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As you embark on your field research, make sure the ultimate goal is belong met. Each team must pursuade the SeaWorld executives with interesting and compelling facts and reasons as to why their field should be given the grant money for further research.

1. Decide which role each of your research team members will be responsible for.

2. Select a research topic your team feels strongly learning more about.

3. Utilize valid, primary sources for the team's research fact finding. Below are some helpful links to get your research underway.

4. Use the organizer provided by your SeaWorld advisor to help keep your research focused and thorough.

5. Ensure there are two reliable sources with complete bibliography.

6. Once you feel your team has enough quality information to win the grant money, select which visual method your team will use to present their research.

7. Transfer all of the data into your selected visual method in an appealing and organized format.

8. Decide which team member will present which part to the SeaWorld executives. Each team member is required to speak.

9. As a group, rehearse your presentation to ensure the best possible delivery. It may be in your best interest to create note cards with additional facts and reminders.

Helpful Links

Additional Helpful Resources

In addition to the sites listed above, teams can also reference non-fictional text including encyclopedias, professional journals and published literature.

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