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Trivia of the Day Blog
Monday, February 1, 2010
Trivia for 2/1
Answer for 1/29:
Shirley Bell Cole died earlier this month at age 89. Cole may not be a household name, but for a decade she played a character beloved by millions of young fans. What character did Cole portray? 
Little Orphan Annie. For nearly 10 years, first on WGN-AM and then on the NBC radio network, Annie, her adoptive father Daddy Warbucks, dog Sandy and good friend Joe Corntassle entertained children gathered around the radio in the late afternoon. The show was produced by Ovaltine's advertising agency. Cole, who was 10 when she took the role, continued to play Annie through her teenage years, showing up for rehearsals and live broadcasts after school. When "Little Orphan Annie" was replaced by "Captain Midnight" around 1940, Cole was essentially finished with radio. Floy Hughes and Janice Gilbert also had stints playing Annie.
43 players answered correctly.
Question for 2/1:
From player Catherine (SpclDove):
Which beer was the first to be sold in aluminum cans in the United States?
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Posted by stars2/quizz2000 at 7:44 AM EST
Updated: Monday, February 1, 2010 7:45 AM EST
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