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Saturday, 13 December 2003
12 Dats Till Christmas!!!
I am so excited about Christmas! OMG! I can't believe how soon its gonna come! But i am so sad cause Wednesday is Lib's last day and then she's gonna move and leave me! Tear tear! I am so sad! I can't rememeber the last time i had a friend move away before I had to move away first! Lol! But Friday is our last day of school before break and it's a field trip! But we have to go w/ our homerooms which kinda sucks cause i wanted to have a bunch of my friends in my group! But at least i'm gonna have Allie w/ me on the trip! Which by the way is to the Biltmore House, I've never been there but they say its really pretty when we go cause it's all decorated for Christmas and theres snow on the ground! OMG! But we're supposed to get sleet and freezing rain tonite and this afternoon! But i really wish it would be snow-but no such luck! Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I have been really busy and I don't know where the time has gone! Xoxo!~

Posted by stars4/heatheredwards at 11:58 AM
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Saturday, 20 September 2003
.,;- (o: hey :o) -;,.
i'm back! lol! but yesterday i went to the pool from like 12 to 2 and got tanned again but my hands are still super-white! grrr! but my legs and arms are tanner, cause i've been in school for so long my awesome tan has been fading! tear tear! lol! but neway! lol! we have a softball game at olde providence today- i hope this isn't the same team we have already played- cause we lost bad! actually we haven't won a game yet, which i don't understand why because we have some REALLY good players but i think its because a LOT of people are sick of one coach-he is so annoying! omg! even my mom can't stand him! its sad! lol! but after the game i'm going to haley's party but i don't know what time shes picking me up-cause i had no clue at all where the party was at- but she says that her mom is picking up like 7 people in her car that fits 4! that really sucks! but i feel really fat rite now cause i have had fast food for dinner two nites in a row and chinese and pizza for lunch! i am stuffed! i am not going to eat ANY chocolate at my house today! i have been eating like 4 cookies and 3 of these yummy chocolates and star crunches! yummy! i'm making myself hungry! o well! maybe tomorrow-haha! now i gotta go finish reading my book report book! xoxo!~

Posted by stars4/heatheredwards at 11:00 AM
Updated: Saturday, 20 September 2003 11:01 AM
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Friday, 19 September 2003
.-: (o: hey :o) :-.
i am so happy today is friday and its a teacher workday! yea! hahaha! we get the day off but the teachers still have to work! but hey-i'm stuck working on homework and projects that i don't have time to do during the week cause they pile up homework during the week too! but OMG!! i got a 100% in science and my lowest grade was a 100 so i did extra credit just in case i didn't get a 100 on my test but i did so i had 10 bonus points and no where for them to go! i wish i could put the in math though! but i have 17 points- i think- for superstars! plus i got a 100 on my six weeks test!! yea! but report cards come out wednesday! wow! can you believe it?!!? but i went to target & chik-fil-a yesterday and today i'm going to Panda (yummy chinese food) and then saturday i have a softball game and haley's bday party at laser tag or quest w/e!! lol! but i gotta go wake up meghan cause my mom told me to cause shes off going to the bank and cvs! xoxo!

Posted by stars4/heatheredwards at 11:32 AM
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Sunday, 14 September 2003
*:-. (o: hey :o) .-:*
Today is looking very crappy and overcast! grr! i wanted to go to the pool and fix my farmers tan that got from our softball game yesterday! which by the way totally sucked! but i got to pitch a little bit so i guess its all good! but i can't go to practice monday cause of faith formation-yuckie-but they said we are gonna have to run a lot so i guess if i could go to practice it would be almost as bad as faith formation! but i hope the sun will come out cause my tan is fading away fast! but OMG! i am soooooooooo scared that hurrican isabella is gonna come to NC and that would be the scariest thing in the world! man and i thought tornados in kansas are gonna be bad but a hurrican sucks too! but i did a bunch of extra credit for science cause i want to make sure i keep a 100 in that class so even if i don't get a 100 (which i already know the ones i missed cause the test was hard to me even though i studied all week! grr!) but the six weeks ends wednesday! yea! but i can't believe i have been in school for six weeks! but this week is a four day week cause we have friday off! yea! i hope next weekend is sunny! but it looks like the sun is coming out so i gotta go do my nails- red with glitter on the tips! xoxo!~

Posted by stars4/heatheredwards at 11:48 AM
Updated: Sunday, 14 September 2003 11:50 AM
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