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Who knew life would be this rough?
Friday, 22 August 2003
Laura moved the 15th,I was very very very heart broken that day because I wasn't able to say good bye but, I got to see her last night. I screamed and gave her a bear hug the first time I saw her! Nate gave me a very weird look,but hey I was surprised. Went to youth group,that's where I saw Laura, any who,the theme was dealing with pressure. It was fun even though Gabe was either touching or near Shelly the whole time. I thought it was rather amusing,Shelly on the other hand didn't. I don't blame her though,he's kinda creepy. But I gotta give him some credit,he is a sweetheart. School starts Monday,I'm ready but yet I'm not cuz I just don't want summer to end yet. All well,nothin I can really do about it. Nate sent me the most hilarious response to one of the emails I sent him,I was laughing for like 2 minutes straight. Saw Joel last night as well,cool kid that Joel is.

Posted by stars4/annieb at 8:50 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003
Nate,wow,I should never underestimate him. The first time I ever talked to him online,I made fun of him,cuz all he said was "sup?" and I said that he thinks he's ghetto,so now like 6 months later he's still mad at me,but not really. He's mostly just messin around. the boy is a class a ham,not to say that I don't love him dearly but,wow,he's one character. No one on earth will ever beat his personality. He's a charmer. Clare emailed me today,it was kinda out of the blue,but I had forwarded her something,so that's probably why she emailed me. It was nice of her to do that though,she asked for my sn's so of course I gave them to her,I wasn't gonna be mean and be like NO!

Posted by stars4/annieb at 10:32 PM EDT
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Sunday, 10 August 2003
Got home from camp yesterday!It was a blast,I made so many knew friends it's hard to keep track of them all. I wrote down all the highlights in my other journal,cuz there's a lot and I just don't want to take the time to type it all. Went to Triple Espresso last night,it was sooo funny! I think I about peed my pants I was laughing so hard. Lo moves in 5 days so I'm on the verge of tears about every minute I see her now. I sang tenor with Nate today and we totally bombed it,but that's ok,we're over it. It was fun singing though. I need to get a bunch of film developed. Chris hasn't been talking to Erin at all lately,and I'm totally in the dark there. I wish I knew more.

Posted by stars4/annieb at 2:07 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 30 July 2003
Wow,so anyway the past two days I haven't really been able to post anything cool,cuz it's been a secret,but since it's not anymore I can talk about it. Well since Laura's moving we decied(Erin,Shelly and I)to throw her a surprise going away party. Well we had everyone come over to Shelly's house at 5:30 and Laura was arriving at 6. So since we have the sisterhood,we told her in order to get to the attic that we were going to do trust walks. So I put a blindfold on her and led her upstairs to the attic where everyone else was. When she finally got there and pulled og the blindfold,everyone shouted "We love you Laura!" And she screamed bloody murder. there were a couple of mishaps as to keep this a secret. First Erin accidently let it slip that sean was coming over to Shelly's but Lo didn't catch it so that was ok,and then Nathan was later than everyone else because his bike was at Lindsey's house. So we were worried that he and Lo would arrive at the same time and give it all away. So all and all it was a pretty good party,cept when Gabe got a boner when Michelle was sitting on his lap,and then when she got off,he tired to cover it up with a blanket,but it didn't work cuz everyone already knew about it. hehe. Yea,and Briana invited herself to the party,and Lo doesn't even know Bri,so it was kind of dumb for her to be there. Then after everyone went home,it was just Oya,and we started yet another tradition for OYA,discussion circle,Erin made it up. So we all basically said what was on our minds right there and then. I'm really nervous about htis whole Chris thing with Erin because,I guess I feel I won't get enough time with her,which is really silly because he like lives in Wisconsin. I guess I'll just have to get to know him better,I think I just don't trust him yet.

Posted by stars4/annieb at 1:34 PM EDT
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Monday, 28 July 2003
GRR!! Anyways,my stepdad,I'll call him Stupid from now on,well Stupid was mad at me earlier cuz I thought my flight was at 6:27,turns out it's at 7:27,so he's mad cuz he missed something he was supposed to go to at work,and of course I really don't give a rat's ass about what what he missed. I just want to get out of this place and go to my friends Sarah's birthday party. Oh,happy birthday by the way Sarah! Yup,and tomorrow night I'm having an OYA ceremony with the sisterhood,so that'll be awesome,even though Laura's moving.

Posted by stars4/annieb at 5:38 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 28 July 2003 6:02 PM EDT
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Ahh,finally I can relax cuz,I'm fianlly finished packing! At first I thought I would never be done,but obviously I was wrong! I'm all finished with drivers ed,so now I'm the first one in the sisterhood who can drive,legally,well it's with a parent,but hey all that matters to me is that I can be behind the wheel! hehe,beware other drivers! Annie is on the road! Grams just dropped of the boys so I have them till about 5 or so,cuz my flight takes of at about seven thirty,and you have to get to the airport pretty early. Tomorrow night at Michelle's house we're having a surprise farewell party for Laura,I love that girl soo much,it's going to be one of the hardest things in my lif4e saying goodbye. Mom told me the other day that she get's off active duty August 25th,but she has to go back overseas either in January or Febuary. So once again this is going to be a really rough year,since my mama and stepdad are getting a divorce real soon. My stepdad doesn't know that yet though. hehe,great Christmas present if I do say so myself!

Posted by stars4/annieb at 12:32 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 28 July 2003 1:26 PM EDT
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Sunday, 27 July 2003
Turns out that Laura isn't moving back to D.C.,she's moving back to Kansas City,Missouri. Well h...not sure if I can pull that one off Labor day weekend,but I can try! Still need to finish packing!I'm about halfway done,the problem is that,I have to pack for camp as well as going back for 3 weeks. Erin's dad leaves Tuesday morning,so I'll probably go to his send off,to support Erin.She didn't invite me,but I'm coming anyway!

Posted by stars4/annieb at 6:28 PM EDT
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Laura just informed me that she definatly is moving. I guess her parents made it official last night. She and Erin cried in church and I'm about to start crying too.But hopefully I can talk my mama into going to D.C. Labor day weekend.Hopefully it'll work out and that way my mama can at least meet one of my sisters. I can hardly wait! Hopefully we'll have the money,and if we do go I want it to just be mom and I,no boys allowed! HEHE!!! Yea,life's rough and all you have to get through it is friends family,God and hope,and the strength to carry on! I'm almost done doing laundry,so I'll be able to pack real soon. AHH! I really don't want to get up early tomorrow!

Posted by stars4/annieb at 1:43 PM EDT
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Just hangin out at home today,working on my site! Oh,and packing/doing laundry since I leave tomorrow to go back home,plus there's camp on Thursday! Ahh,I'm still feeling Justin deprived,maybe I'll be able to talk to him online when I'm at my dad's house.

Posted by stars4/annieb at 12:18 PM EDT
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