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At the conclusion of this Deep Sea Exploration WebQuest, students are asked to reflect on their research experience by answering the following questions:

Reflection Questions

1. How well of a team player were you throughout this process?

2. Did you do well in your assigned team role? Explain.

3. If you could be another team role, which would be the best role for you and why?

4. What was the most challenging aspect of this project? Why?

5. Why is it so important to spend time researching marine biology?

6. What was the most interesting information you learned while researching your topic?

7. Why was it important to work together as a team to reach the final goal?

8. Do you think your team won the grant money?

9. Did this task open your eyes and help you develop a curiousity or interest in the subject matter? Explain.

Please type your responses to the reflection questions and turn in to be graded.

Home | Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation