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"Welcome, what is it you have there?" you want to apply for an award do you?

Well, there are a few things that are required. I'll give you the information and application.

The list of available awards are listed below. Each award has been assigned a number. Remember which number is assigned to the award you applying for. You will need it later.

Once you have found the award you want, fill out the application completely Remember make sure you read it to the letter. We aren't out to get you, heh....but we do wish you to have what you desereve. It's not hard. (Darian can even do it mwahahahhaha! Ahem.)

That's it. Leave the rest to us and don't worry. We don't leave any one out of an award....unless it looks like your site has a long way to travel. But we are making one just for till then, take a look at these awards and good luck!
NOTE: we have designed the awards to be viewed at 800 x 600. That is the screen size we use. So they may seem to be quite large if you veiw at a smaller screen size.


Malachite reading award application.

Below are samples of the new awards.

Beginners Award

1 Says we liked your site. This one is for beginners or for someome with nice pictures and has some organization. Although this award is mostly for the little sites,we do like it when it has everything Ship Shape and Tidy.
Unique Award 2 Says pretty much what it's titled. We look for a site that is different. It must have the nice pictures, organization ect. After all,we don't give Zoi out to just any body.
Beauty Award 3 This award is a little hard to get. Your site must be either Elegant or Beautiful. You must have more than style to get this award. Although, we maybe in a good mood when we reveiw your site.
Kicks Butt Award 4 This award goes to the sites leaves other sites left in the dust. Don't know what to put down as the criteria... As long as we think your site kicks butt.
Most Impressive Award 5 As it says, your site must be impressive. With anatmaphere that could turn you in to a roller coaster. Also must hava a ride of links, pictures, maybe some info and if you have would help. But it's not required.. The site must fall together nicely and be organized. This one is tuff to get. I think basically because of the handsome picture.



Guess what.....

Yep, we are behind in award applications....
dont ask how don't want to know.
But, the awards section has been handed over to takii99 & her staff of warlords.
And in order to catch up on all the applications....
I'am asking you to not apply untill otherwise posted.
I will be doing applications dated up today which is:

9 | 24 | 00

Otherwise....I wont be doing any other applications for awards.
Dais and Anubis will just delete them. They are helping me on this.
Sorry, for having to take such drastic measures..but it is nessary to catch up. takii at:



Award Application

Your Name:

Your email address:

Site URL (remember the http://):

Award Number:

Tell us why you want one of our awards?

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