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Blah, Blah, Blah.

Saturday, 13 March 2004

Happy Birthday to you...
..well it was Meghann's birthday yesterday. She turned 17..which makes that the 12th time i've sang her happy i feel old.

Well..yesterday was also Friday. Thursday night i stayed up til 12:30 working on my project..i finished..its nothing special. The next day i had a dentist appt...i have.."perfectly beautiful teeth". yay. went out to lunch after..and i thought id surprise dustin..i went into Jack in the Box and got him a o' no pickles and no mustard..and i brought it to him..he thanked me and stuff..and ate it..but after..told me i got the order wrong..its mayo. bleh. oh well..i tried.
Then we talked about hanging out..i guess he made plans to have jamie size him up for pants and stuff so she can alter i just hung out with meghann after school. We had fun, like always.
Well when it came time to get ready..shes like.."now..why isnt dustin coming?" and i told was cuz he had no money..and she said shed pay..and SHE called him. heh. so on the phone, he says.."ok. ill call ya back when it comes time to go". I was all excited..get to go see Secret Window..a scary movie..with my boyfriend at 9:30! I do my hair and makeup all up again...but i should have known better...he calls back about 25 minutes later..and i answer..and he says.."well..i dont really feel up to tired..".. :( We never spend time together. eff. eff. blach

Im getting rushed off the ill end real quick...
The movie was good, but my night sucked. The End.

Posted by stars4/starberrygashes at 7:41 AM
Updated: Saturday, 13 March 2004 7:47 AM
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Sunday, 7 March 2004

Sundays Suck.
..and so do movie nights. Friday I hung out with Dustin, and I told him we were having another movie night the next day. He told me he wanted to go..and i even asked.."really?" and he said..yes. So Saturday morning came..i was soooo excited for my day. A night with my d00d, my closest friends, and great movies..yay! I did the girly thing...did my makeup and hair and all "prettified" ( best as i can get :/ ). Taylor came over..and when my parents came home, we prepared to leave..and I called Dustin. I asked if he still wanted to go..and he said.." hanging out with Corey..and im kind of that..OK?" And of course..what could i So..i told him it was completely fine..wished him a fun time..and hung up. I nearly cried..i was so incredibly disappointed. make it all night sucked even further. We watched lame movies....and so i just took home the movies i wanted to watch (House of 1000 corpses and Donnie Darko) and watched them when i got home..stayed up til like one. lol.

aaaaaaanyways..we'll see how movie night turns out next time..if there is a next time.I gotta get goin....gotta make some moneys!

*Mood- Bleh.
*Music- AFI; Wake Up Call.

Posted by stars4/starberrygashes at 7:40 AM
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Saturday, 6 March 2004

Listen to that bird squeak...i mean..chirp

Ok..this weekend would be mildly better if i didn't have a project due next week..5 page essay/book...then 700 pages to extra credit essay for history to do..all of that due in a week and a half. plus 50 bio questions(for test on monday) GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. i hate AP classes. >.<

So nothing too exciting happened throughout the week.

oo..Dustin and I are opening up more to each other..we're not as shy around each other and each other's friends as we used to be..
We hung out yesterday night..went over there right after school.We hung out and stuff...he's so sweet.."it's kind of weird..i just feel so comfortable around you.." :) Lots of that snuggly stuff..and stuff. Um..then we talked to his brother stephen..called corey..and they, dustin, and i walked to Danger and er.."got tired". It was nice....i hadn't in a long time...and you could tell. I was all I was really chill though..typically im a nut..but nope. i was really quiet.we met up with Korey and jamie and ashley...left corey behind because they were all goin out..then stephen , dustin and i walked back to their house. It was weird 'cuz on the way..some people are honking and yelling..and we were wondering what was going on...then i hear my was JD, Joe and them. lol..they wanted me to go to the movies..but we're all doin' movie night no big deal.
We had milkshakes at Dustin's couldnt resist..and told him mine was better than his. :P

Mom picked me up...and i pretty much went straight to sleep when i got home.

So todays about to throw some clothes on..grab the cans and stuff..and get my hair dye money! Yay! Hopefully the lady who's doin' my hair will feel better soon..shes really sick. If everything goes right, i'll have black hair again next weekend, as opposed to somewhat black with brownish streaks that my hair has developed I guess i'll keep it the length it is..just get it trimmed. I asked Dustin what he thought..and he said he likes it just the way it that was helpful lol. i'll leave it.

After goin to the can place..i gotta call Joe to see about todays plans. We're gonna watch SpinalTap..go to Tang..than watch Tommy Boy 'cuz Taylor hasnt seen it in a long time. Dustin said he wanted to go..yay!

So..between homework and friend's, this should prove to be a pretty busy weekend.

*Mood- All excited..yet slightly stressed.
*Music- VNV Nation; Genesis , Scarling.; Black horse riding star.

Posted by stars4/starberrygashes at 6:02 AM
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Tuesday, 2 March 2004

I want to conquer the world......!
Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday. 'Tis raining..well twas. now it's just all damp and dark outside..yay!

Well, yesterday I started developing the pictures Jon and I took when he was out here last..but not without" gotta dry the negatives BEFORE you put them in the sleeve"...this i knew but i was in a hurry..i swear. :)Anyways......WOW. They're only in negative form..but from what I can tell, they're effin' adorable. There's one where we're made me get all teary eyed and cry-ish. it's incredibly cute. There's also a few of us just together..and a few of only him..including a picture of him without a shirt.RaWr ;)I just don't remember taking that lol. Hopefully I can print them soon..whenever there's another sub third block or Dustin leaves campus to get cigarettes or something...

Jon and I talked a whole bunch yesterday too..and it was ALL arguing of any exciting is that? I really hope it can stay this way for a while. I really enjoy talking to him and stuff..when hes like he used to be..(did i mention he looked like a complete studmuffin in the pictures? :P )

Well..that's about the only exciting things that happened yesterday..

*Mood- EWWWWW....Sku ain't koo. >.<
*Music- Bad Religion; Automatic Man, Stranger than Fiction, No Control.

Posted by stars4/starberrygashes at 3:25 AM
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Monday, 1 March 2004

Je suis desole, mais je prends ton poisson. >.<
welllllllll it's another Monday. I survived another week of this soap opera that is my life..."MARIA.........FERNANDO, MI AMIGO!.........POURQUE?...oooo i heart Pablo

OK. Well, since today IS Monday, that makes yesterday Sunday..which was over all a good day. It started off horrible..i was s'posed to go to lunch w/ Dustin and my family..they wanted to get to know him more and stuff. Which was alright by me..i was a little nervous..but at like..11:30 they want me to call him to tell him we'll be there in aboutu 15 minutes...he didn't even know we were going for So i got a little just my parents have been..well..themselves lately. SO..needless to say..plans fell through and I chose to stay home and let them go out.

I went to talk to Jon in a horrible mood..not really mad..just upset..and just like old times...he made me feel sooooooo much better. We had the most positive conversation we've had in so long..and it felt really good. We even talked on the phone twice. Though, I eventually turned insanely hyper..and I'm sure he's scratching his head now, wondering why he ever went out with such a nut. lol. but anyways..

We have a press conference simulation in history today...i think thats the only interesting thing that's goin on. Oh yea..and i get to see Dustin. :)

*Mood- Optimistic.
*Music- Evanescence; Tourniquet.

Posted by stars4/starberrygashes at 3:50 AM
Updated: Monday, 1 March 2004 3:52 AM
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Sunday, 29 February 2004

Lemon Yellow Black.
Just wanted to saaaaaay Happy Leap Year Day...or something. I dunno if you wish people a happy day today....but i thought i would to happy leap year day, me. yay.

Goin' out to lunch w/ the 'rents and Dustin today..but first we're going to the recyclable place..and i get the money we get back to use on my hair! so....double yay.

Jon's not i guess no talkin' to him today. It's probably best this way..I'm sure he's mad at me anyways. I had to leave without sayin' g'nite to him last night..which i haaaaaate doing. but i couldn't help it...bleh.

I cried this morning..for no apparent reason. I was washing my face..and i looked into the mirror....and i just...cried and cried and cried. I'm such a girl sometimes.

*Mood- Bored.
*Music- Jets to Brazil; You're having the time of my life.

Posted by stars4/starberrygashes at 7:27 AM
Updated: Sunday, 29 February 2004 7:31 AM
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Saturday, 28 February 2004

How completely depressing is this...and thats a rather cheesy picture..but..
Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are
an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for
one reason or another - possibly, you made one
tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or
maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't
commit. In any case, you are faithless and
joyless. You find no happiness, love, or
acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most
days are a burden and you wonder when the
hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and
sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching
picture. You are the one that few understand.
Those that do know you are likely to love you
deeply and wish that they could do something to
ease your pain. You are constantly living in
memories of better times and a better world.
You are hard on yourself and self-critical or
self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved,
you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite
your tainted nature, your soul is
breathtakingly beautiful.

brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by stars4/starberrygashes at 3:07 PM
Updated: Saturday, 28 February 2004 3:09 PM
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You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always
pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no
where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek
or more passionate embrace. super markets and
work places are your favorite places to attack
your loved one with all your love =p

brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by stars4/starberrygashes at 2:50 PM
Updated: Saturday, 28 February 2004 2:52 PM
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Gangsta Bitch!
You're Gangsta Bitch Barbie. You're tough and you
like it rough, and of course you like to pop a
cap in any wiggers ass.

brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by stars4/starberrygashes at 2:46 PM
Updated: Saturday, 28 February 2004 2:46 PM
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Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset.
Saturday......means homework day so far. JD called to invite me to Tang and see Eurotrip..but as i dont have any interest in seeing that broke...and just feel like doing nothing...i figured i'd just stay home. im feeling kind of lazy and in a homework-y i figured id take advantage of that.

Well, Thursday..Jeff actually invited me to hang out with him..which is a major step in our newly-fixed friendship. I watched him and JD "jam"...which meant..JD played guitar while jeff spoke/sang about random stuff....and it was sooooooo funny..god. they're so funny together..and im so glad me and Jeff are pretty much back to normal.

Friday..i went to Dustin's house. We just hung out..watched Freddy Vs. Jason..well most of both fell asleep...and his sister walked in and it was Corey on the we went next door to his house..i was soooo tired and out of it. We were gonna smoke..but corey left it at Scotts...and Scott probably smoked it.
Im the only one out of Jamie, Corey, and Dustin that doesn't smoke cigarettes....which is OK by me. It doesnt really bother me that Dustin smokes..but I'll never do it...and i stand firm with that. He hates that he does it though..and wont let me anyways...but yea..not like i would.

Today..Saturday...i was so excited that i would get to talk to Jon..since i hadnt in two days. Now, i don't know WHY i was so excited..not like we had much of a positive discussion anyways. sucks to talk to him after he knows i hung out with Dustin. He questions everything I do..than lashes into me about how i never cared for him, etc. Today he went so far as to tell me he lost all respect for me...whatever. that made me feel like shit...and it hurt me really bad. I was done talking to him..but he wanted to talk he called me. There was tears..arguing...yada blah. the recent typical jon/am phone situation. My phone nearly we hung up..and now here i am..talking to none of what went on earlier happened. Oh well..i guess thats the way it goes..

My friend Ashley is starting this diet..where..we just chew gum and drink starting that on Monday. Im already doing..the eat nothing with hardly any nutritional Mostly living off of candy and water..and excersising. Two pounds in a week..cant be half bad. we'll see how long this just pretty desperate to lose anything i can. ive been feeling really gross lately..and i think 10 lbs will do the trick.

well...thats about all thats goin on...talkin to jon right now..gonna do s'more homework i guess.

*Mood- mellow..and kinda sleepy.
*Music- Modest Mouse...and some Brand New. Im starting to kind of get into 'em.

---------------------------------------------------- just sittin' here.....and i remembered...

Me and Dustin...watchin TV...he asked me what time i had to leave..and i told him i wasn't quite sure..but probably around 8..then he gave me this huge hug and snuggled up to me..and whispered..."don't ever leave.." I melted.....and it was so sweet.... done being emo.

The End.

Posted by stars4/starberrygashes at 2:33 PM
Updated: Saturday, 28 February 2004 6:27 PM
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