Total: 250 guests
Name: susie lalonde
Website: susie's homepage
Referred by: From a Friend
From: kentucky usa
Time: 1999-05-09 23:49:53
Comments: Nice page and very informative. I enjoyed your site. Please visit my site too, and don't forget to sign in.

Name: Susan
Website: Susan's Thoughts
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lafayette, CA, USA
Time: 1999-05-09 17:15:57
Comments: Hi, Joshua - thanks for letting me know you were at my page. You have a lot of interesting links here - I'm glad I saw your site.

Name: Wayne
Website: Wazat Web wide
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Newcastle South Africa
Time: 1999-05-09 06:24:10
Comments: I came, I saw, I signed. Great homepage you have here. Thank you for visiting my page and signing my guestbook at
Wazat Web Wide

Warning :-

Moving your cursor over this banner will send you hurtling into my site, try it if you dare

My Motto - Sign mine and I'll sign yours.....

Name: Grizzly
Website: Grizzlys Den
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ohio
Time: 1999-05-09 03:47:15
Comments: Thanks for stopping by and signing my have a great site here and i enjoyed my visit very much. :o)

Uh-oh! No, Java? You have just missed an awesome display! Upgrade to a Java Capable browser soon.
click on picture

Name: Pearl of Asia
Website: Welcome to Pearl of Asia World
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Japan
Time: 1999-05-08 20:02:13
Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook I'm glad I returned the visit there is so much information on your page. Graet job! when I am free I will visit your HP again! ^o^ !

Name: Els
Website: Escape From Reality
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The Netherlands
Time: 1999-05-08 16:31:37
Comments: Hi, My compliments for your beautifull homepages. I love it very much, keep up the good work.. Byebye from Els.
Click Here For Your Escape From Reality

Name: Ticken
Website: Ticken's Home Pages
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Arkansas
Time: 1999-05-08 03:49:29
Comments: WOW... there is so much information and links to visit from your site that I may never get through it all... great design and eye appeal. Thanks for visiting my Best URL's Files and Gifs page! Visit again soon.... the page changes very quickly!

Name: Lorna Wilkinson
Website: Creations By Lorna
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Oshawa, Ontario
Time: 1999-05-04 23:40:34
Comments: I would like to thank you for visiting my web site, you have a very interesting site....

Name: Tracy
Website: Tracy's Home Page!!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: South Dakota
Time: 1999-05-04 22:16:40
Comments: Nice Page!! I like all the links. they are fun to go throught. Please, come visit my webpage!!! Keep up the good work. --Tracy

Name: Marlena (a.k.a. PalmTree)
Website: PalmTree's Homepage
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Nanaimo, BC, Canada
Time: 1999-05-04 03:26:08
Comments: Hey Joshua! :^) Just wanted to come by and thank you so much for the visit to my site, and for the kind complements you put in my guestbook! *grin* It's a pleasure to return the favour...and all I can say is, ~*WOW*'ve got SO many links here I could get lost for HOURS! *hee hee* Great that's why I figured I should sign in before I got TOO carried away checking things out! In the meantime, tho'...take care, thanx again for the visit, and I'll see ya 'round the 'net! *CHEERS FROM BC*, eh...Marlena (a.k.a. PalmTree)! :^)

Name: Shelly
Website: Shelly's Family Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pacific Northwest
Time: 1999-05-04 01:53:01
Comments: Hi Joshua...thanks for visiting my site. Working on it is a great pleasure. Wow!! What a lot of great stuff you have here; it will keep me busy for a while.

Name: Jim L
Website: OH CANADA
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Los Angeles, Ca. USA
Time: 1999-05-03 19:38:29
Comments: Hi Joshua, thanks for visiting my humble pages, and for signing my guestbook. Your email addy bounced back on me. You have a great site here, lots of interesting links, and lots of educational sites. I was interested in your Malta link, my first wife was Maltese.Thanks for an enjoyable visit, easy to navigate around in your site. God Bless. Jim L

Name: Penbuddy
Website: Penbuddy's Homepage
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Oshawa, ON
Time: 1999-05-03 14:09:35
Comments: Hi Joshua... thanks for visiting me. I liked your page as well... but the one thing (oops, here's some criticism!) I would love to see, are more pages... instead of one long page, break it down into smaller pages that link to one another. :o) Talk to you later!

Name: joesample
Website: JP's Place - Welcome to the Yorkshire Dales and Northumbria
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: North Yorkshire. England UK
Time: 1999-05-03 13:51:28

Thanks for visiting my site and signing my guestbook..You have a great website here keep up the good work, thumbs up to ya!

Come on in

Name: Katie Sansone
Website: The POTTER'S House
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: U.S.A. (ohio)
Time: 1999-05-02 17:50:15
Comments: A really different site.....good and informative. Come visit me and learn "who loves you, baby"! (quote from "Kojack").

Name: Edward Kleiner
Website: The Jughead Zone Web Page He Calls His Own
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Haven CT
Time: 1999-05-02 03:48:12
Comments: Hi Josh I just surfed via a guestbook & came to your site. I like it a lot. First of all you have a great set of Links I do belong to Uproar. I also like your Missing Childrens Sign. I do think that a lot of the Missing Children in our world do need to be found & I will be adding a Missing Childrens Page as soon as I get around to it. I also like the two comics that you put on your website. I will be creating my own comics as soon as I can & adding them to my webpage. I have a big image collection from Parsons & Broderbund & will be able to make my own comics like the two you have. Speaking of my website, please come on down to my Website & tell me the things you like on it & sign my guestbook. Thank You Very Much. Sincerely Edward Kleiner

Name: Deb
Website: Lost In Thought
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Nova Scotia Canada
Time: 1999-05-02 00:55:33
Comments: You have an extensive site and something for everyone! Thank you for your very kind words regarding my site....

Name: sYi
Website: a rock & roll fable
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dartmouth, NS, Canada
Time: 1999-05-01 14:40:31
Hey Cat thanks for stopping by the site again, it's nice to know that we have had at least one visitor return. Just checked out your site again and we are impressed. Ya gotta like the Canadian content on any site ,eh. All righty then lets get down to business, by now you've probably heard all the rumors and gossip , well let us be the first to tell you that most of them are true. Yes we here at SYI central are recieving head from anyone who is offering. No it's not a SEX thing!!! We are looking for some photos of your HEAD, so if you have some free time stop by and visit with SYI. Come and see "what the people are saying". It's Rock at its Swinest! Undeniable the most fun you can have with your clothes on! SYI, Atlantic Canada's best kept secret.
"SYI, Live, Loud & not too Proud!"
Copyright © 1999 Steaming DilBrt Productions, Dartmouth, N.S. , Canada eh!

Name: Editor
Website: Tartan Express
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-04-30 19:01:32
Comments: The Tartan Express Just dropped in for a visit, to say hello and also check out your page which is excellent and to give you and your other visitors some information on my new The Tartan Express page. I would appreciate it if you would pay it a visit at: Thanks

Name: Webmaster
Website: GreenBuck Banner Exchange Network
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 1999-04-29 08:27:22
Comments: Join the Greenbuck Banner Exchange Now and get 500 Free Exposures

GreenBuck Banner Exchange
GreenBuck Banner Exchange

Name: Debi
Website: A Wing & A Prayer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: So. Oregon
Time: 1999-04-28 17:17:37
Comments: Hi, Joshua. have a little something for everyone here. Can't believe how much time has gone by since I first "clicked on you"! I learned something and had fun doing so--can't beat that combination! *smile* Keep up the GREAT job...your hard work is obvious. Debi

A Wing & A Prayer

Name: Beautiful Angel
Website: The Caring Angel's Webpage
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Earth :)
Time: 1999-04-27 22:12:41
Comments: Hello Joshua, Nice name. You have a really wonderful Webpage here. You did a great job. Great links. You got all the cool things on your Webpage. And cute graphics. Come and visit my Webpage and sign my guestbook to let me know what you think of my Webpage thanks.

Name: Monica
Website: Monica Olsson's Home Page
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Uppsala, Sweden
Time: 1999-04-27 15:24:25
Comments: Hi! Nice page. Take a look at mine. Have a nice day! /Monica

Name: Nicky
Website: Nicky's Nook
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-04-26 23:33:39
You have got yourself a very interesting site here. In fact, it's easy to navigate and worth the time it takes to view all the links. I have bookmarked it so that I may see more of it when I have more time. You certainly have a lot of resources for various subjects. Also, it's nice to see you have Canadian content and links. Keep up the good work. I look forward to returning often for updates.

Located in the Land of the Four Seasons!!

Name: Don Merrill
Website: merrydon's home page
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Florida
Time: 1999-04-26 16:55:23
Comments: Hi Joshua - Thank you for visiting my home page and signing my guest book. I enjoyed my visit to your home pages. Don

Name: Carole
Website: Ccaz's Page
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Brisbane .... Australia
Time: 1999-04-26 13:11:50
Just popped in to say hi!!!!

And to thank you for signing my guestbook!!!

Name: Elizabeth
Website: P.S.A.L.M. (Please Sing A Lively Melody)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Scotland
Time: 1999-04-26 07:14:53
Comments: Thank you for visiting....Interesting site you have here! Blessings!
P.S.A.L.M. Please Sing A Lively Melody)

Name: FrAnCeScO
Website: FRANCESCO's site
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Italyyy
Time: 1999-04-26 01:03:15
Comments: Joshua thanx! ...your site is full of interesting links, and u have here a lot of guests ! C U again -CIAO-

Name: Linda Coyle
Website: Coyle's Where in the Web and Other Homeschool and Education Stuff
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: NE GA
Time: 1999-04-25 15:54:41
Comments: Hi! Thanks for signing my guestbook..I'm here checking out yours! Still looking around....looks nice. Come visit our families' sites...I've built mine to help homeschoolers...also I have tips from my personal experiences there too. My daughter's site is a kid-safe site and contains some of her original creative writing and drawing. My husband has an inspirational site you may enjoy.

Name: Rita Castro
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Caracas, VENEZUELA
Time: 1999-04-25 00:59:23
Comments: Thanks for your words about my site, and sign my guestbook. Cool site. Two thumbs up. Keep up the good work. Tu página es muy interesante y útil.


Name: Bill Aumack
Website: Downey Adventist Church
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Downey, CA
Time: 1999-04-24 14:40:38
Comments: Good work on your page. You have a wide variety of topics to choose from. Keep up the good work. Stop by and visit my church page when you get a chance. We have some Inspirational stories, a huge Kids Zone, online newsletter and a bunch of cool Christian links. God Bless!

Name: Nicole
Website: Nicole's Secret World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pickering, Ontario
Time: 1999-04-24 05:10:23
Comments: Interesting site!

Name: Neal
Website: Neal's Psyte
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Winnipeg, CANADA
Time: 1999-04-21 22:48:33


wisdom... Hey!!!

I just happened to be surfing around and I landed in YOUR world... looks great....

See y'all there...


Name: Marknknox
Website: FREE JAVA
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: TN
Time: 1999-04-18 03:55:24
Comments: Liked the page, keep up the good work!



Name: Mohamed Salem
Website: Mohamed Salem
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Egypt
Time: 1999-04-16 12:24:53
Comments: You got a great page here, good work, keep it up yours M. Salem

Name: Elaine Sheldon
Website: Dreams and Health
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: Longview Washington USA
Time: 1999-04-16 07:02:01
Comments: You have a great web page and your not ugly. Please, when you time, take a look at my web pages. I have art and baby pictures a Business and I will be updating all the time. See if you can find all my links, just click were it says to click. Elaine Sheldon

Name: Crystalee
Website: Crystalee's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-04-14 21:31:23
Comments: Cool site, I hope you can come and visit mine sometime!!!!!!

Name: Dan
Website: -Dan's Page-
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-04-14 21:29:45

Name: Colleen
Website: varies all the time
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: ny
Time: 1999-04-13 17:02:48
Comments: Hi thanks for visiting my page, yours is cool too. Keep up the good work!

Name: Brenda Oig
Website: The JDHL Academy Homeschool
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Prince Rupert, BC
Time: 1999-04-13 05:37:00
Comments: Great site, lots of links to check out for sure. Thanks for visiting our page, hope you come again!

come see our site!

Name: Jennifer
Website: Jen's Place in Cyberspace
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mission Viejo, California
Time: 1999-04-13 00:47:48
Comments: Hey thanks for signing my dreambook! i really enjoyed my visit to your site! Keep up the good work!

Name: Eleanor
Website: *Welcome*Bienvenue*Willkommen*
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: British Columbia, Canada
Time: 1999-04-12 23:47:59
Comments: I like how you've set up your page. You are welcome to drop by my Home too.

Name: Ray
Website: DownShifts
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Maine
Time: 1999-04-12 22:45:22
Comments: Great site you have here I was born in Canada butwith U.S. parents.I can see that you have worked hard on this site you have a lot of interesting stuff.

Name: Jim Douglas
Website: Ethics in the Call Centre
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Charlottetown, PEI
Time: 1999-04-12 15:01:13
Comments: Thanks for signing our guestbook, thought I'd return the favour

Name: haze
Website: arcipelago studio and gallery of art&design
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Bethlehem, PA
Time: 1999-04-11 21:17:24
Comments: Thank you for the comments on my site at You have quite and interesting collection of pages, very informative... I enjoyed my visit. Please visit my premier art gallery on line... we feature a collective of varied artists and... if you need graphics, most of us offer free graphics... somewhere our pages... grab free Penguin Graphics at Thanks for the informative tour...~haze

Name: mwright317
Website: Free Virus Correction Program
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Phila Pa
Time: 1999-04-11 19:36:02
Comments: Wow!JOSH your site is a real WEB-O-RAMA! How do you do it! I could never keep up! Your site is awsome! You have done a great job.I wish to be that good at HTML some day.Thanks for visiting my site! Well you have inspired me to work just that much harder!When you get a chance,Check out the Latest Virus Warning and corrective program that is FREE! Thanks SURF SAFE and help keep the net TIDY! and GOD bless Wayne A Wright

Name: Jeffrey Rosen
Website: The SARGE
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: East Meadow, Long Island, NY (just outside NYC)
Time: 1999-04-11 17:20:23
Comments: Excellent site!!! Great links!!!

Name: blondie
Website: Blondies Back Yard
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 1999-04-10 16:37:30
Comments: HI like your page, so much information and stuff to see and do. Thanks for visiting the backyard and signing the guestbook. Keep up the great work and be back soon. Best Wishes, Blondie

Name: Stephen Carr
Website: sc's education stuff
Referred by: From a Friend
From: so cal
Time: 1999-04-10 15:32:34
Hey Joshua, cool page!
Visit me if you get the chance, sign the guestbook!


Name: Shari
Website: Shari's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-04-10 05:55:01
Comments: Hi there, I'm a 16/f from Ontario, Canada. I really enjoyed your page! Please check out mine sometime if you want, and don't forget to sign the guestbook. Bye 4 now!

Name: TerraFirma
Website: Abutton index web community
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lynnwood, WA
Time: 1999-04-09 07:17:38

Beautiful site.

I could not help but look at your site and marvel, I can't stop loving it, you gotta make an animated button for my site & join up with me, can you do moving gifs? I'd like to see abutton from you, anyway stop by and see me sometime to see what the press of abutton can do for you.
Here are some buttons to me and some friends and soon you could be one.
abutton indexChanging button1changing button3Join
Come see what the press of can do for you!

And you gotta check this out...
fp125_1.gif FamilyPoint gives you a free Internet shovel
This is Recommended for the family and solo surfer alike, join today it's free and fun for everyone. So do a little digging in thier site and plant you membership there today!

Name: Flo
Website: Flo's Rocky Mountain Home
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Canada
Time: 1999-04-09 03:07:43
Comments: Hi Josh, We pretty much know I came here, because I wanted to see your Web Site after you had so kindly visited my Site. Your Web Site is absolutely terrific. There is so much information that is relevant to peoples needs. I admire the format in which you have compiled your information also. Everything loads easily, and is there at touch of mouse. **SMILES** very nice. I've bookmarked it so I can return. And thank you again for visiting me. From The Heart of The Canadian Rockies, my very sincere regards, Flo ICQ # 19014883 :)

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Washington State
Time: 1999-04-09 00:29:13
Comments: Hi Joshua...Thank you for signing my guest book! I am so glad that you found it helpful...I looked through your page and it sure has a lot of info on it! Great work! I am sure you have many people using your page for different things..It is very interesting.Keep up the good work!All the best to you..Poski

Name: Carerra4s
Website: Carerra4s
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Beloved Kuwait
Time: 1999-04-08 20:27:32
Comments: Thank you for taking the time to visit me, and for signing my GB. Your links are great....some of which were very useful to me. Thank you for sharing. Keep up the good work :)

Name: Mary
Website: Tigereyes Free Graphics
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Montana via NY
Time: 1999-04-08 20:18:12
Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook giving me the opportunity to visit your site. You have a wonderful collection of links. I enjoyed my visit.

Name: Tisha
Website: Humble's
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Wyoming
Time: 1999-04-08 18:37:30
Comments: You have a lot on your site...Keep up the good work...Please feel free to come by and visit my site sometime....

Name: Rita
Website: Tigress 826
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Pennsylvania, USA
Time: 1999-04-08 14:26:15
Comments: Hi Joshua, Thanks for visiting my place and signing my guestbook. It also appears that you have put alot of time and effort into your pages. Very informative!! Alot to see and do. Although I have not had the chance to look at everything yet, I have bookmarked you and will be back again soon. You are doing a fantastic job! Thanks for sharing. Take care...Rita :o)
Visit Tigress 826

Name: Sandy Lyons
Website: Sandys Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ind,Md,Move to FL. 1980
Time: 1999-04-08 05:44:51
Comments: Hi! there, I was very impressed about your site. Come and visit me. Sandy

Name: Sandy Lyons
Website: Sandys Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ind,Md,Move to FL. 1980
Time: 1999-04-08 05:44:28
Comments: Hi! there, I was very impressed about your site. Come and visit me. Sandy

Name: Sandy Lyons
Website: Sandys Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ind,Md,Move to FL. 1980
Time: 1999-04-08 05:43:38
Comments: Hi! there, I was very impressed about your site. Come and visit me. Sandy

Name: Audrey
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Montreal, Canada
Time: 1999-04-08 00:41:27
Comments: Joshua, your site is awesome. There is so much to see and super resources. I am going to have to come back several times to see it all. Thank you for visiting my sight and reading my story, and thank you for signing my duest book. Audrey

Name: Bonnie
Website: Bonnie's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: BC Canada
Time: 1999-04-07 18:28:54
Comments: You have a very informative site I signed up for the email lotto. Thankyou for sharing. Bonnie

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-04-07 17:36:33

Name: Jiannette
Website: Jiannette N Family
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: CA
Time: 1999-04-07 13:16:51

Nice site you have here.

Jiannette N Family

Name: Tony Harden
Website: Tonys Chamber
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dublin, GA USA
Time: 1999-04-07 00:51:19
Comments: HELLO!!

Name: Willard D Howard
Website: Welcome to Our Internet Home
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Michigan
Time: 1999-04-06 11:50:12
Comments: Just wanted to say Thanks for visiting our Home, Hope you come back often and Thanks for your remarks. After visiting your Web site I realize I have a lot of work to do on my site. I also connected to the missing children site and put it on our site, again Thanks.

Name: Allison
Website: Onewish1's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NJ
Time: 1999-04-06 10:36:53
Comments: I enjoyed my visit to your site.. thanks for the invite... take care.. Allison

Onewish1's Home Page

Name: EEE
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-04-06 04:49:06
Comments: Wow you've got a lot on your page. Good stuff. Thanks for signing my page. Take it easy.

Name: Jackie
Website: Miss Peach's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kentucky
Time: 1999-04-05 23:09:15
Comments: Wow, what information! You have a great site! Thanks for stopping by my page and signing my guestbook. Have a great day!

Name: Jackie
Website: Miss Peach's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kentucky
Time: 1999-04-05 23:08:11
Comments: Wow, what information! You have a great site! Thanks for stopping by my page and signing my guestbook. Have a great day!

Name: Jackie
Website: Miss Peach's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kentucky
Time: 1999-04-05 23:07:29
Comments: Wow, what information! You have a great site! Thanks for stopping by my page and signing my guestbook. Have a great day!

Name: Gary and Joyce
Website: Morecoins
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Ellenboro, West Virginia
Time: 1999-04-05 11:36:38
Comments: very nice page. Very educational as well, you are a very good communicator. I will come back and visit again soon. I hope you can find the time to drop by my place. Thank you and God bless.

Name: Cat
Website: The Celeb Site
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Alabama
Time: 1999-04-05 04:14:03
Comments: I think your page is very educational. Everybody can learn alot from it. I hope you come to my page and sign my guestbook.

Name: Cakeman
Website: Eddie's World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Staten Island,
New York

Time: 1999-04-05 00:59:15

Great Site!! Keep up the good Work!!

Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
Time: 1999-04-04 19:34:59
Comments: Like your site, has so much information. Your doing a great job here. Enjoyed reading about the millenium bug. Thanks for signing my guestbook, I am now returning the favour. Sending a personal invitation to swing by my site and apply for one of my awards. Jazmine

Name: AGhostwriter
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: An island - Puget Sound in the Pacific Northwest Of The United States
Time: 1999-04-03 21:09:32
Comments: I'm so glad you made a trip to my site and left me your link. Your Internet site is fantastic. I had a wonderful visit and have bookmarked your site for many more. I know it will take several return trips to begin to view everything here. Thank you for signing my guest book. Best wishes to you and your Internet adventure.

Name: Myrna
Website: Myrna's Inn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Aylmer, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-04-03 11:28:03
Comments: Hi Joshua..I'm returning your visit and boy am I glad I did...hope you don't mind but I'm going to steal a couple of your links to use on my site...(chatalaine and the one about computers) I found these particularly interesting. I've bookmarked your site to return again. Thank you for visiting me at my's almost more real that the actual I spend hours at the keyboard trying to key in all the html and searching for graphics. Anyway, I hope you will come back often and also keep adding to your site as I intend to visit frequently.

Name: Eddie Ingram
Website: Eddie Ingram's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Inverness, Scotland
Time: 1999-04-03 09:56:07
Comments: I really enjoyed my visit to your page. You have obviously put a lot of work into it. Greetings from a retired Police Sergeant from Inverness in Scotland. Thanks for visiting my page, glad you enjoyed your visit.

Name: Sea Witch
Website: Weird Visions
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: UK
Time: 1999-04-03 07:03:54
Comments: Phew!!! What a busy page. So many places to go, so many things to see. It's more like a nexus than a website. I'm impressed. Thanks for signing my GB, here's the compliment returned.

Name: Tim
Website: Renegade's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: West Virginia (USA)
Time: 1999-04-03 03:52:31

Hi, great page. I have enjoyed my visit. Keep up the great work. Come and stop by and visit my site sometime. *later*

Name: EbendeKlerk
Website: Eben's Little Corner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: South Africa
Time: 1999-04-02 21:51:40
Comments: I always enjoy my visits to your website! Best wishes!
Eben's Little Corner

Name: Eileen
Website: Creation Station
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: California
Time: 1999-03-31 05:49:33
Comments: You have an awesome site. You put in a lot of work and I can tell your a computer addict;-) So am I! Thanks for the nice comment in my book. All the best to you.Eileen

Name: Ryan (pisco)
Website: Pisco's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kentucky
Time: 1999-03-30 19:15:34
Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook! If you go back to it, go to the links file and check out Pisco's Kiss page. SIgn that book as well

Name: magic8
Website: magic8 HOMEPAGE
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: indiana
Time: 1999-03-30 02:41:37
Comments: great page.i enjoyed my visit..come apply 4 m award....god bless you

Name: troll
Website: deadfishinfleshywrapper
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-03-29 22:39:37
Comments: hi good page?// its kewl!!!!!

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-03-29 09:29:28

Name: John Allen
Website: John and Pam's New Adventure
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: From Coldwater, Michigan .... live in Humble, Texas
Time: 1999-03-29 09:11:58
Comments: I was surfing the net and landed, so much stuff. I can't do this in one sitting so I'll have to come back. Feel free to visit our site and let us know what you think.

Name: Ed
Website: Bigfoot
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: N.C. Md. To Fl.1980 U.S.A.
Time: 1999-03-29 04:14:02
Comments: Thank's dropping in on my site just started on you home page so far so good Hope you had atime check my wife site out. U.S.ARMY COMBAT VETERAN 25TH.INFANTRY DIVISION "TROPIC LIGHTNING" THE WORLDS GREATEST COMBAT DIVISION VIETNAM 1966 TO 1970 CAMBODIA 25TH.FOREVER THE U.S.ARMY'S PACIFIC FIRE BRIGADE CO.B 25TH.AVN.BN. DOORGUNNER UH-1C HUEY GUNSHIP I'm Scotch,Irish AN IRISH BLESSING May the road rise to meet you . May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again. May God hold you in the palm of His hand.Going back to check your site out. Ed

Name: Nick
Website: Mr Nice Guy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-03-29 03:45:05
Comments: Hi, thanks for the visit. Very useful page! I'll have to visit again to see more.

Name: Ranae
Website: Ranae's Hotel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Iowa
Time: 1999-03-28 22:53:18
Comments: Thank you for letting me visit your site, I had a lovely time!
Ranae's Hotel

Name: Palae Bae
Website: Natural album and an adventure to Mongolia.
Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement
From: Pundang, on the outskirts of Seoul Korea
Time: 1999-03-28 00:32:17
Comments: Nice site. Thanks for visiting my page and signing my guestbook. keep up the good work and have a nice day.

palea`s homepage..Korean homepage
Really there is a searching for treasure to click a hidden letter on my page. Already a few foreign netizens had found it. They said 'Wow! magnificent .....'.

Name: CyberTeddy! People's Choice Top 500 Today
Website: People's Choice WebSite 500 Today
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York City
Time: 1999-03-25 16:45:49
Comments: Cool sighting... "We don't pick the People's Choice WebSite 500... You do!" Submit your choice site today.

Name: Wonjin Cho
Website: Wonjin's Realm
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Korea
Time: 1999-03-25 02:13:37
Hello~ Joshua! Your site is so kewl!
I really enjoyed my visit here. Lots of good links you got here.
Thought I have to sign at this moment before I follow your links away
Keep up the good work and I'll visit from time to time...
Bye now~

Name: SYI
Website: a rock and roll fable
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: canada
Time: 1999-03-24 12:37:21
All righty then lets get down to business. By now you've probably heard all the rumors and gossip , well let us be the first to tell you that most of them are true. Yes we here at SYI central are recieving head from anyone who is offering. No it's not a SEX thing!!! We are looking for some photos of your HEAD, so if you have some free time stop by and visit with SYI. Come and see "what the people are saying". Don't forget to leave your tag in our guestbook. It's Rock at its Swinest! Undeniable the most fun you can have with your clothes on! SYI, Atlantic Canada's best kept secret.

"SYI, Live, Loud & not too Proud!"
Copyright © 1999 Steaming DilBrt Productions, Dartmouth, N.S. , Canada eh!

Name: Jessie Gravley
Website: Jessie's World
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Radford, Virginia
Time: 1999-03-18 21:18:21
Comments: Hey! What's up? Good job on the page. I'd really like to know when you update it so that i can check it out again! I'm a 16 year old female from Virginia. E-mail me sometime! Love, Jessie

Name: Karen Lyster
Website: UFO's The Beginning of a New World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Zealand
Time: 1999-03-18 03:11:02
Comments: Great site - tons to go through! Karen

Name: luke
Website: Lukes Llama Farmers Site
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: a cow museum
Time: 1999-03-17 21:56:45
Comments: If you wanted to form a Jon Spencer tribute band you could call it jOSHUA SPENCER BLUES EXPLOSION.







Name: Janet
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-03-17 03:50:37
Comments: Hello!
Thanks for visiting my page. Have a great day. ~Janet

Name: Kind Soul
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-03-16 14:38:11
Comments: I hope you have a wonderful and happy day!! This is a Random Act of Kindness just to brighten your day and to make you smile... :o)

Random Act of Kindness

"Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together." -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Name: Paulie
Website: Paulie's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Maine
Time: 1999-03-16 06:32:11
Very nice homepage.I enjoyed my visit. Lots of good links.

Name: JulieILuvTexas
Website: 'Life's Too Short Not To Live It As A Texan'
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Houston,Texas :)!
Time: 1999-03-11 04:46:23
Howdy! I like to say your web site is COLORFUL, CREATIVE and informative! I'm learning HTML and its trial & error. A Native Texan and Houstonian (housewife/mom) and I'm proud to say:"I Luv Texas!" Feel free to visit my personal home page of links, web rings, poetry, midi's and of course, don't forget to sign my Guestbook! Let's start a ring of Friends and PEN PALS Around the World!!! Check out my GEOCITES link - 'Life's Too Short Not To Live It As A Texan.' - Julie

<bgsound src="">
'Deep In The Heart Of Texas'

Name: Devrah
Website: The Clemons Family Website - Cool Places
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 1999-03-08 03:17:17
Comments: Finally, a chance to get over to your web site. Sorry I didn't get to it sooner. Check out my web site at the link below. I have twin daughters, 16 and a son 22 and we live in Michigan. We always enjoy meeting new people!

Click on the banner to visit and please remember to sign our guestbook so that we can visit you as well!!

Violence is not a pretty nice to your friends!!
Sorry...i just had to include this!

Name: Cybil
Website: Cybil's Home
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1999-03-08 01:08:40
Comments: You sign my guestbook, I sign yours, right? =) I really like your homepage. It's very interesting. Please, keep up the good work. Oh and thanx for signing my hardly-visited-guestbook. =)

Name: Michael
Website: Mike's Page
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Trinidad and Tobago
Time: 1999-03-07 13:02:50
Comments: Hi Joshua,
Greetings from Trinidad and Tobago
Thank you for signing my Guestbook, and the kind comments you left therein.
Likewise, your webpages are very informative and imaginative...,
I have enjoyed surfing your site, Great Going! my Caribbean brother.
Best Regards,

Name: Patricia & Luis
Website: Una Historia de Amor
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Time: 1999-03-07 05:20:25
Comments: You've got a very beatiful site!!!. Thanks for visiting my Home Page. Nos gustó mucho tu sitio, es muy interesante. Gracias por visitar nuestra página. Desde Argentina te enviamos un gran saludo, amigo jamaicano. ¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

Name: Sue
Website: QQlikeDi's Page
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Orlando, Florida
Time: 1999-03-07 01:38:21
Comments: You've got a great web page with a lot of information. It's nice to see a page with search engines galore! It's an indication to me that you're always doing research on something. I've enjoyed my visit here.

Please take the time to visit the link below. ( You will be able to shop online and also have the opportunity to be an entrepreneur with your own e-commerce site. They will offer high quality products and services to internet shoppers. I'm looking forward to having my own web-based business at the new site and I'd be happy to help you do the same. Available in U.S. and Canada.
Are you preparing to profit from the internet sales boom?
Referred by Sue Casertano, IBO #792328

Name: lowkey
Website: From Toronto With Love!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Toronto
Time: 1999-03-06 15:13:20
Comments: Hi..just surfed by...have a good day.

Name: Erin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Quebec
Time: 1999-03-05 21:28:48
Comments: Nice page!!!!

Name: Gilda
Website: Gils World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: N.Y.C.
Time: 1999-03-05 03:27:44
Comments: Hi josh, You have a really nice Home Page, Thank you for the nice e-mail I have joined your webbrarwers, I love your page.please sign my guest book. Thank you~!~!Gilda

Name: Galigirl
Website: Galigirls Corner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: ILL
Time: 1999-03-05 03:00:11
Comments: Great Website...I really enjoyed my visit

Name: Olivia
Website: Olivia's Little Corner of the World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Oxford, UK
Time: 1999-03-04 21:52:21
Comments: Hi there. Thanks for visiting my page and signing my GB. GLad you liked the page - interesting set of links you have there. Catch ya later..

Name: LeeAnne Young
Website: Welcome to LeeAnne's Webpage
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Tillsonburg,Ontario,Canada
Time: 1999-03-04 13:05:37
Comments: This is a very good site.

Name: John Allen
Website: John and Pam's New Adventure
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: From Coldwater, in Humble, Texas
Time: 1999-03-04 12:52:21
Comments: I was surfing the net and landed here....nice place you've got. Feel free to visit our site.

Name: Ariade
Website: Ariade and his homepage
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Kanata, Ontario
Time: 1999-03-04 01:12:30
Comments: Hey thanks for signing my guestbook. And wow! This is a really great page! Keep up the good work!

Name: Shirley
Website: Shirley's Cyber Site
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Florida
Time: 1999-03-04 00:27:26
Comments: Hi Joshua, Just visited your site and enjoyed same. You certainly have a lot of fun and interesting things. I have you bookmarked for future visits. Thanks for visiting my site. Best regards, Shirley

Name: ~*LIZA*~
Website: My Music Page!!
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Boston
Time: 1999-03-03 19:17:39
I enjoyed my visit.....lots of great information!! The "Millenium Bug" info was very interesting!! Thanks for stopping by my page! Take care!!

Name: Red Merriman
Website: Red Merriman's World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Rangeley,Virginia (U S A)
Time: 1999-03-03 19:15:28
Comments: Hi Joshua ! You have a great page here, Lots of interesting things to see & do, Thanks for signing my guestbook, Keep up the great work, Take Care,


Name: Paul
Website: Scotiaspirit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Nova Scotia
Time: 1999-03-03 18:31:48
Comments: Thanks for visiting my homempage. Your homepage is also very interesting with lots of nice links. Keep up the good work. Toronto is a nice place... I have a sister living there. Have a great day, week and year.*s*

Name: Ginger Holliday
Website: Home for the Hollidays
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Beautiful northern Idaho, USA
Time: 1999-03-01 16:44:31
Hi, Joshua. I've enjoyed perusing your site this morning. I found the article, "The Millenium Bug" to be very interesting and informative. Apparently the Canadian and the UK governments think it's nothing to worry about. My own government has played down the possibilities too but the words of our president during his 'State of the Nation Address'... "it's a big, big, problem" haven't left my mind since they were uttered. I also found out recently that the U.S. is keeping the inventory at their food warehouses at a minimum until after the coming new year. The reason...? Because they're worried "people will panic and make a run on the warehouses." That was told to me by a federal worker. *shrug* If there will be no interruption to our lives as a result of the Y2K bug why are people expected to panic? I'm not worried about it because people like me who live in the woods learn to prepare for extended electrical outages, etc. but I DO think it'll be interesting to see what really happens on January 1st, 2000. Thanks for leaving your 'calling card' so I could return your visit and take a peek at your 'world'.

Name: Clarke
Website: CSM90's HOMEPAGE
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Edmonton, Canada
Time: 1999-02-28 05:08:46
Comments: Good site! Thanks for signing my guestbook.

Name: Alex
Website: Alex's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Munich / Germany
Time: 1999-02-27 09:45:01
Comments: Hello Joshua!
Thanks a lot for visiting my home page and signing my guest book (return visit I promised), I really appreciate it! You've got a nice page here, lots of interesting things to see and resources to visit. Keep up your good work!
Best wishes, Alex.

Name: Steric
Website: Steric's & Dreamer's Band
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Singapore
Time: 1999-02-27 01:44:30
Comments: Nice Page, Very well Done, Keep it up. Best Regards

Name: Laurie & Angie
Website: HisnHers
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Time: 1999-02-26 10:02:22
Comments: Nice page. Lots of stuff to see. I'll definately come back to see more.

Name: SCOT4EVER (Grant)
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Time: 1999-02-26 07:36:46
Comments: Hi Joshua...A really informative website that you have here! I especially appreciate the science and technology links. I place great value in an academic education, and it is quite apparent that you do also!.....Best Wishes, from Grant.

Name: JaneFlower
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: N.B., Canada
Time: 1999-02-26 01:09:52
Comments: Joshua,
Who are you and how did you get into my home! *pokes*
Glad you enjoyed the little site i have .....wanna be a member in the Tower Gardens....ya get free stuff! *EWG*
Your page is really cool..and very long! Keep it up though..its very cool!!!!
If you want to chat you know where i reside... =0)
Love & Peace...

Name: Els
Website: Escape From Reality
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The Netherlands
Time: 1999-02-25 09:23:39
Comments: Hi,my compliments for your beautifull pages.. Keep up the good work.. byebye from Els..

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: US
Time: 1999-02-25 06:28:26
Comments: RICK's Banner I'm glad I found your sight.........It's quite interesting

Name: Tvamp
Website: Bad guys of Star Trek
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: pa
Time: 1999-02-24 22:37:34
Comments: GReat web page. Nice work.

Name: Frank
Website: Fdt98's Homepage
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Niagara Falls,NY
Time: 1999-02-24 20:32:46
Comments: Hi. Thanks for signing my guestbook. Nice page.

Name: Books Galore, On-Line Books and More.
Website: Books Galore, Music, Video tape and CD's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Woodbridge, VA Zip 22192
Time: 1999-02-24 18:04:58
Comments: Hi !,
I found your Home Page while I was surfing around the Internet.
I have started an On-Line Bookstore
I am a 60 year old Senior Citizen, and recently had a stroke
So I am home a lot. I am happy to exchange E-Mail with you

If you would swap links with me, I would greatly Appreciate
appreciate it.
If you are interested, here is mine and if you will E-Mail
your HTML fragment, I'll put it on my "Hot Links"

Please put my Banner and Link on your page.

Thanks Very Much!
Bob Maples.

Name: Glacier
Website: Glacier's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Illinois
Time: 1999-02-24 03:57:20
Comments: Good looking page. I'll be checking back often to see what's change. Later, Glacier

Name: Mike Woods
Website: -==\=MADS VISTAPRO SITE=/==-
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hayward, Cal
Time: 1999-02-23 19:22:25
Comments: your site is keep up the GR8 work! now please sign my guestbook =_)

Name: Shirley
Website: Cottage Graphics & Fantasy Cards
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1999-02-23 12:08:45
Comments: Hi, thanks for visiting Cottage Graphics. I love the "real cowboy" cartoon :o)
Cottage Graphics

Name: chemical sizta
Website: Planet C.H.E.M.
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Essen - Germany
Time: 1999-02-22 19:10:22
Comments: Thanx very much for signing my guestbook! You've got a great page too - lots of interesting and useful links! Greetinx from Chem

Name: Bradley
Website: FREE 10 search engine submission
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Michigan,USA
Time: 1999-02-22 09:21:07

WOW very nice set up you have in here i enjoyed my stay i shall return
I invite you to my Place to see the Light

Name: Michael Crick
Website: WordZap Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bellevue, WA
Time: 1999-02-20 12:50:41
Comments: Hi, I appreciated visiting your interesting web page. I don't know if you like word games, but if you do, you might want to have a look at WordZap. It's a lot faster than Scrabble and much more fun than Boggle. The latest thing is to play it over the Internet.
Click here to download a FREE demo copy of WordZap
WordZap - The Action Word Game

Name: Gilda
Website: Gils World
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: N.Y.
Time: 1999-02-20 08:01:45
Comments: Hi Joshua, I love your page. Its very informative. great links. I enjoyed this visit. come visit n sign my book. Thank you~!~!Gilda

Name: Ralph Dettwiler
Website: Behind the Badge
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-02-19 21:01:30
Comments: Just passing through and wanted to invite you to my sites too.
Behind the Badge

Marine Bloodstripes

Name: cowlovergirl
Website: cowlovergirls web of wonder
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: canada eh
Time: 1999-02-19 06:40:13
Comments: hey thanks for stopping by my page i will be adding ya to my way kewl links page soon as i have a chance to update probably tomorrow i hope you will stop by again always great to have a fellow canuk visit my site :)

Name: Justa Billy
Website: bill and billy's totally lame web page!
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Iowa
Time: 1999-02-19 05:54:59
Comments: great work! Thanx for visiting us! Take care!! =)

Name: Heinz Weber
Website: Switzerland OLIMPYA SION2006 Zermatt
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Switzerland, Naters Zermatt
Time: 1999-02-19 03:28:41
Comments: Hello, Wauuu... a beautiful page. Wauuu. Have been located with an around-trip here from the Wallis/CH covered with snow so. Don't have such a beautiful page, but it is worthwhile a visit; -)) Therefore, all visits into the snow-white Wallis/CH once. I show you the ski resorts and still something of everything before. Oh yes, also the organization " OLIMPYA SION2006 " can sniff at you. That have not done badly. Therefore, tschüss and beautiful snow-white greetings from Switzerland. Heinz

Name: Carol
Website: Bitcey's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kansas
Time: 1999-02-18 23:05:44
Comments: Thanks for stopping by my website and inviting me to yours. I have enjoyed my visit here. You have a lot to offer. Will bookmark so I can return.

Vote for Carol's Tree House (my other website) in the Site Fights

click on the above banner to vote. Thanks!

Name: Tracy
Website: Our Home Page & More
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: BC, Canada
Time: 1999-02-18 21:46:55
Comments: Terrific site, I am on my way to view your other pages now. Thank you for inviting me to your page, I will pass it on to my friends. All the best, Tracy...Have a great day!

Name: Kylie
Website: A New beginning
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ohio
Time: 1999-02-18 17:26:30
Comments: You have a wonderful site here*Smile* Keep up the wonderful job you are doing:) God Bless you!

Name: Ko* & Brigitte
Website: Made in NL
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Bergen op Zoom

Time: 1999-02-18 17:03:57

We enjoyed our stay here with pleasure...
It was worth the visite.
We hope you will visite Made in NL`s Home page
Or if you like some A R T then try our Pazuzu page.
And you`ll find links to
NostraÐamus|Pazuzu ©|Aliens|Drugs|Bijbelcode|Pictures
MessageBoard|Amsterdam|Gif`s|Deskt°p Themes|Screen Mates

May the force be with U(s)
Ok Scotty,now beam down my clothes!!!

Name: Matt
Website: Matt's Place
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Hagerstown, MD
Time: 1999-02-18 01:44:54
Comments: Hey great page come and visit mine

Name: Famfan
Website: Precious treasures
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: usa
Time: 1999-02-17 20:52:34
Comments: So much to do here! What a great job! Thanx for signing my guestbook, stop in again sometime.

Name: Connie
Website: Connie's Cozy Corner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ohio
Time: 1999-02-17 13:57:34
Comments: Thanks for such a great visit.. I have enjoyed looking around here very much.. I will have to come back again to see more..God Bless.....Connie

Name: Valgard Blondal
Website: Free Internet Telephone
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Iceland
Time: 1999-02-17 11:31:34
Comments: I like this site. Why don´t you visit this site and get a free copy of the best netphone on the market, it is free!

Talk 99
Free Netphone

Name: Charmaine
Website: Charmaine's Place In Space
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Time: 1999-02-17 09:18:06
Joshua, thankyou for signing my guestbook! You've got some very interesting stuff on your site !! I've very much enjoyed my visit here !! J Please come visit me again any time !!

Name: Shauna
Website: Gardener's Paradise
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: BC Canada
Time: 1999-02-17 07:21:57
A Rose for You!
Thanks for the invite.
You have a lot of interesting stuff here.
I was a psych major too.
Keep up the good work
Have a Great Day!

Name: Kachina
Website: Meet Kachina
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Colorado, USA
Time: 1999-02-17 05:51:53
Comments: You have put a lot of work into your web site and have a lot of information here that will be useful to many. Thank you for sharing. I have to say it though, I am a Broncos fan. ;-) Blessings, Kachina

Name: Cathy
Website: At Home with MTgirl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Montana
Time: 1999-02-17 05:38:54
Comments: Interesting page Joshua. Thanks for visiting mine!

Name: Luann
Website: We are Us
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Missouri
Time: 1999-02-16 18:27:27
Comments: Hi There I really enjoyed visiting your site.. It has good links. I have book marked it, and will forward it to some friends. I'd like you to visit my site and sign the guestbook!! Thanks

Name: Ida Greve Korsnes
Website: Ida's hjemmeside
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Norge/Norway
Time: 1999-02-15 11:27:32
Comments: Thank you for signing my Guestbook

Name: Henk Jonker
Website: Familie Jonker's Thuispagina
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hoogeveen (Holland)
Time: 1999-02-15 07:37:00
Comments: Great webpage! Thanks for signing our guestbook. You have a delightful website. I am happy that I was able to stop in for a visit. Best wishes!

Well, whatever... if you're not interested in checkin' out my page why not just sign the guestbook? :o)

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Name: clint brown
Website: Snaggers hunting and fishing page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kentucky USA
Time: 1999-02-15 04:49:47
Comments: You have a very neat page. You have so many links. Any one is welcome to come on over and take a look at my web page and please sign my guest book while your there. <--------------<<<-

Name: New Vision
Website: FREE Cash Machine Making Money for You 24 Hrs. a Day!!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Washington State
Time: 1999-02-15 04:25:39
Comments: You have a nice site. Check out mine. You can sign up for our partner program for FREE and start earning $10 commissions within 5 minutes from right now! You could have emails in your inbox worth $10 a piece by the time you wake up in the morning!

Name: Anders
Website: Darefors Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Habo, Sweden
Time: 1999-02-13 10:22:57
Comments: Nice page! Thanks for signing our guestbook!

Name: Claude Poirier
Website: Claude's Fun Time Newscast
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-02-13 06:15:23

canadaGreetings from Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canadaontario

Hello! I was in the neighbourhood and thought I would stop in.
There's lots of cool stuff to see and do here. I'll be back.

Claude's Fun Time Newscast

Name: Isleifur Gislason
Website: Herbalife Opportunity with Isleifur
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Iceland
Time: 1999-02-13 06:13:59
Comments: Thank you for visiting my site.
I had a nice visit with you. Please take a thoughtful look at my site, you can click on my picture to find out about me and my country.

Find out how to become an Independent Herbalife Distributor

Isleifur Gislason
Independent Herbalife Distributor
(ID N° 23051059)
Want to find out how to become a Herbalife Distributor?
!!! Send me an E-mail !!!
Or visit my Web-Site...

Find out how to become an Independent Herbalife Distributor

Name: Sujay Lawrie Nazareth
Website: Sujay Nazareth's Web lair!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Delta, B.C., Canada
Time: 1999-02-13 05:54:48
Comments: Thanks a lot for stopping by my site! You certainly have an interesting page yourself! Will send some fellow Canadians your way! Have some great resources on your site ... Have bookmarked it and will be back soon!

Name: Black Seal
Website: The Seal's Domain
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mississippi
Time: 1999-02-12 19:48:39
Comments: I really liked your page and alot of hard work come by my sit whenever you can and tell me what you think...

Name: ~*+ Prretty Seal +*~
Website: ~* Welcome +~
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mississippi
Time: 1999-02-12 19:44:30
Comments: Great page and nice work come by sometimes and check out my page when you get a chance...

Name: JulieILuvTexas
Website: Julie's Home Page & PEN PALS Around the World
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Houston, Texas
Time: 1999-02-11 20:15:54
Howdy! I like to say your web site is COLORFUL, CREATIVE and informative! I'm learning HTML and its trial & error. A Native Texan and Houstonian (housewife/mom) and I'm proud to say:"I Luv Texas!" Feel free to visit my personal home page of links, web rings, poetry, midi's and of course, don't forget to sign my Guestbook! Let's start a ring of Friends and PEN PALS Around the World!!! Be sure to check out my GEOCITES link:"Life's Too Short Not To Live It As A Texan"PS Thanks for signing my Guestbook!

Name: Robert Weaver
Website: bobbymeisters pages
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Red Lion, Pennsylvania
Time: 1999-02-11 14:18:29
Comments: Thanks again for surfing on in to my rememberance pages and signing my guestbook ! You have a super site here with a lot of great info links .

Name: virgie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: new zealand
Time: 1999-02-11 10:38:05
Comments: hi josh, thank you so much for signing in my web. i visited your site's kewl!!! cheers.

Name: Jim Lampman
Website: A Navy FROGMAN
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Loma Linda CA
Time: 1999-02-11 02:45:58
Comments: Outstanding website ... Keep up the good work. A "BRAVO" for a job well done !

Name: M. Vines
Website: Mrs. Vines' Kindergarten Korner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-02-10 23:41:52
Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook. I enjoyed visiting your site.

Name: Frank
Website: Canada1
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Montreal, Quebec
Time: 1999-02-10 04:23:38
Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook. Nice page ya get here.

Name: Oliver Jackson
Website: Oliver Jackson's USMC Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Logan, West Virginia
Time: 1999-02-09 13:54:11
Comments: Hello My friend. I want to thank you for signing my guestbook so I am returning the favor! You have a great web site. If you would like I will list your site on my links page and you can do the same for me. Let me know as soon as possible. Your friend Oliver Jackson

Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Bratislava, SLOVAKIA!!!
Time: 1999-02-09 10:34:23
Comments: Hi, you have nice page. I like it... :)

Name: Angela
Website: Angelas Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 1999-02-09 09:55:06
Comments: Hi Joshua! Thank you very much for stopping by my site and taking the time for signing my guestbook! I just wanted to say hello before I leave! You have created nice pages with interesting contents ~ I enjoyed my visit. Have a great day ~ greetings from Germany ~ Angela

Angelas Homepage - cats, dogs and mynah birds - pictures, stories, information - animal protection

Angelas Background Sets

Name: TeeBoo
Website: teeboo's home page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Picayune, Ms
Time: 1999-02-09 05:16:30
Comments: Your page had a lot of interesting info in it! Looks like you did a little research. good job!

Name: B.W. Holmes
Website: Reasoned Spirituality
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
Time: 1999-02-09 02:03:51
Comments: You're practically your own search engine: quite the collection of links. Thanks for the invitation to visit your homepage; I've enjoyed looking around.
Reasoned Spirituality

Name: Jen
Website: My Gopher Hockey Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Minnesota
Time: 1999-02-08 19:12:46
Comments: Great page.

Name: KipnKim
Website: Typical Family Web Stuff
Referred by: Xoom
From: San Leandro California
Time: 1999-02-08 08:37:17
thats one of the strangest backgrounds I have ever seen
Join us on our Anniversay Hike to the Top of Yosemite Falls">
Check out Visual Email.We love it..

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: West Virginia, USA
Time: 1999-02-08 01:42:32
I dearly love looking at other peoples work. I learn so much by surfing Home Pages. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with me. I have a Home Page wrote by me and my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Come and share our Wisdom. Keep up the good work. "Doug"

Name: Samantha
Website: Samantha's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mississippi
Time: 1999-02-07 19:37:13
Comments: You have a fantastic homepage! Keep up the good work!


Name: Hina Abbas
Website: ZART Graphics
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pakistan
Time: 1999-02-07 09:37:59
Comments: Nice Site!! Keep up the good work!!

Name: Hina Abbas
Website: ZART Graphics
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pakistan
Time: 1999-02-07 09:36:53
Comments: Nice Site!! Keep up the good work!!

Name: Jason
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-02-07 05:40:09
Comments: Links O' plenty ( cool ) Thanks for dropping by the bands site, check ya later.

Name: EbendeKlerk
Website: Eben's Little Corner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: South Africa
Time: 1999-02-07 04:56:33
Comments: What an incredible set of links you have! Very informative site. I shall spend a lot of time here.

I enjoyed my visit to your website! Best wishes!
Eben's Little Corner

Name: Bill
Website: The Official John Macready Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-02-06 19:45:44
Comments: Great page! Keep it up!
Visit the Official Homepage of '96 Olympian, John Macready!

Name: Cakeman
Website: Eddie's World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Staten Island, New York
Time: 1999-02-06 12:54:24

Great Site!! Keep up the good Work!!

Name: kimberly
Website: Min festsida
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sweden
Time: 1999-02-06 10:55:29
Comments: I am sorry I will email you about this too but didn's you think of searching on Alta Vista under Min Festsida But i Hope you find me now. would you like to become mailpals Love KIM

Name: Tim
Website: Renegade's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: West Virginia (USA)
Time: 1999-02-06 05:22:19

Hi Joshua, great page. I have enjoyed my visit. Keep up the great work. Come and stop by and visit my site sometime! *later*

Name: kimberly
Website: Min festsida
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Sweden
Time: 1999-02-05 15:28:21
Comments: Hello I am just surfing around to visiting diffrent pages and to find new friends by signing their guestbooks. Please feel free to visit my page and sign my guestbook if you want. I like your page, I hope you like mine. I haven't had it out for so long since december. I am going to update it and write about lot's of things Love KIM

Name: Heather
Website: Heathers Haven
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NC
Time: 1999-02-05 15:13:03
Comments: Nice page here!! I love the lil' green thingys!! pls come see me sometime!!!

Name: Daughter Of Darkness
Website: D.o.D's Domain
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ontario Canada!
Time: 1999-02-05 05:03:34
Comments: Great Page! Yet another person whos interested in how us humans work! Its amazing what you find out eh? Anyways, keep up the good work!

Name: Hussain
Website: Computer Base
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Karachi, Pakistan
Time: 1999-02-04 08:41:15
Comments: great page...keep it up!

Name: Lina
Website: Lina's World
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Montreal
Time: 1999-02-03 23:23:25
Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook. you have a great site, I really enjoyed my visit.

Name: Mark Seymour
Website: Mark's Unofficial Kiss Web Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1999-02-03 23:04:33
Comments: Hey there!! Cool page!!

Mark's Unofficial Kiss Web Page

Name: Elvira Spencer aka Cebuana
Website: Cebuana's Filipino Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Philippines now in US
Time: 1999-02-03 18:09:55
***Hi there! Jushua***

Hey, dont get me wrong, we have the same surname. I am not an American I am a Filipino but my husband is American and got his name Spencer. You have done an excellent job here. Your site is cool. Keep up the good work. I really enjoyed my visit here. If you have time come and visit my page. I'll be happy if you could also sign my guestbook. Take Care and God Bless.

I would like to invite other Filipinos outhere to join the Ring of the Philippine Websites! your site will be a great contribution to the ring especially in uniting Filipinos around the world.

Name: Dackral
Website: Dack's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Oneonta/Auburn, AL
Time: 1999-02-03 04:13:42
Comments: Josh, I appreciate the visit to my page and the compliments thereabout. I'm returning the visit. Excellent site, you have here, with plenty of intersting links. See you on the web.


Name: P. L. E. Idahosa
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Toronto
Time: 1999-02-02 19:52:40
Comments: No comments, really. I will have to review the site before I do so.

Name: Cassandra
Website: Anomaly
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Ithaca, NY
Time: 1999-02-02 18:35:25
Comments: Thanks for dropping by and signing my guestbook... I thought I'd return the favor....

Name: Beccy Pratt
Website: Jon and Beccy's Homepage
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Brisbane Australia
Time: 1999-02-02 00:25:18
Comments: Hi Joshua, just wanted to say thanks for signing my guestbook. Fantastic site you have. i will be back to check it out again...too many things to see at once!!!!!

Name: Martha Smith
Website: Martha's Corner On The Web
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Virginia
Time: 1999-02-01 20:59:12
Comments: Nice web page. I'll have to try the "send a car" thing some time soon. Keep up the great work and thanks for signing my guest book!


Name: Sean
Website: Australasian Amusement Directory
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 1999-02-01 11:49:39
Comments: Very interesting site you have here Joshua, keep up the great work and thanks for signing our Guestbook.

Check it out !!

Name: Jamie
Website: Woon's World
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: London
Time: 1999-01-31 16:20:27
Comments: Very comprehensive site. well done.

Name: Beve
Website: GorillasGalore
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: S.W.Pa.......USA
Time: 1999-01-31 12:03:50
Comments: Hello,just a note to thank you for visiting my web pages.You have a great list of useful links.......very professional.....thanks for providing them....your kind words are much appreciated,also.

Name: Beve
Website: GorillasGalre
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: S.W.Pa.......USA
Time: 1999-01-31 11:59:55
Comments: Hello,just a note to thank you for visiting my web pages.You have a great list of useful links.......very professional.....thanks for providing them....

Name: Richard
Website: Richard's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Exeter, England
Time: 1999-01-31 01:25:32
Comments: I'm just visiting. Keep up the good work.
Richard's Page

Name: Flower
Website: Flower's Home
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-01-30 19:19:53
Comments: Wow!! Lots of great links to check out!!

Name: Polly
Website: The Best Things In Life are FREE!!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Washington State
Time: 1999-01-30 05:54:31
Comments: Nice Site.. Stop and take a look at mine when you have a chance..

Name: Anita
Website: check below
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 1999-01-29 22:23:29
Comments: hey Joshua....thanks so much for visiting i n t e n t and signing my g-book and all those lovely compliments! I'm so flattered *blushes* Your site is pretty cool - the green graphic on the front page looks like me on a bad day! see ya....

Name: Kathy
Website: The Faery Hill
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Arkansas, USA
Time: 1999-01-29 14:29:18
Comments: Great site. So much to see. I've enjoyed my visit. Thanks
for sharing.
The Faery Hill Logo

Name: Princess Natalie
Website: Planet EgoMania....starring Princess Natalie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Planet EgoMania
Time: 1999-01-28 23:56:43

you have a little bit of everything on you site eh?

Princess Natalie

Name: Ontario Emperor
Website: Ontario Emperor Information Service
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Ontario CA USA
Time: 1999-01-28 20:20:17
Comments: I've bookmarked the games link.

Name: John P
Website: John's Virtual palace
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: London
Time: 1999-01-28 19:17:00
Comments: This is a good site with lots of nice content keep up da good work

Name: Steric
Website: Steric's & Dreamer's Band
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Singapore
Time: 1999-01-28 09:21:40
Comments: Nice Page, Very well Done, Keep it up. Thanks for visiting and sign my Guestbook. Best Regards

Name: nookiE
Website: nookiE's kewl homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: dublin/stockholm/sweden/ireland
Time: 1999-01-28 08:39:45
Comments: thanks for signing my guestbook keep up the good work :) nookiE

Name: Sky
Website: Sky: Homepage on the Web
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Singapore
Time: 1999-01-27 16:38:48
Comments: Dear Spencer, Really appreciative of the warm words you've written in my Guestbook. One word to describe your site: Wow! Really interesting topics and informative. Carry on your hard work 'cos I'll be back to check for updates :)

Name: Miranda Bos
Website: Mathilde Santing homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The Netherlands
Time: 1999-01-27 09:57:10
Comments: Dear Joshua, Thank you very much for signing my guestbook and for the very nice words you have written. I really like your site too, it has a lot of information and I'm sure when I tell you that I will be visiting your site again soon. Bye for now, Miranda

Name: Gin Donahaid
Website: Gins Palace
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Scotland
Time: 1999-01-26 20:20:03
Comments: Hi Joshua, Nice site! you've got a lot of interesting stuff on here. Keep up the good work, Slainte, Gin.

Name: Olivia
Website: Olivia's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Oxford, UK
Time: 1999-01-25 23:33:56
Comments: Hi there..a scientist I see..? Me, I'm a biologist by trade. Come and check my site out.

Name: Cork
Website: Cork's Tribute
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 1999-01-25 15:45:46
Comments: Hey there,
Excellent site here. Have to check out that free submission to 700 sites link. C-ya!!

Name: Stefan Dickmann
Website: Saarlodri´s and Schaengelchen´s Pages
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Bornheim / Germany
Time: 1999-01-25 12:13:58
Comments: Very lovely designed pages.

Name: John Diamantopoulos
Website: Johnny D's Home Page #1
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Lowell, Ma., U.S.A.
Time: 1999-01-24 05:50:24
Comments: Hi Joshua,Thanks for signing my guestbook and for the very nice words.You have a very impressive site also with an awful lot of information. I spent quite a bit of time on your info about epilepsy (my daughter takes grand mal seizures). I will definitely be back to explore more in the near future. Take care and keep up the good work.

Name: Gary Lee Henderson
Website: morecoins
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ellenboro, WV
Time: 1999-01-22 18:44:17
Comments: very nice page. It shows you have put a lot of work in it. I'll come back and visit again. Which you please checkout my page and gives me your feedback. I am new at this that I would appreciate your honest feedback. Thank you for your help.

Name: Mike Williams
Website: Mike's Home Page
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Louisiana
Time: 1999-01-22 01:52:57
Comments: Thanks for signing my guest book. You have a nice page!

Name: NewVision
Website: The Best Things in Life are FREE!!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Olympia, WA
Time: 1999-01-22 00:44:31
Comments: I like your site and can see you have put a lot of work into it. If you have a chance please take a look at my New Link. It's Tempting so be careful..

Name: Dottie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-01-21 14:41:45
Hello ~
Hello,and thank you for visiting me and signing my guestbook.
I really enjoyed my visit to your place.
Am looking forward to seeing you again soon..
Please drop by my cabin for a cup of tea or coffee anytime. . .

Name: Scott
Website: Radical Cure
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Detroit, MI
Time: 1999-01-21 00:35:49
Comments: Terrific Site! I enjoyed quite a few of your links and the front page comic was a scream!

Name: Toby
Website: Toby's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: MN
Time: 1999-01-18 06:13:19
Comments: Hey nice page!

Name: Linda
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Winnipeg Manitoba
Time: 1999-01-18 04:18:57
Comments: Just returning your visit. Your site is very interesting and informative. I had an enjoyable visit thank you.

Website: CRAIG'S
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-01-18 00:30:17

Name: Lyssy Miller
Website: GO HERE
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Oregon
Time: 1999-01-17 20:03:43
Comments: Hey there..thanx bunches for coming and taking the time to sign my guestbook! it means alot! keep up the good work and have a great day! -Lyssy

Name: Jana
Website: Just Another Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: US
Time: 1999-01-17 00:26:40
Comments: Sorry for the double signing, I came back to leave my url...thanks!

Name: Jana
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
Time: 1999-01-17 00:13:52
Comments: Hello.. Great page! I like it!

Comprehensive, interesting site. Much information as well as humor and games..

Name: Dayna
Website: 00ds World
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: INdiana
Time: 1999-01-16 04:09:00
Comments: Cool site I have a angelfire site to but maxpages are so much easier!!! keep up the good work!!! :-)

Name: Leighton Palmer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Darliston, Jamaica
Time: 1999-01-16 02:49:16
Comments: Nice site.

Name: Collin Sanford
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Petersfield,Jamaica.
Time: 1999-01-16 02:42:49
Comments: I find your site very interesting.

Name: Mildred Achoch
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kenya
Time: 1999-01-16 01:55:00
Comments: You have a very impressive website. There are many varieties of subject matter to browse through. By the way, are you a psychologist?

Name: Dr. Michael Gemar
Referred by: AngelFire
From: Canada
Time: 1999-01-15 16:24:00
Comments: You have a very informative,entertaining and educational site. Keep it up!

Name: Goro^^ (Matt)
Website: Goro's ONLINE
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Scotland
Time: 1999-01-15 14:09:50
Comments: Cool page, a lot of info here, thanks for signing my guestbook and your comments, I try my best with my sense of humour, I can usually see something funny in everything, later...

Name: Crystal
Website: Artificially Wasted
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Southern California, USA
Time: 1999-01-15 00:56:28
Comments: Thought I'd return the favor and sign your guestbook, keep up the good work!

Name: Mick Webster
Website: See Banner below
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: West Yorkshire UK
Time: 1999-01-14 19:10:55
Comments: Banner
Site hosted by Build your free website today!
Hi there. Thanks for the visit. You sure have an extensive site here. Haven't had chance to visit it all yet but will be back. Take care. Mick

Name: Rev. Joseph Young
Website: Ministry Page of Joseph Young
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Oklahoma, USA
Time: 1999-01-14 14:53:38
Comments: Thanks for visiting my site. Your site has a lot of info. I will come back to check it out more closely when I have time. God Bless, Joseph young

Name: Claudette Lawrence
Referred by: AngelFire
From: Yah So
Time: 1999-01-14 04:07:17
Comments: Will read all your articles soon; kinda busy now. Check you later. Busy right now. Moping as usual!!!!!!!!! Cherry

Name: Grace B. Lawrence
Referred by: AngelFire
From: Mi Yaad
Time: 1999-01-13 15:32:38
Comments: Hey Ricky, Finally!!!!!!!! Nothing is/was wrong with my computer; the hour glass was running extremely slowly in the process of downloading the site - that's all. Anyway, so here I am. Someday I'll check out some of the stuff. Right now I'm going to bookmark it. Grace

Name: Grace B. Lawrence
Referred by: AngelFire
From: Mi Yaad
Time: 1999-01-13 15:32:06
Comments: Hey Ricky, Finally!!!!!!!! Nothing is/was wrong with my computer; the hour glass was running extremely slowly in the process of downloading the site - that's all. Anyway, so here I am. Someday I'll check out some of the stuff. Right now I'm going to bookmark it. Grace

Name: Grace B. Lawrence
Referred by: AngelFire
From: Mi Yaad
Time: 1999-01-13 15:30:26
Comments: Hey Ricky, Finally!!!!!!!! Nothing is/was wrong with my computer; the hour glass was running extremely slowly in the process of downloading the site - that's all. Anyway, so here I am. Someday I'll check out some of the stuff. Right now I'm going to bookmark it. Grace

Name: Deborah Oney
Website: Blood Recall/Withdrawal - Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Illinois
Time: 1999-01-12 14:17:04
Comments: Interesting website. Like the variety of links, some of which I just tried. Thanks for visitng my website and making me aware of yours. Will have to return to try more links.

Name: Chris Metcalf
Website: O-Dogg's Page!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: ohio
Time: 1999-01-11 18:53:02
Comments: nice page. wanna link exchange?

Name: Emil Werstler
Website: TRANCE
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-01-11 09:09:49
Comments: Nice page.. Thanks for coming to the TRANCE site and signing the guestbook. -Emil.

Name: John Sturridge
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Canada
Time: 1999-01-03 03:05:44
Comments: Your site, although not complex in design, is one of the most informative I have come across. keep up the good works!

Name: Marcia Bailey
Referred by: AngelFire
From: Jamaica
Time: 1999-01-01 15:08:42
Comments: Very informative site!! Keep up the good work.

Name: Clement Boyd
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jamaica
Time: 1998-12-31 04:09:17
Comments: Good work keep it up!!!!

Total: 250 guests