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Walks On Air

Sharon A. Oakley has created a screenplay based on the true story of Reggie Black Plume's grandmother's heroic adventures.

Walks On Air

Black Plume

Reggie Black Plume's paternal grandfather, known by the same name, Black Plume, is the hero of the true story. This amazing Blackfeet warrior was the guiding light for Pretty Wolverine Woman being able to soar to the heights of ancient magic and overcome overwhelming adversities.

Elder Pretty Wolverine Woman

This is our heroine as an elder in her late 70's, yet demonstrating the power of a sacred woman of the holy women's society, The Buffalo Society.


From her adventurous and mystical childhood to her ascent into realms of the unknown, Pretty Wolverine Woman's strong will and good medicine helped her endure and overcome multiple hardships. With the help of a unusual pair of totem creatures, she was guided to go on a vision quest that was unheard of for women of her time. Being kidnapped and the intended next victim of a known murderer put her in a situation that could only be overcome by a great heroine and medicine woman.

Announcing our next Native American Epic Movie


The Red Plume is a heartwarming adventure of Star Boy whose celestial birth to a mortal mother and a deity father blessed him with ethereal powers. Due to unfortunate events, his destiny led him to living life as a scorned mortal. He was badly injured and given the name "Scarface" while on his earthly sojourn with the Blackfeet Nation. This inspiring Blackfeet legend details how Star Boy/Scarface's journey led him to his true love and how his adventures facilitated the gifting of the Sun Dance to the real people.


Anita Barkley is a young school teacher with a privileged socio-economic status, but tormented by an abusive past. Milli Eagle Child, a Blood Tribe (Kainai) girl, has lived the opposite life style in poverty. But their commonalities lead them to discovering ancient principles that help them heal together as student and teacher and reach out to others with solutions towards mending the circle. The first in a series of films, this adventure in mysticism and reality is sure to capture the interest and inspire a vast audience.

Related Links of Interest

Black Plume's Blackfeet Site
The book, Black Plume's Weasel People
Black Plume's Cultural Studies

Kainaiwa Nation
The Medicine Wheel from the book
The Blood Tribe
