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Updated Vintage Hyperactive game to 1.1 (graphics build).


Added Vintage Hyperactive game.


Two new projects: the PatchWork utility and Metroid Master game download.


Updated Egyptian RatScrew; it now has tons of slap rules. Get ERS version 1.3 at the downloads page.


Added a ZZT adventure to my website, called MacGyver ZZT. Should be entertaining.

Some time in the near future, I might have some family tree links set up. I agreed to make an online family tree during a "Mazzucco bloodline" family reunion recently.


Yeah, I know, nearly a year is one freaking long time to wait before updating your website. But I've since gotten a job at Raytheon as a software engineer, so there's been plenty to keep me busy.

I've added a new game: Egyptian RatScrew. It's a nice computerized card game like Solitaire, but more fast-paced. Get it on the downloads page.


Tiny update to include latest version of WaveCreator. Not much has changed on my site, but the application has changed significantly (for the better).


Major update today. I have given my entire personal site an overhaul. Everything should look nice and professional now. The site has better layout, it has a few additional pages, it contains more downloads, and it now has a pull-down menu for better navigation.

I also ditched the previous site design that included frames. Frames, I decided, create more trouble than necessary.

Newest Downloads

Added Vintage Hyperactive to downloads page.


Added PatchWork and Metroid Master to downloads page.


Added MacGyver ZZT to downloads page.


Added Egyptian RatScrew to downloads page

  1. Updated WaveCreator download--no longer preliminary
  1. Added Nibbler 2.0 (Win32) beta version to Downloads page
  2. Made NibEdit download more visible; it is now present on Downloads page
  3. Added TripWire download
  4. Added WaveCreator preliminary download
  5. Added WideUpdate download

Check them out by clicking on the "Downloads" menu item.

Project Updates

Vintage Hyperactive is now at revision 1.1. There is now a graphics build for Win32, mouse and joystick support, selectable skill levels, better menus, a resizable window, adjustable detail settings, and all-in-all a vastly improved game. This version should garner a crowd SIGNIFICANTLY larger than ten people.


A new project, Vintage Hyperactive. This is a retro text-mode game that should make happy everybody who hasn't played a good ASCII character-based game in a long time and wants to. Hopefully, such a crowd will be larger than ten people.


Two new projects: PatchWork and Metroid Master. PatchWork is a patching utility. Metroid Master is a Metroid hack for the 8-bit NES that I developed. The juxtaposition of these two projects is not coincidental; PatchWork was used to create the Metroid Master download.


Updated Egyptian RatScrew; it now has tons of slap rules. Get ERS version 1.3 at the downloads page.


I have posted Egyptian RatScrew, a project that's only lasted a few months. It's a simple feat of software engineering compared to some of my other work. Current version: 1.1.


Only one project update has occurred: WaveCreator. The WaveCreator project has turned into a useful sound processing tool. Version 0.9 of WaveCreator meets if not surpasses the capabilities of Creative WaveStudio. And it's free.

Some updates yet to come:

  1. Filtering (Lowpass, Highpass and Fourier)
  2. Sound Recording
  3. Help File Documentation
  4. Everything in the WaveSynth menu
Get WaveCreator!

The following project updates have occurred:

  1. Added several new images to the Art Gallery
  2. Added Bouncer computer game idea
  3. Updated Nibbler project to include Nibbler 2.0 (Win32) beta description
  4. Added TripWire project
  5. Added WaveCreator project
  6. Added WideUpdate project

Check them out by clicking on the "Projects" menu item.


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© Copyright 2004 Christopher Allen.