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Welcome to SkyGate

Home: Voyager: X-files: Wicca: Astronomy: Links: About me: What's new

Hello everyone!! *waves madly to fellow pondies and friends*
Welcome to my new hiding place. I know its not as good as my old one, but then I don't have a web genius aiding me this time *waves to James*.
Ok, so I may not be the best at designing pages, but I felt inspired to do this. ;) However, if you prefer GOOD webpages, you can find my old one Here Meanwhile click the relevant link above or below to take you to that section.
Thanks, love and respect to my fantastic sistah Pammers for being generally wonderful!
Enjoy, and love and light all.

Mail me: Site guardian: Note on site

I suggest that when the pop up window next appears that you leave it minimalised then it does not come up again as you browse, otherwise it reappears for every page you look at- darned annoying

Note: this page is still under very heavy construction so most of the links will still not work, however I am making steady head way so all I can say is just try!

Home: Voyager: X-files: Wicca: Astronomy: Links: About me: What's New

This is Emalya, she is the guardian of this site.

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