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Diablo II Characters

(Chamuki: December 13, 2002: 12/13/02)

Here are all of my legit characters. I play solely on USEAST and you can find me under the account names *Chamuki and *PureGuard. All my items are legit and so are all of my characters. I know without a shadow of a doubt that all my items are legit because I have found them all. I have never traded anyone ever for any items. I am what is known as a Purist. I very rarely party to advance my characters and more commonly only party for partner dueling. That I also only do rarely because it is hard to find worthwhile partners left in Diablo II Classic. My Barbarian is level 79 and is a total Purist. All items he uses he has found or gambled. He has had the benefit of ZERO muling, ZERO imbues, ZERO ring quests. All items he has, he earned. Every other character has had the benefit of muling but still has not traded. And if you happen to be a purist, have a purist clan, or ever want to start a purist clan with me, email me! If you like any of my items you can email me with offers to buy with real money or trade for items. Although I have never traded up until this point, I don't play Diablo much anymore and I am always curious what my items would go for. Anyway, Click the character to see the items each one wears. PURIST 4 LIFE

Diablo II
Diablo II Amazon Necromancer Barbarian Sorceress Paladin Diablo II
Diablo II
