Tesshinkan Ryu Kyu Kobudo USA
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Ryu Kyu Kobudo of Okinawa

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Tesshinkan Welcome

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The Original Kobudo of Okinawa

Welcome, to the USA Ryukyu Kobudo "Tesshinkan" Home page. Ryukyu Kobudo is the Original weapons system of Okinawa with it's roots tracing back over 400 years. The Tesshinkan officially began May 22, 1999, following the death of Akamine Eisuke Dai Sensei of the Ryukyu Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai, and is dedicated to purveying traditional Ryukyu Kobudo as it was passed from Akamine Sensei to Tamayose Hidemi Sensei. This site is to provide information about Ryukyu Kobudo and perpetuate it's practice throughout the world.

The USA Branch Dojo is located in Ocala, Florida. The Chief Instructor is Bill Woodard. Woodard Sensei has 33 years of expirence, he officially joined the Tesshinkan, in October of 1999, and received the Tesshinkan Branch Dojo Charter in Ozato, Okinawa April 6th of 2002.

Bill Woodard
USA Tesshinkan Representative


For Information on Ryu Kyu Kobudo, Kobudo Seminars, or Membership information, Please fill out feedback form below.

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