To inherit the excellence of past Student Union Sessions, we, the Innovator, will strive to achieve our promise to serve the Raimondians in the current year, to further promote everyone's sense of belonging to Raimondi together we build a better Raimondi. |
As the Student Union Session, 2001 - 2002, is coming to an end, it is time for new round of election to allow the student of Raimonidi to choose a new cabinet to Student Union and the students in the coming year. Election of Campaign week will begin on 16 Sep and ends with the casting of bullots by students. Please visit https://www.angelfire.com/space/rcsu2002/election/home.htm. | |
The RC week was held from 13 May to 17 May.Before and during the week, there were series of competitions held on 8/F Playground at the lunch time period. The competitions were as follows: Vest Design Competition
3I's Competition
Tug of War(8/5, 9/5, 13/5, 14/5)
Video Games Competition(10/5, 15/5)
Football Competition(10/5, 15/5)
Orienteering(13/5, 14/5)
Lastly, at the last 2 days of the week, an annual function, Come Together, was held at the School Hall during the last 2 periods of both days. For more details, please click here.
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The April issue of the RC Bulletin has been digitised and uploaded to the homepage. For more details, please click here. | |  |
The Student Union Election of the year 2001-2002 was held in September 2001. Firstly, we would like to thank you for your support in the election. It is we, Edwin's Innovator's honour to serve our fellow Raimondians and Raimondi. Results of the Election were as follow: |