella nice! with its own underground parking lot & glass elevator & everything! got HELLA grocery. and 8 BOXES of pop!!! i was like DDAAYYMMM!!! and went back to the crib.

+ Had pizza & other food for dinner. yumyum! went home... next mornin talked to Belina for about 2 hours almost & then talked to Shishi. she was about to go shopping. and I needed to use her comp to type up sum shiet!

+ Jamil & his frien decieded to drop a surprise visit! I opened the door & stared at him for like 1 hour and then I was lyke "wwat are yOOUU guys doing HHEERREE???" lolz! and yeah we was talkin awhile. and then they left.

+ Talked to Jerryl for about 5 seconds!!! asked me when im goin up to g-field. i said tomorow @ around 9/9:30 and then Jamil mite give us a ride. He asked to get a ride from him too. Talked to Evey. told her

+ Then went to ShiShi's house around 10:00 & talked to Jamil... he said he mite not be able to go! i was lyke well suck up to her then... lolz... dats wat everyone be doin! and yeah its 12:09 AM and IM STILL over at Shishi's house... lolz shes sittin herr watchin me type & gettin annoyed... lol I can tell she's tryin to kick me out..... hahahha... okey dokes ima leave it at this! peace.

SATURDAY, August 30, 2003 11:08 PM

+ yAy dEres nO skOOl tOday! =D hehehe. bUh I didnt remEmburr uNtil last mIn sO I wOke uP early @ 8:00 aNd gOt dressed fOr nOthIng! weLL Im nOt dOin aNythIng tOday I guess... Ima try & see if aNyoNe caN gO anywHere... if nOt I gUess I'll jUss gO cHiLL @ SusHi's, or Dee & FeFe's crIb....

+ TaLked tO MarcUs tHis mOrnIn... lolz hIs frIend David waS sPeNdin tHe niTe, aNd he trIed tO taLk to me oN the fOne xcEpt I gOt aLL qUiet untIL he gave back the fOne the Marcus. hehehe. I was lyke "That sOunded lyke yur sIster..." aNd he was lyke "No that was David!" haha... oops mai bad! I said "How old is he?" aNd MarcUs said "yOur age" "wHicH is hOw old??" aNd he says "uh... hOw old are yOu?" aNd I said "Im 26! Is HE 26??" lolz... aNd then he was lyke "My friend said yOu sOund bOmb on the fOne" & sO I said "uuhh... okay. w/e.... yOu tHinK Im stuPid?" "forrealz he said that! aNd he says yur quiet" weLL dUrr! Iono him and plus I wasnt reallie payin attention. [tOo bUsy watChin TV]

+ I was watcHin The Nick CannOn ShOw & he was clownin on my hUsband!!! sO we was arUgin fOr awHile. Went tO sleep arOund 2.

+ YeaH aNd I see hOw nObodY caN caLL anYoNe baCk....*aHem*Sonny*looser*Jerryl*cOugh* hehehehe j/k! ......aaahhhh Im sO bOred! wHo's awake @ 11:09am dat I havent trIed caLLing yEt??? =/ Ima sIt hEre dyin oF bOredeM! I'd rathEr gO tO skooL rYte nOw! @ LeaSt I'll havE Aaliah, Khaliah, Bryan, Kaneia, oR KrystaL!

+ I gUess I sHoULd trY ViLLage whOre oR mILL nOw... evEn tHO I dOubt thaT cHica wIll be awaKe yet! unLess RicHie or JoE gavE hEr a vIsIt... lolz j/p wit cHu! aYte deN paYce.

FRIDAY, August 29, 2003 6:32 PM

+ aahhh... iTs sOo hOt! hhmm... I havent taLked tO anyoNe yEt... waIt I taLked tO Evey tHis mOrnIn... hEhEhE... yeaH aNd sOnnY & maRcUs prObly had fUn taLkin tO JaNeLLe oR w/e cUz they didnt caLL us bacK! ;p

+ TaLkIn tO gRanny Via... havEnt taLked tO hEr in fOrevErs... aNd I jUss hIt uP maI aTeH Rae Rae, bUh tHat cHica dIdnt aNsweR yeT!

+ aYte maI mOma is maKin mE gEt oFF... maN sHe been using the fOne aLL day!! aNiwaisE gUess wat?? TROY called me! *gasp* surprise surprise! BUT too bad I wasnt hOme! He hasnt called me all summer, and geez now he calls me out of the blue. nO I didnt call him back, aNd I swear if he says sOmethIn lyke "Since yOu & Jerryl dont gO out anymOre.... wassUp wit me & yOu.... bLah bLah" Evey, yOu nOe! bUh he prObly didnt even nOe sO I gUess he waNted tO invIte me ovEr tO ALEX'S hOUSe... psh like I actually wanna GO, the last time I was invited! ayte g2g. bUhbaIzeRs

THURSDAY, August 28, 2003

+ Well here I aM aGaIn! mY mOm jUss gOt hOme... yUp shes dOin alryte bUh tHe scrapes & bruises are naSty!

+ Talkin tO BerLin & JeSs ryte nOws. aNd eatIn StRaWbErry MeLOn ice cReaM... yUmmy yUm yUm in the tUmmy tUm tUm! lolz.... mmmhhmmm.... my secOnd oNe!

+ daym Im bOred. hhmm... nO onE is hOme! Jamil's out... Evey's out... Jerryl's out! =/ Ima trY sOnny & marcUs latEr maybe!

+ Berlin you havin fUn readIn thIs?? hahaha... iOnO wat tO saY! sO Ima hOp bOinG bOuncE! ;p

Posted by stars4/swt_tangerine at 5:55 PM YDT
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Wednesday, 27 August 2003
NICKNAMES: Angie, Tangie, Tangerinez, LaLa, JoJo, Orange, BoB, Sarah, Bunny, Angelo, Angel, etc.
BIRTHDAY: AugUsT 22, 1988
FAVORITE HOLIDAY: christmas, my birthday
FAVORITE RESTAURANT: BURGER KING! =D purple dot cafe...? LOLZ... wOoT wOoT
FAVORITE MAGAZINE: uhh... seventeen is the only one I get
FAVORITE CARTOON: SpongeBoB, PowerPuffGrls
FAVORITE SODA: sPrite [reMix] Sierra MisT
CONCERT: concert? wha about concert?
FAVORITE PERFUME: TommyGirl, Glow, Miracle, Heaven, Dream
FAVORITE STUFFED ANIMAL: I Love my stuffed animals all dearly...
FAVORITE POSSESSION: my stuffed ANIMALS! that are now gone... BOO HOO HOO...
FAVORITE GIRLS' NAMES: Chanel, Prada, Gucci, Dior (Ima name my kids those! =D hEEhEEhEE)
FAVORITE BOYS' NAMES: TomMy? Bryan? ionO sHeEz..
CRIED OVER SOMEONE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? yeah of course! I cry whenever I feel sad! aint nun to be ashamed of!
WANTED TO GET REVENGE ON SOMEONE WHO HURT YOU? hhmm... revenge as in playin tricks maybe, but nothin evil!
BEEN CONVICTED OF A CRIME? yeah! of course
DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? yup buh not now
WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? from lito things to big things, I get happy easily
WHAT IS YOUR WORST HABIT? iono you tell me
DO YOU LIKE ANIMALS? yeah only if theyre not ugly bugs...
WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? you mean afternoon... 2-4
FAVORITE TV SHOW? Thats So Raven, Simpsons, PowerPuffGrls, Spongebob
WHO WOULD YOU HATE TO BE STUCK IN A ROOM WITH? lets see...ASHLEY, ALEX, TROY. thats all i can think ryte now.
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? iono it depends
FAVORITE ICE CREAM? cookies & cream, coffee, mint-choco chip
FAVORITE COLOR? Pink, BabyBlue, Orange, Yellow... all em pastel colors!
FAVORITE CAR? Lexus RX300, Cadillac Escalade
FAVORITE FLOWER? daisys & roses
FIZZY OR STILL WATER AS A DRINK? uhm... if both are edible & yummy...
WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHROOM? y?? yoU need tO uSe it?? gO sEe iT yUrseLf!
HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? 3... with a bunch of toys & everything! you gotta see to understand... heheehe
WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? anywher nice & sunny w/ a beach...
CAN YOU JUGGLE? I aInt considerin bein a cLown 4 a career
FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK? friday, sunday
RED OR WHITE WINE? neither??
WHAT DID YOU DO ON YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? went DT, watched movies, ate @ Purple Dot.. cracken!
SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT THE PERSON THAT SENT THIS TO YOU. [Fefe... my cuz & true homie 4 lyfe. Trustworthy, alwaise dere to listen to me,
understanding... I Love ya!]
WHO DO YOU LEAST EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? hhmm... the person who wont send it back...??!!
WHO IS THE PERSON YOU EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK FIRST? uhm... the person who will send it back to me... daymmit!!! what a useless question! aNd yOu'rE a useLess pErsOn tO reaD aLL of dIs! lolz.. j/k ;p

Posted by stars4/swt_tangerine at 3:02 PM YDT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 August 2003 3:07 PM YDT
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a LOnG nIte
+ Daym jUss woKe uP. YesterdaY was a crazY nIte. Bebe's bIrthdaY is cOmin uP bUh we hav tO celebrate it earlier cuz of skool... sO we gOt pizza, cake, chips, pop, HELLA fOod & went ovEr tO my cUz's hOuse. aNd THEY BOUGHT CHICKEN & POP toO! ...wE was sPoSed tO sPenD the nIte. Dee, Fefe, & Milk got haircuts!! tHey lOoK sO cUte w/ thEr nEw cUts! ;p

+ It sTaRted oUt fUn & sHiez... I wAs iN thE rOom w/ FeFe cOmPlainin abOut hOw my mOm wAs triPpin & aLL dIs shiez... aNd tHen Dee wAs oN thE fOne fOr grippa LoNg, sO FeFe & Me pIcKed uP tHe oTheR line & put it On sPeaKer & mUte. We weRe LikE "GET OFF THE FONEE!!!" aNd kePt messin w/ her. TheN we stArtEd sIngiNg Elmo's World!!! lolz... aNd tHat bItcH aSs mOthEr fUkkEr waS hatIn oN elmo!! aNd he caLLed us immature... IMMATURE MAI ASS!!! aNd tHen hE saId I sOunDed lyke a gUy! I was lyke "BBOOYY yOu dOnt wanna sEE mE! I'll wHoOp yO aSs!!" aNd I sTaRted cUssIn @ hIm & shIet.

+ FinaLLy sHe gOt off. We ate iCe creaM... bUt wE were sTill griPPa fUll fRom aLL the oTher fOOd. RaymOnd caLLed... TaLked tO hIm cUz FeFe was in thE sHoweR... WHen sHe caMe oUt I fIxEd uP heR cUt in tHe fRoNt cUz tHe laYering waS hoRRible... lolz.. she waSn't trUstin me tOo muCh eithEr w/ the scIssOrs... lolz... bUt oF cOuRsE mE & maI sKills maDe it perfect! =D okeY fIne... better.. nOt perfeCt!

+ Started watcHin a sCary mOvie caLLed "Dial D for Demons" We all huddled together on the cOuch, aNd my mOm was sittin between me & Bebe, aNd I was sittin nex tO FeFe. My mOm was sKurred & trYed tO hOld my arM & evErytHing bUt I was fOlding stArs & I was lyke "moomm.... stOp!" aNd tOld her tO hOld my sIster instead. aNd FeFe on the otHer sIde was grabbin me tOo! Finally it ended... kinda freaky bUt wasnt that bad... bUt of cOurSe my mOm has a dIfferent point of vIew oN thAt!

+ It was abOut 12:30 wHen sHe left. I didnt even saY bye tO her, aNd FeFe, Milk, Bebe & ME went tO crOwd oUrselves in thE bathrOoM bRusHIn oUr teeth. In tHe mIddle of bRusHin, FeFe & Milk ran oUt... I didnt thInk anYthin of it sO I finished brUshing... Milk ran bAck in saYin my mOm gOt into a cAr cRaSh. I was lyke "Are yOu sEriOus?!?" aNd I spit oUt the tOotHpAsTe. EveryONe raN oUtsIde in a jUmbLe... I tOoK Bebe's shOes, aNd eVery1 jUss raN oUt weArin w/e. I saw my mOm sO I jUss aSsUmed sHe wAs oK.

+ We ran dOwn the hILL tO thE new caR. tHe fRonT was tOTally fUkkked up. It hIt tHe lite pOLe. The wOoD waS aLL cHiPped oFf... aNd I was lyKe "sHiEt... wE oNly had tHis caR fOr aLmOst 3 wEEks!" aNd tHe eNtIre tIme I was lYke "man the car... sHit... wAt will dad dO??... dammit... look at the car!! Its fukked!!!" Went back tO the hOuse. Then I finally SAW my mom for the first time. She was barefoot & all scratched up & bLeeding. I looked @ hEr anD was abOut tO cry. She kept insisting she was oKay aNd mY aUnt & UncLe was lyke caLm dOwn.

+ We all went outside tO look fOr hEr sHoes... bUt we cOuLdnt fInd em! tHey wEre bLacK leatHer sO thEy wErE sPoSed tO sTanD ouT... aNd eSpecIally w/ aLL of us lookin... bUt we cOulDnt find em. My Aunt & mOm kept tellin us tO be qUiet & gO bacK inside. They started lecturin us! I was mad. hOw cOuld they treat us lyke kids @ a time lyke thiS! My mOm tOld us wAt happend...

+ She started driving & said sHe heard nOisE in tHe trunK. (aNd wHen we was drivIng earLier tO my cUz hOuse, sHe heard it tOo & I kept teLLin her it was thE fOOd in thE bacK) sO sHe put it in PARK & tURned OFF the eNgine. She went to tHE bacK tO oPen it. It wOuLdnt wOrk. sO sHe weNt back to the front aNd pressed the unlock button cUz that would unlock all the doors. She tried the trunk again, bUt it didnt work. sHe tried abOut 3 mOre tImes. StILL didnt work. Walked back tO the front. The car started tO gO... aNd sHE grabbed onTo the wHeel aNd tried tO stOp it. It was dOwnhILL sO it dragged hEr between 10-20 feet aNd finaLLy sHe was fOrced tO let gO aNd the baCk wHeel ran over hEr fOoT!!! The car kept gOing & LucKily it hit the pole instead of the cars or thE neIghbOurs hOusE...

+ Called the police & towers & my dad came. Dee, FeFe & Me sneaked out aNd tried tO listen to wat thEy wEre saYin. Of cOurSe thaY was argUin... bUt nOt tHat bad. Milk & Bebe was pretendn to sleep in the bedroom. Went back inside when they started to walk up the hill. My auntie was tellin me tO tell my mOm tO sPend tHe nIte. I kNew bEttEr... tOmOrow was my dad's fIrst day @ wOrk tOo... iF I let theM gO hOme aLone, tHey wOuld be argUeing again...

+ I insIsted fOr my mOm tO stay bUt sHe wOuldnt sO I packed & BEbe wOke up. I told her to gO bacK tO sLeep & went hOme w/ them of coUrse. Mom hAd tO bOrrOw my AuNt's sHoes. In tHe caR my mOm heLd my haNd & was teLLin me hOw sOrry sHe was fOr rUining my nIghT! I told hEr it wasnt hEr faUlt aNd tHen I stArted feeling heLLA bad... aNd I was sOo pIsSed off @ mysELf & I realised hOw sELfish & wHaT a bItch I was beIng. If sHe dIed tHen & tHere, I wOuLd haVe bLamed mysELf & haTed mysElf fOr tHE rest of my eNtIre lifE! I didnt evEn saY gOodbYe tO hEr oR aNYtHing! I felt like burstin out crying.

+ I got mY sWeaTs oUt fOr my mOm tO cHange inTo. SHe haD a HUGE injury on her knee! It was bleeding sO mUch... aNd it was sOo sCary... aNd sHE hAd aLL thEse bUrns aLL on hEr sHOULders & dOwn. Her Feet wEre sCratchEd uP, aNd sHe cOuLd bareLy beNd hEr kNee aNd sHe was bRUisEd. My Dad fOund sOme medicine stuff after he saW hOw bAd sHe was iNjUrEd tOo. I kNew tHat my aunt waS wrOng fRom tHe staRt. I helped her upstairs tO sLeep. BuT I wasNt abLe tOo. It was a LONG niTe tHat maDe me tHiNk...

Posted by stars4/swt_tangerine at 3:01 PM YDT
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Saturday, 23 August 2003
hOw maI bIrThDaY wAz cRacKen...
4:34 PM

+ well Im talkin to Berlin ryte now...

clumsyhunnybunny: but man i cant even remember wat happend yesterday!!
clumsyhunnybunny: when did u giuys get off the fone??
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: um.....
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lyke 2;30
clumsyhunnybunny: I woke up in the middle of the nite and I was like uugghh... hello?? helloo?? heelllooo???
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lol
clumsyhunnybunny: and no one answered I think yalss hung up
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: we told u we were gonna go and u sed bye
clumsyhunnybunny: i did??
clumsyhunnybunny: naw uh
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: yup
clumsyhunnybunny: forrealz??
clumsyhunnybunny: man i dont remember!!!LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lol
clumsyhunnybunny: hey when do we get lockers?
clumsyhunnybunny: next week??
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: ummm d 2nd
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: from 8:30 -2
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: ima go at lyke 9
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lol
clumsyhunnybunny: thats kinda ffarr....
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: best pick
clumsyhunnybunny: haha
clumsyhunnybunny: ima go like 8:30 to be the early bird...
clumsyhunnybunny: but iono if i can even wake up that time!!
clumsyhunnybunny: lolz
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lol
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lol reallie
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: dhats y i sed 9
clumsyhunnybunny: hehehhee
clumsyhunnybunny: yeah but hey I wanted to say 8:30 anywause cuz it sounded safer
clumsyhunnybunny: lolz
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lol
clumsyhunnybunny: yupyup
clumsyhunnybunny: man im hungry now
clumsyhunnybunny: hahaha
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lol
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: im not
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: i woke up sooo early
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: omg i woke up at 8
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: i wuz sooooo mad
clumsyhunnybunny: same here!!!
clumsyhunnybunny: hahha
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: i couldn't sleep
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: it hurted lol
clumsyhunnybunny: lolz
clumsyhunnybunny: my stomick was growlin this mornin I didnt have anythin 4 breakfast
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lol
clumsyhunnybunny: AND I ATE MROE THAN U!!
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: i kno
clumsyhunnybunny: see now you guys noe how much i can eat
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: yup
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lol
clumsyhunnybunny: i dont get really full... hunger is a perminant condition for me
clumsyhunnybunny: lolz
LiLkRaZiEgUrL637: lol

+ lolz... yupperz! Skool was alryte... so tired, I fell asleep in class... then I woke up when we got into groups... most of the time Krystal, Kaneia & Me were juss lookin in the answer key then checkin how to get it...(did the problems backwards! ;p) and talkin about the math teacher lady... lolz... now thats wat I woke up for! j/k hehehe ;p

+ Man Krystal barely did ANY of her work... she still has all the gazillion packets of work that they gave us... And I thought I wasnt doin my work! lolz!

+ well yeah still hungry... sO Ima bOUnce! (like a BUNNY) sO ReEsE PiEcEs! oohh those are so yummy yum yum! HEHEHHEE.

----------------------------------------------------------------------->FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 2003!<-------------------------------------------------------------------------

+ Dang Today was hella fUn! Jerryl & SOnny coUldnt cOme but then MarcuS weNt DT... according to his brother... bUt we never saw him cuz we were late... maN I feel hella bad cUz he took the bus all the way here & shiez... Ima have to apologize to him no doubt!

+ My mOmy wOke me up fIrst tHing in the mOrnIn like 8:00 or suM... brushed mai teeth... and went back to sleep of course! 2 hourse ain enuff!! =D Got a wake up call from Sonny & Marcus... I picked up & was like "*yawn*...helloe?" aNd they was like "WAke up sleepyhead!" aNd I was like "uuhhh... hhuuhh...." (I thought it was Jamil & Jerryl) and we started talkin about my party... then Sonny had his laff... I thinkin hey that sounds like Sonny.... sO I said "Wait who is this??" and he was like "Sonny & Marcus!! cant you recognize our voice anymore!?" I was like "oohh...." "who did you THINK it was???" "uuhh.... Sonny and Marcus!" lolz...

+ Talked awhile... Sonny told me Marcus messed up & called him & he probly coulda went if he asked his mom for money to the movies instead of Marcus asking. yeah ryte... he gotta GET READY for his barbecue tomoroe... lolz... Then he said "Man I wanted to go & give you a birthday kiss!" "haha... give it to me nex time you see me" "I could give her one..." "naww Marcus yOu better not touch her!!!" lolz.... oh wow!

+ Called Jamil & he called Haleigh... she was out w/ her cuzins so I guess she wasnt going! Pam & Tina werent goin to the movies, but they were going to meet us @ Purple Dot.

+ Talk tO Evey & then I was like letme go over to Yishi's first & get her over here... She was still sleepin when I went there!! That chica... hehehe... and Belina & Berlin showed up @ Yishi's house... cUz they came jUss wHen I weNt there... aFter Yishi changed, went back to mai hOuse.

+ Jamil & Evey showed up... pretty quick too! Gave em a quick peek @ mai house & posted up in mai room. THey needed quarters & so I went downstairs & gOt sOme & by the time I went back up goin "I Got quarters!!" they already had bus fare! and sO they was laffin @ me cuz I was all late!... and sOMeOne said sUm abOut Jerryl... I was like man shUt up... It was either Jamil or Evey of cOurse...

+ Took the bus to DT... hehe I had to go back & get mai camera that didnt even end up working!! the stupid battery died... saw Pam on the bus. Amy, Carol & Kristie got on.

+ I saw Edelyn... and Frienda!! I miss dat gurl, havent seen her in forever! =) she looked different(prettier, not in a bad way) cuz she wore eyeliner & everythang!

+ We saw Soronia... she's moving... =D and Audrey several times cuz she was down der w/ her family & yeah we were stalkin her...(muahahahaha!! we were plannin to kidnap her... j/k) hehehe. We watched Tomb Raider #2... Tina showed up in the middle! So Yishi & I moved to the back w/ Evey... but she sat nex to Berlin! Jamil ended up sittin nex to her tho! it was pretty good... hehe...

+ Played around in FAO Schwartz... they trapped me in the glass door thingy! lolz... and yeah we played around w/ the huge Pooh & Spongebob & the Gold Duckie & ELMO DOING THE CHICKEN DANCE!!! hehehhehe.... elmo wanna be a chicken.... elmo wanna be a chicken... =D and then there was ELMO doing the hokey pokey!!! OOHH there was this Huge pink puppy!!! its so CUTE! and bigger than me!!

+ Then we met Pam at chinatown. I saw Ericka @ the busstop! hehehe... there was this dirty scary old dude stalkin Pam & she was gettin mad... Tina & Me ran up to her screamin "HI PAM!!!" and gave her a big hug and the rest of em followed. The guy walked up to us & goes "HI.." and I go "BYE!" & we start to walk off... and he mumbles "wait I have some to give you..." and throws a stick of gum @ us! I said "I DONT WANT NO FUKKEN GUM!" and Tina was like "dang scream it out!" lolz! nO dOubT! Berlin told me afterwards that the guy picked the gum back up! and that she wanted to pick it up and throw it back at him but we walked off... lolz crazy, but I'm wit chu gurl! You noe I woulda done it too... but xcept he mite follow us like last time this dude was followin Tina, Evey, Me, Jamiliyah & Pam when we was headin over to Jamiliyah's house cuz PAM said sOMETHING to HIM!!!

+ At the Purple Dot we was the loudest ppl there! I swear everyone was muggin us the coldest & wanted to kick us out! lolz... we were crazy.... crackin jokes.... "Hi my name is Angela, and I ate a whole plate of noodles & I'm still not growing!" Jamil was like "hey thats all Jerryl..." lolz... and Tina was like "yeah if Jerryl was here, he would be like ' sweetie, have some ribs...'" hahhahaa....

+ Then it was time to cut the cake! we didnt have candles so Pam lit her lighter 15 times and I blew it out that way... lolz... I was gettin dizzy & liteheaded from that & laffin too....and yeah the cake was so hard, I was bending the knife tryin to cut it & it was outta control... "uuhh... you need some help??" "no, I can do it!!" haha... they tried to take the knife away from me... so I held it up and pointed at them like ggrrr....get away from me!!! they was like "get the knive away from her!! I dont trust her!" and Pam got it several times... hahahahaha.....

+ Tina wiped cake on my face so I took a chunk and wiped it down her shoulder & then we had a cake fight! THEN my sister came w/ the candles! hehe... I got everyone xcept Berlin... Yishi & Tina & Belina got me, Berlin got Jamil's shirt & I got his foreheadand yeah now Berlin & Belina are over here sittin down... and yeah we are still grippa full!

Posted by stars4/swt_tangerine at 9:41 PM YDT
Updated: Saturday, 23 August 2003 9:44 PM YDT
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Friday, 22 August 2003

+ well talkin tO Evey, Berlin, Tina & Jamil on the fOne ryte now... 1:14 AM! (so actually it's THURSDAY, 082103) aNd uPdating this whEn I get the cHance cUz maI parents are kNocKed oUt tOo tiRed cOmin back 4rm Canada...

+ wOke uP @ mAi gramma's hOuse... gOt ready... call Evey.. still asleep... eat breakfast... takes the 48 bus... calls Jerryl... he says he talkin to Haleigh & tryin to figure out if he can go today... but he doubts it & everythang... AS USUAL... *sigh* I go home... grub soMe iCe creaM... talk to Evey.

+ Evey & me gO tO cHinatOwn tO get sOme bakery gOods 4 mai grammy & grampy... went to Uwajimaya... or how we say it "WATCH-YO-MAMA" lolz! gOt sOme nOoDLes, pOrk & SeSaMe cHiCkEn... yum yum...

+ Got bubble tea from Oasis... we was the oNLy ones there! then we played cards awhile... then hecka peeps started comin...

+ Left after awhile took the 36 back 2 mai crib... man we saw a LJ look alike... hair up in a ponytail... and his homie was wearin the T-Mac's that LJ have... anywaise we juss played w/ the camera & went online. Jarvis hit me up! lolz... talked to him a few aNd then mai daddy called & said he was ryte outside the house! liiaarrr.... still @ the bOrder...theN we lefT tO walk dOwn Orcas to the 48 bus. Evey went home & I went to mai gramma's.

+ Delivered the goods & went tO gO on thE cOmp... NiCk & AuDrey hit me uP.. talked to them.. then Haleigh & Jamil... then they came back!

+ Bought hella stuff... and mai birthday present too... they all thought I was pumped about it sO I played along... to tell u the truth I woulda rather picked mOney or some geaR ovEr that. bUt its the thOught that coUnts! aNd im glad they TRIED. gOt me a Juno CD pacK aLL nIcely put in a NiCe bOx... & a EdisOn keychaiN.. weLL of cOuRse yOu nOE I was trYin PRETTY harD tO dIg oUt thE tHing tO tAke thE pIc oUt...maN I gUesS tHeY dOnt nOE thaT I dOnt like tHis kinda stuFF nO mOre... I meaN Im nOt lil aNymore & ppl cHange bUt thEy dOnt nOe & maN I was hEated cUz maI sIs nOes me better & sHiet oFF cOuRse sHe gOt the nIce tHings AGAIN...

+ well wat do I expect? she got to pick out the stuff... gOt a nice cUte lil mAshiMarO! in bAby bLue! aNd then shE gOn teLL me tHerE was a PINK ONE aNd sHE DIDNT GET THAT 4 ME!! eerrgghhh... I swear sHe dOes it oN purPose! everytime sHe & maI parents gO sHoPPing or we recieve gifts, sHe ALWAISE geTs sOmethIng better!! jUss cUz they thInk sHe's a lil innocent cute goodie 2 shoe baby & everything... *sigh* man sHe KNOES I LOVE cute stuffed animals! aNd everything else I like, she'll nOe cUz sHes a biter!

+ well w/e Im gettin tired & Jamil & Evey are botherin me aboUt mai party oN friday! hhmmm... man I dOnt nOe wat tO dO... I havE aLL thEsE plans bUt maI mOM didnt gO maKe resErvatIons @ Purple dOt oR ordEr caKe oR aNytHiNG! argh thats another reason I didnt apprOve of Canada! DAMMIT... iT better wOrk oUt or Ima breaK dOwn sHiez!! =(

FRIDAY 082203, 12:03AM

+ Man in a few hours its gunna be mai birthday!!! =) hehe... hopefullie it will be fun... last year I didnt do anything... no presents... nothing! so man mai parents are sposed to make it up to me this year! ;p

+ Went to Baskin Robbins to order the cake. I got mint chocolate chip + coffee... I wanted Tweety but they didnt have anymore so I got PoOH! hehehe... man yalls bess like it! It was a daym $50 fOe that shit! I coUlda gOt me sOme cOnversEs Or thOse IversOns 4 a lil mOre...

+ Went tO Purple Dot tO maKe resErvatiOns... tHe lady said thAt if I bRouGht maI ID I cOuld eat fOr fREE!!! =D hEhEhE... weLL sEE maN I was tHinKin... I cOuld be Like "yeaH I'LL oRder tHis...and this... and this..." aNd say its aLL fOr me... aNd wHen it cOmes evEryoNe dIg in... aNd hEy I stILL ordEred it! dOnt I get EvErytHing fOr fRee??? ;D hehehehe....

+ Talked tO Tina... dOnt nOe if sHe caN gO... Berlin said hEr & Belina aRe gOin fasHO, sO I'll be exPectIn eM... YisHi's gOin fasHo... aNd Jamil & Evey...

+ Called Jerryl... aNd nOw hE saYs hE mIte be aBLe tO gO!! aNd hE toLd Jamil tO caLL hIm in tHe mOrnIn... I was like ok... nOW yOu tell me... after I made the reservations for a certain amount of ppl... bUt hey one more woNt hUrt & I wanted hIm tO gO in tHe first place tOo! Marcus said he can go w/ever he wants so he'll go... & Sonny & him were sposed to call me @ 9:30 bUt oOpS I was talkIn tO Evey & Mill! iOnO iF sOnny caN gO...

+ Im tHinKin it'll bE hELLA aWkward w/ tHe "peeps"... Evey nOes waT Im taLkIn abOut... Pam caLLS me & asked iF Ahnon's(or hOwever U sPeLL it) 2 friends can cOme! I was LiKe "wHO??" maN I mAde reServatiOns aLreadY sO I waS LiKe "sOrrIe... I dOnt tHinK I caN" I haTe it I meaN DISLIKE wHen ppl be dOin tHat... I meaN I already felt bad that I cOuldnt iNvIte sOme ppl I really wanted to cuz tHere was tOo mUch ppl goIn... aNd PLUS sOme ppl sHow uP oUtta nOwhEre thaT I dOnt evEn nOe?? sO maN...

+ Then Evey was like "wait, sHe said Ahnon's two friends... dId sHe saY AhnOn was cOming??" I was LiKe oH maN I fOrgOt tO asK... maN w/e tOmOroW jUss betteR tUrn oUt fUn!

+ Ima gO gEt maI aSs tO wOrk cLeaniN uP thIs cRib & gO taKe a sHowEr tHen maI sTuPid HW!!! daymit I havent even started! LAST WEEK & THIS WEEK'S ASSIGNMENTS!!! omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg.... *sigh* gUess I'll be staYin uP aLL nIte... aNd Im already gettin tired thInkin abOut dOing all this!

+ well toodles I have to get up & about! aNd call tHosE loosers back... yUpperZ! ....yeaH my CHEESY bUddys! yOu nOe wHo yOu are... nOt afraid tO be yOurself & acT stUpid instead of actin like yOure sOmebOdY sPeciaL w/ a fUkken attItUde... =D aYte.... BYEZERS!!! ;p

------------------------------------------------------------->EDIT<--------------------------------------------------------------- 12:31 am

+ I cOuldnt heLp bUt start tO look bacK oN evErytHIn I've wrItten in here the past mOnth! sOoOo muCh has haPPened... tHis sUmmEr waS like tHe mOst draMatIc evEr.... aNd I reaLiSed hOw mUcH I'vE cHaNged sIncE tHe 8th grAde...

+ hOw much NICER I was! In 8th gradE I waS gRippa nIce tOo bUt I cOuld be tOtaL bItcH sOmetImes... aNd nOw IvE learNed tO taLk w/oUt cUssiNg in evEry fEw seNtenCes agaIn...(yeah fOr thOse wHo keep on taLkin sHit bOut me @ Garfield saYin I cHanGed & sHit & act like they knOw me maI enTirE life! aNd they didnt even nOe me last year! gEt oN maI fUkken nErves... yOu nOe wHo thE fukk yOu aRe...[ayte chill angie... its all gOod]... I mean yOu dOnt NOE mE! aInt nObOdy NOE mE! haha... yeah Evey! tell em gUrl!) the only persOn tHat knOws mE is mE! aNd aInt nObOdy nOe me bEtteR tHen mE... sO tHe nex time yOu saY sOmetHing abOut mE oR teLL mE Im stuPid yOu bEss tHinK twIcE! I nOe waT I aM aNd IF I WANTED tO nOe yOur OPINION then I wOulda ASKED.

+ bLOgs aRe aDDicTinG! bUt iT's gOoD cUz I cOuld wrIte evErythin (well not exactly EVERYTHING) in hErE... aNd I caN wrIte abOut maI feelings... aNd nOt cAre... cUz Its way eaSiEr tHan sayin aLL dIs sHiEz... well man I FEW MorE hOurs till I aM oFFicIally 15!! Im HELLA yOung... yEt I keep thinKin Im 15 already... ;p aYte dEn buh-bye!

Posted by stars4/swt_tangerine at 2:46 AM YDT
Updated: Friday, 22 August 2003 2:47 AM YDT
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