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Cool Stuff




Ooooo Craftay

(Chamuki: December 19, 2002: 12/19/02)

Although I'm not a strategic genius, I do give myself credit for some skillz. Starcraft to me is like the upgrade of chess...adding the element of time. You have your rooks and your knights and your zealots and your dragoons, but then you add time to that all. It is probably comparable to having a gameclock in chess. But instead of just white and black to choose from, you have Terran, Protoss, and Zerg. Most people out there in the Starcraft world are dumb...just like any other videogame. Most people will play the 3v3 shared bases stacked minerals a la 3v3zeroclutter -and while it isn't without its merit and its fun it requires less skill than other aspects of the game- but real players know that the difference between beating a player and a punk can be one drone on one stack of minerals...or the placement of a supply depot in front of a bunker so melee characters can't attack it. And if you put four actual players have to deal with coordinated which case strategy plays an even more important role. It's like playing 4-player chess. (okay I've overused the chess metaphor -you get the point) Anyway the varying ways that this game can go are what make it interesting...and although it is simple to understand the basics (point and click) that is just knowing that the knight can only move in an L shape...that hardly coordinates your entire board for a pawn to bishop 4. (sup Jake) So yeh, here are some of my demos from currently the only realtime strategy game that I play. And if you want to reach me I play on Useast as *chamuki, *shieldz, *pureguard, and *sean connery.

Note: In order to play these replays you must have Starcraft installed, and you need to place them in your ...Starcraft/maps/replays folder. Then you must run a multiplayer game and select the replay and you're set.

1. 2vs1 -chamuki (terran) $$$ big game hunters $$$ 2 vs 1
2. comeback -chamuki (protoss) on big game hunters vs 2 people...comeback
3. huntingterrans -chamuki (terran) vs 7 terran comp on the hunters i own them all!!! (you have to play this in classic not broodwar)
4. huntingterrans2 -chamuki (terran) vs 7 terran comp on the hunters i own them all!!! (you have to play this in classic not broodwar) 55:10 hahahah
5. john -chamuki (protoss) on sd money lots of carriers i win
6. josh -chamuki (protoss) on bloodbath vs good team i lose
7. ladder -chamuki (zerg) 1 on 1 on 1 at lost temple with the win ladder match
8. nix -chamuki (terran) 2 on 1 at hunters terran nix kills me alone
9. own -chamuki (observer) very good terran rush another gets owned vs own-einhander on lost temple
10. seanconnery -sean connery (protoss) 2 on 1 on blood bath long game i win good job me
11. slammed -chamuki (zerg) 1 on 1 on 1 at temple i get wrecked good wraith rush
12. terranz -chamuki (protoss) i get raped on bloodbath vs good tank rush
13. terrasys -chamuki (terran) 1 on 1 at acropolis...terrasys aka tim aka [A:A]-Enigma- Stinger shows how useless he is at Starcraft
14. voidboy -chamuki (protoss) 2 on 3 we won on 3v3 $$$ shared island $$$ blue and teal vs

2vs1 comeback huntingterrans
2vs1.rep comeback.rep huntingterrans.rep
huntingterrans2 john josh
huntingterrans2.rep john.rep josh.rep
ladder nix own
ladder.rep nix.rep own.rep
seanconnery slammed terrans
seanconnery.rep slammed.rep terranz.rep
terrasys voidboy
terrasys.rep voidboy.rep
