Y'all come back now, Ya hear!! ; D

Name: Chelsea Lauwers

Nicknames: Token White Girl/Miss KIA/Chels

Screen name[s]: madhare54

Age: 17

Sex [no not that kind sicko]: female

Birthday: March 17th, 1985

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Location: San Jose, Cali

Hair Color: light brown

Eye Color: light blue/green

Siblings: none :( I want an older brother!

Hobbies: Volleyball and Dancing!

School: San Jose High Academy

What do you first notice about the opposite sex [looks alone]?: eyes, smile, hands, shoulders and backs (not ass', well...maybe!)

Your idea of a perfect date: a night that is fun and relaxing

Most romantic thing that happened to you: nothing yet

Food: um...I have to choose?

Drink: anything within the coffee family

TV show: JAG, Alias and The Osbournes

MOvies: Shawshank Redemption, Remember the Titans, gosh, I can't name them all!

Movie Type: Everything!


Band/Group/singers: Prince, Madonna, Maxwell, Michael Jackson, N Sync, Elvis, Thicke...lots more

Color: black

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