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I Am The Wolf


I am the wolf, a loner at heart...

You are the human, and will rarely if ever see me...

I roam the wilderness forests and
mountains of this earth that we share...

I mate for survival, as you do...
and I help my mate raise our pups in the warmth of our den,
nurturing and watching them grow and play,
as you do with your human young...

We run as a pack family,
and our members are as close as those in yours...

When a member is lost, we grieve, but go on,
just as you do…

When I am hungry, I must hunt for myself and my family,
for that is all I know...

There are no stores to cater to my every need...

Some of you have said that I am a killer,
a cold-blooded hunter of death...

But when I kill, it is to feed my family,
and I only take the old, sick, and weak,
who will die regardless...

I don’t kill to hang heads for trophies on my walls,
as you do...

Now I am the hunted, by you...

You are afraid of me, because you don’t understand me...

You think I am taking from your herds of plenty,
(which you advertise to
big game hunters for their tourist dollars)...

Yes, you are afraid of me, but I can’t hurt you...

You are the one with the power to destroy my kind...

You set your traps to torture me,
and send your helicopters to kill me from the air...

I cannot fight you, for that is not my way,
that is yours...

I only want my freedom...
to run, live, and sing to the moon...

I will share this earth with you in peace...
as long as you let me...

I am the Wolf...

~Author unknown~


Save the Wolfs in Sweden

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