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Ryoko Pics & Bio

//By George Chiang ( More JavaScripts here! var sound1="tenova.mid" var sound2="tenchitv.mid" var sound3="dol.mid" var x=Math.random()*10 if (x<=3) x=sound1 else if (x<=6) x=sound2 else x=sound3 if (navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") document.write('') else document.write('') //--> Name: Ryoko
Translation: Demon Summoner
Physical Age: 17
Real Age: 5000+
Birthday: August 8
Height: 5'6"
Blood Type: AB
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Cyan
Profession: Space Pirate
Galaxy Police Classification: A-1 Class Criminal
Space Ship: Ryo-Ohki
Phase with matter
Summon Demons
Control Demons
Hair Needles
Force Field
Telepathy (Ryo-Ohki)
Telepathy (Washu)
Able to be unspeakably beautiful after so long
Relationship with others:
Tenchi - Love interest
Ayeka - Her rival for Tenchi's love, sometimes acts like her sister, her friend
Sasami - She acts much like a little sister to Ryoko, and provides advice at times (Shoujo Manga Handbook for love, 'earth-style')
Mihoshi - Somewhat of a friend, though she annoys her at times.
Washu - Her mother, who Ryoko views as abandoning her, even though she wanted to be with her. She does not act much like a daughter would.
Kiyone (TenchiTV/MSpecial) - Like Mihoshi, she is somewhat of a friend, but a little bit more stable.
Nagi (TenchiTV) - Her archrival, Nagi is supposedly her worst enemy, yet takes care of her when she is injured, suggesting that rivalry did eventually grow into friendship.
Ryo-Ohki - Her cabbit and personal spaceship, she treats her like a little sister.

General History: Ryoko was born of Washu's ova and the Mass, merged in the lab by Washu herself. She gave her daughter three gems, which would make her quite powerful in the future. However, her acquaintance/student Kagato abducted them both, placing Washu in a chamber for several millennia, while using Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki as tools as he destroyed priceless artifacts and killed thousands, and probably millions. When Ryoko, under Kagato's control, attacked Earth, Prince Yosho of Jurai imprisoned her within the cave, near the site of the future Masaki shrine. Ryoko was very alone and lonely in the cave, her only relief coming when Tenchi was born. She watched him grow up, saw his triumphs and tragedies, and eventually came to love him. She was overjoyed when he opened the cave, soon finding him at school, and 'playing' with him, which in her terms meant terrifying him and blowing up his school. She soon became part of the quickly-developing new Masaki family, and became one of the two prime possible fiancées for Tenchi.

Personality: Ryoko generally is very laid back, and very liberal in her values. She has no qualms with being nude, which is the opposite of Ayeka's views. She tends to be very smart-alecky and contrary, adding to her bad temper. She is very informal, with very little manners, shoveling down food.

She is vain at times, but this seems to be just an outer shell. On the inside, she is very warm and kind, with a good sense of right and wrong, and she deeply regrets what she did under Kagato's control. It is very obvious that her attraction for Tenchi extends beyond his body - She deeply loves him. She would do anything for him, even if it meant sacrificing herself.

Other: She enjoys Sake, and has very low tolerance for alcohol.

