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Eli's HALL of FAME

At last, "Doggie Moms" to air on NYC life (Channel 25) is announced!
NY Post Article, January 9, 2011

Read full article here

Daily News, February 5, 2011

See full article here

Time Out New York, January 20, 2011

NYC life website

Promotional Flyer

New York Post Homepage, January 9, 2011

See Eli's Promotional Video Here!

New York Post Site, January 9, 2011

NY Post article is mentioned on Regis & Kelly, January 10, 2011

See video here (forward to 4:45)!

New York Companion Article, dated December 18, 2010

Eli's Promotional Video for "Doggie Moms"!

Doggie Moms attend the grand opening of Popcorn Pawz, January 22, 2011
Photo: Monkey Pig

Photo: Bob Shaugnessy

Photo: Bob Shaugnessy

Doggie Moms Grace Forster, Karen Biehl and Erika Searl
attend Animal Care and Control Fundraiser, January 21, 2011

Photo: Michael Stewart (Wireimage) - Life



Copyright 2009 Karen Biehl
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