I Love My Mommy and Daddy!!

[this photo was removed temporarily]
Here they are in Hawaii. My mommy told me that they went to Maui in May of 2001. That's almost a year before I was born! Now that I'm here, I'll bet they don't go on a vacation without taking me along. I sure would like to see all of those beaches they took pictures of.

This is my kitty daddy. I think I look a lot like him, whaddya think?

This is my big sister. Her name's Bufferina (Buffy for short.) She's a whole 13 years old. Her birthday is November 5, 1988. I've never met her because she lives at my grampy's house, but my mom talks about her all the time so I feel like I've known her all my life. I'll bet she could teach me a lot...if only I spoke 'Dog'...

Here's Buffy by the pool at Grampa's. She's a cocker spaniel and they're supposed to like to swim, but from what I hear she's not a big fan of water just like I'm not! It must run in the family.

I don't know about you, but I think my big sis should have a smile on her face. After all, she *has* been graced with yours truly for a little brother.

There it is! I'm always hearing about how "smiley" she is. Now I finally get to see it!

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