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Emotional Release Treatment E.R.T
This method releases negative emotional issues related to past and present events, including those that are both mild and severe, in nature. The ERT practitioner remains with the patient during the entire emotional release session to negotiate a conditional contract with your sub-conscious mind.
1. Single Emotional Release: for single emotional issue.
2. Whole session (one hour session): This session is designed to release mild, severe, acute or chronic, negative emotional issues that may be a contributing factor to the patient's illness.

Permanent Allergy Elimination
Permanent Allergy Elimination Technique and Emotional Release Technique, in combination, are ideal for allergic patients experiencing emotional traumas. Single emotional issues will be released first, followed by NAET basic protocol.

Chronic, Acute, Mild, Severe disease of the following will be considered:
Structural (muscle, joint, tendon, etc); Central Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Immune System deficiency; Auto Immune System Diseases; ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat); Respiratory System; Cardiovascular System (heart and vessels); Gastrointestinal System, Digestive System (esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, rectum); Kidneys, Liver, Spleen, Gallbladder, Urinary/Bladder, Reproductive Organs (uterus, ovaries, testes, prostate); Endocrine (hormonal) disorders

Physio - Rehab Acupuncture , and Laser Therapy
These treatments are for all types of physical problems, ranging from mild to severe, acute and chronic conditions. Even very complicated cases, including injuries resulting from post motor vehicle (MVA) accidents, work related injuries, personal injuries and sports injuries can benefit from NAET treatments

Holistic Health Preventive Assesment
Holistic Health Preventative Assessment, Testing, Maintenance & Treatment IS ADVISED FOR EVERYONE. (Particularly those who think they are in good health). Having a once-a-year NAET & ERT checkup is designed as a method to maintain health and prevent illness. There are three stages: 1. Full Consultation and Examination for physical, nutritional, emotional, social and personal matters. At the end of this session you will be informed of the results of your case analyses, diagnosis and prognosis. If treatment is needed, you will be given a customized treatment plan and protocol. If you decide to go ahead with treatment your practitioner will proceed with the second stage. 2. Allergy testing 3. Treatment

Computerized Allergy Testing
Computerized testing can identify your allergens, including food, environmental substances, synthetic medicine, industrial material, work related material, and heavy metal toxicities.

Desensitization Program
During this session the toxicity of any geo pathic electromagnetic, radioactive, sun radiation, non radioactive, rare elements, heavy metals, chemical etc. will be taken in consideration.

Dental Material Compatibility Testing and Desensitization
If you have had dental work done or if you are in need of dental work, we advise you to consult a Hippocrates Licensed Practitioner. All dental materials are potential chemicals that may be harmful to the body. As well, be aware that breast silicon implants, bone marrow transplants, pharmaceutical drugs, pace makers, knee or hip replacements etc, can also cause sensitivities. Ask for details.

Cleansing and Detoxification
Cleansing and Detoxification protocols that use all natural materials will improve health conditions

Other Services
Iridology, Massage therapy, Reflexology, Homeopathy, and Aroma Therapy may be advised and provided. Usage of 'amazing diodes' provides protection from radiation, electro magnetic fields, soft or hard lasers, solar, nuclear, etc. Please ask for details.

A- To keep your Bio Magnetic Energy balanced. Your Iso-Bio Magnetic Energy signature will be printed on small portable objects like your ring, bracelet etc. This very delicate and sensitive preparation will take almost one week. Ask for details.
B- Great stone has healing powers that energize and balance your polarity
C- Usage of the amazing diodes
D- Cleansing and detoxification products
E- Patients' support meetings and seminars are organized on a regular basis (Stay posted for more details).

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