~An Eye Cry For You Page~

~By Pixie~

Dear Rosemary: This is just my personal page to you.
I thought you could use a friend today.
Love: Marlene
June 18, 2001

In Memory of Angel Louise Antoinette Torres
June 18, 1980-November 25, 1993

Dear Rosemary:
I know today is hard for you and I'm here to say.
That I'm also thinking of Louise on this her 21st birthday.
The years have passed, but I know time stands still for you.
For Louise was such a special joy and you don't know what to do.

Others say time heals all, just trying to be kind.
But this doesn't ease the pain you feel in your mind.
Louise should be here with you to reach this special age.
And it's hard to cry and harder yet to hold in all your rage.

You've asked God why so many times that you've long lost track.
All you know in your broken heart is you want your daughter back.
I have never been in your shoes, but I still feel your pain.
If only time could be turned back and Louise was here again.

Rosemary, God knows you're feeling this heartache and pain.
And you know someday this tragedy to you He will explain.
My heart and soul are with you today my dear, special friend.
And through this poem to you and Louise all my love I send.


Pixie's Place 2001

Marlene Fay Porter