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Our friend "Skati"

I must tell you....

One morning  a birdie come to my dogs when we wher out....
it was this year in  spring time.!..
The birdie is a amagpie! Birdies namne is " Skati" and every time we get out
  " Skati" comes to me and my dogs Sandra and Sara!

Birdie want some  food from us:) We give him dogfood Frolic(!)
So now..I have a wild animal friend to!
People see how we going together.. Sandra and Sara and birdie "Skati"..
Other humans canīt understand how my dogs like a birdie:)
But I say "nothing is impossible"!
You can see a  photo I have taken on Skati.
He has a wife but she is not like "Skati"....she is more wild.

 A wonderful world we live in ..sometimes!!!


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