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Growing Up on the Hellmouth

Part Five

"Spike," Dawn hissed, poking him in the chest. "Spike, wake up!" When poking didn't seem to work, Dawn began to shake him.

Spike sat up with a start and slammed Dawn into the back of the couch, a death grip on her throat. His golden eyes were filled with murderous rage for a brief moment before he howled in pain and clutched his head.

"Hell, luv! Is that any way to wake a fellow up. Show some respect for the dead."

Dawn stared at Spike in mute silence, still clutching her throat. Bruises were rapidly forming where Spike's fingers had been just moments before. She coughed and took a few gasping breaths before croaking out, "I'm sorry Spike."

"Aw hell, I'm sorry kitten. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just we vampires have a strong self-preservation instinct, even in our sleep. Must come from bloody vampire slayers hunting us down during the day, while we're unconscious. Even minions will lash out in their sleep if something wakes them suddenly. Keeps us from meeting the wrong end of a stake, if you get the picture. What time is it anyway?"

Dawn looked shyly down at her lap, still a bit shaken up. "I don't know the time exactly. I forgot my watch, but I think it's morning… the sun is up."

"You do realize, pet, that we vampires are nocturnal creatures. The up all night and sleep all day sorts. What on Earth would possess you to get up this early? After last night, I thought you'd need your rest. Maybe I didn't tire you out that much after all. I'll have to try harder next time," he said with a lascivious grin.

Dawn blushed and looked down at her lap again. "I'm still tired Spike, but…"

"C'mon nibblet, blurt it out. What's got you all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at this ungodly hour?"

"I have to pee Spike. Really bad. Like in, if I don't pee soon I'll wet my pants sort of bad."

"Oh...OH! Sorry, luv. Don't normally have to worry about that. Why don't you just go outside and take a leak in the bushes?"

"First of all, eww. That's just gross. Second of all, someone thought it would be a bright idea to stack large cement slabs in front of the only door. I can't get out."

"She'll spend the night in a crypt in the arms of a vampire, yet peeing in the shrubbery she finds disgusting. I don't get it," Spike muttered under his breath as he got up. With an effort, he moved the slabs back to their original places over top of the coffins. "There you go pet. I still think it'd be easier to just go for the bushes right outside, but if you want to be all girly, there's a visitor's center at the gates. Should be a loo there, I'd gather."

"Thanks Spike!" Dawn yelled as she ran out the door.

Spike lay back down on the couch to wait for Dawn to come back. His natural inclination to be dead asleep while the sun was still high caused him to drift back to sleep nearly the moment his head hit the cushion.

Dawn quickly found the visitor's center. She raced inside and frantically exclaimed, "Bathroom?!" to the attendant. She scurried in the direction he pointed and nearly dove into the restroom. Once she sat down on the toilet, Dawn released all her fluids with an audible sigh. She had spent all night and who knows how much of the day in the crypt without the use of a bathroom. She hadn't known her body could hold that much liquid. Once she was finished, Dawn tried to wash up as best she could. She washed her hands and attempted to run her fingers through her hair. Then she took a paper towel and rubbed the fuzz off her teeth. She still didn't look her best, but she didn't look quite so haggard as before. With a final glance in the mirror, Dawn headed back towards the crypt.

For the second time that morning Spike had a rude awakening. He woke to find himself staring at an angry pair of blue eyes, the stake pressed hard into his chest keeping him from lashing out. "Where is she Spike?" was the menacing question that came from the petite woman peering down at him.

"Why if it isn't the Slayer. What a ...pleasant...surprise. Come to confess your undying love have you? I knew you couldn't stay away forever."

Buffy punched Spike hard in the nose and slammed her stake into the right half of his chest. Spike screamed in pain, then gaspingly quiped, "you missed."

"I know," Buffy says, a steely calm in her voice. "If you don't answer me, and answer me now I promise the next time I won't. My mom has a tumor in her brain, I just found out that I have to battle a psychobitch god to save the world *again*... not a demon mind you, but a god... my sister is cutting herself and now she's gone missing. I am on my last nerve, and I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR SHIT!" Buffy punctuated her last statement by twisting the stake in Spike's chest before pulling it out and holding it over his heart.

Spike was spared the ordeal of replying when Dawn walked in the door. "Get away from him!" she screamed as she began to wildly beat against Buffy's back. "What do you think you are doing?" she asked as she pushed Buffy away and placed herself between Spike and the Slayer.

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing. Where have you been? Do you even know how worried mom and I were. I looked everywhere for you." Buffy dropped her stake and flung her arms around her sister. "Please promise me you'll never do that again."

Dawn pushed away from Buffy. "I'm not promising you anything. Blobs of energy in human form don't have to make promises." Dawn unconsciously edged closer to Spike for emotional support as she verbally attacked her sister.

"Dawn, I am so sorry for how you found out about this. I should have told you sooner. But no matter what you may think you are, you will always be my sister. You are in here," she said, tapping her head, "and in here," placing her hand over her heart. "Nothing will change that."

Dawn trembled a bit, taking a step towards Buffy. Then she heard Spike groan behind her. "That's all fine and good, but it doesn't change the fact that my friend now has a hole in his chest because of you."

"Friend?...FRIEND? He is not your friend. Don't tell me you spent the night here." Buffy began walking towards her sister, ready to drag her home, when she finally noticed the marks on Dawn. Bruises covered her throat, and when Buffy gently pushed Dawn's hair back, a bite mark was clearly evident. She turned her rage towards Spike. "What did you do to her?"

Before Buffy could attack him again, he pushed himself into a sitting position and began to explain. "Take a look at her arm Slayer. See the nice, white bandages? You think they just magically appeared? Hell no, that was courtesy of the Big Bad himself. And think about this...what do you think is going to happen when a little morsel like that goes running into the night, her arm all bleedin'? It's like hangin' an "EAT ME" sign round your neck. I did the girl a good turn. If you were really looking all that hard outside, you might notice a dozen or so piles of dust. I worked my tail off to keep little sis safe. Not my fault I couldn't fight them all off before one got to her." Spike let the lie at the end roll off his tongue as easy as all the truths.

Buffy stood there in shocked silence. While Dawn still looked edgy, she wasn't denying any of it. Before Buffy could formulate a response, Giles burst into the crypt. He too had come to pump the blonde vampire for information. Upon seeing Dawn, he immediately ran up to her and gave her a bear hug. Stroking her hair back, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh Dawn, you had us all so very worried. Are you alright dear?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Giles. As fine as anyone who just found out she's some mystical energy source can be. I got attacked, but Spike saved me."

"Sp…Spike?" Giles looked dubious. "Well then, I suppose we owe him a debt of gratitude. He does seem to look a bit worse for the wear."

"No thanks to Buffy," Dawn muttered.

"Perhaps we should go home and discuss this after you've had the chance to clean up and rest a bit," Giles said, trying to alleviate the tension in the room.

"But what about Spike? He's hurt! We can't just leave him like this."

Spike stood up and slowly peeled his shirt off, rubbing his chest with it before throwing it into a corner. Giles coughed politely, and Buffy just looked disgusted, but Dawn watched intently, her eyes opening wide. "Wow," she whispered softly, barely audible to even Spike.

"See look at that. Almost like new." Spike was right, once he had rubbed the blood away with his shirt, there was only a small pink circle left on his chest where a hole the size of a stake had been only minutes earlier. "Really, pet. You should go home and rest. Don't worry about good ol' one else does."

"C'mon Dawn," Buffy said gently. "Let me take you home."

Dawn glanced at Spike again before finally acquiescing. With a nod of her head, everyone began to file towards the door, Buffy and Giles first, followed by Dawn and Spike. Since their backs were turned, Buffy and Giles couldn't see the two behind them. Spike leaned down and licked Dawn's ear. She turned around and glared at him, barely stifling a giggle. He whispered into her ear, "Dream about me, luv. All sorts of naughty things," then gave her butt a firm squeeze.

"Eep!" Dawn exclaimed, not able to contain herself.

Immediately two pairs of worried eyes were focused on her. "Are you alright Dawn?" Buffy asked, concern in her voice.

"I'm fine Buffy, really. I just saw a spider…a big one. But…but I think it's gone now."

Buffy linked arms with Dawn and said, "let's get you out of this nasty old crypt." Dawn gave a small wave to Spike, and then the two sisters walked out the door.

Giles hung back to say a few words to Spike. "Spike, what you did last night was truly admirable, hence it begs the question...what is your price? Blood, cash...what do you want?"

"I can always use a spot of cash Watcher, but I didn't do it for the money...I did it for *her*."

Despite Spike's protestation, Giles shoved several bills into his hand. Green eyes met blue in an intense gaze. "No matter what you do, she will never love you. I hope you realize that."

"Sound like someone's talking from experience."

Giles stiffened and backed away. "Sod off," he said through clenched teeth before turning and leaving. Spike pondered what the Watcher had said, trying to sort out his feelings. "She will never love you," kept running through his mind. Spike settled back down on the couch to finally finish his sleep. He mumbled one last thing before drifting off again:

"I guess that entirely depends upon which she you are referring to, mate."


Part Six

Dawn was exhausted, she had spent most of the night very much awake in Spike's crypt, and then the call of nature had woken her despite her body's protestations at getting so little sleep. After Buffy dragged her home, there had been about an hour's worth of "I was so worried" and "don't ever do that again" sort of lecturing. Finally Dawn was allowed to retreat into the solitude of her room. Despite her deep fatigue, she couldn't resist the urge to write down all her thoughts about the previous night before they all flitted out of her head.

Dawn scribbled furiously in the notebook she had designated as the first of her new journal series. She knew that she had sworn never to write in them again after she'd burned the others in a fit of rage and confusion, but she found that writing was a comfort. And luckily her mom had managed to salvage most of the journals before they burnt up. It takes a while for stacks of paper to burn completely through, so most of them were just singed around the edges.

Dawn wrote until her vision got blurry, putting into words all of her scattered feelings about being the Key, Spike, and life in general. Finally she shut her journal with a satisfied sigh and lay down to go to sleep, clutching the notebook to her chest like a security blanket. Dawn wasn't awake to see Buffy come into her room.

"Dawnie?" Buffy said softly. Seeing her all curled up on her bed, looking so innocent, brought a tender smile to Buffy's face. Being careful not to wake her, Buffy slipped the journal out of Dawn's arms and covered her with a blanket. Staring at the book in her hands, she couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Dawn, to make her start writing again after her fiery display of anger towards the journals the night before. Buffy wasn't able to contain her curiosity; it must be the nosiness inherrent in sisters to find out what the other is doing. Peeking at Dawn to make sure she was really asleep, Buffy cracked open the journal and began reading.

"Dear Diary,

I know I said I would never write in you again, and I'm really sorry. It was dumb to burn up my journals. Forgive me??? Right now you are like the only one I can talk to. I can't tell anyone what happened. Just think how this conversation would go with the kids at school. `Yeah, I just found out I'm not human. How is your day going?' I bet that would go over real well. I just don't understand it. I have all of these memories. Picnics at the beach with mom and Buffy. Getting the chicken pox in first grade. Going to the school dance and leaving because I spilt grape juice on my white dress. What kind of monk comes up with these kind of memories anyway? If they were gonna give me a life, why not just skip the embarrassing growing up stuff? I feel like a normal kid. But I'm anything but normal. I'm the Key, whatever that's supposed to mean. And I don't even get magical powers. How lame is that? It hurts so much I can't even describe it. Everyone acts all weird around me, as if I don't feel like enough of an outcast without them getting all super sensitive around me. I ran into the night, and all I wanted was to die. I mean, if I can die, that means I'm really alive doesn't it? Then Spike found me. Spike is so cool. He beat up 12 vampires for me. Actually, he didn't beat them up, he killed them, but that's ok cuz they're vampires. He' so brave, and a lot nicer than Buffy thinks he is. Buffy is stupid. If I had a guy like that mooning all over me, I wouldn't complain. I mean, look at him. He looks like Billy Idol, with that bleached blonde hair and all those black clothes. What a babe!

I wonder if he feels anything for me. How am I supposed to compete with Buffy. All my `life' or at least what I remember as my life, I've had to compete with Buffy. I know mom loves her more. She's the real daughter, and she's the Slayer. `Oh look at me, I'm the Chosen One. Aren't I special?' She's the one Spike loves, not me. Spike was nice to me though, and he made me feel SO GOOD! Like better than eating a carton full of chocoalte ice cream sort of good. I can't even describe it. I felt like I was alive, like I was normal, for the first time in months. And I get this weird feeling between my legs when I'm around him. I've heard Buffy talking to Willow about sex when she thinks I'm not listening. Is that what happens when you have sex? I wonder what it would be like to have sex with Spike. He's like, ancient, so I bet he knows what he's doing.

I don't think I'm ready for sex though. I've seen girls at my school get pregnant and have to drop out. The guys just use them for sex and then cast them aside. I don't want that, even if I can't get pregnant from a vampire. But sleeping with him was nice. He was such a gentleman. I didn't know a soulless demon could be a gentleman. He just held me all night long, made me feel protected. I wish I'd never got up to pee. I felt so guilty for leaving him when I came back. I was so afraid Buffy was going to kill him. I don't know what I'd do if he died. Right now he's my only friend. And he kissed me! I've never been kissed by anyone before, unless you count dad and that doesn't count. Sure it was one of those quick little pecks that usually mean `Gee I think you're swell' nothing like what you see in soap operas, or what Buffy and Riley used to do all the time. I definitely have a crush on him. I just hope he isn't nice to me for Buffy's sake."

Buffy looked down at the notebook, her eyes filled with confusion, sadness and anger. She couldn't believe Dawn felt that way about her. It's not her fault that everyone paid so much attention to her. She had an important job to do. And Buffy had always thought that Mom loved Dawn best. Dawn got away with murder sometimes, and Buffy always got lectured. Buffy was definitely going to try to make Dawn feel like part of the gang. She sounded so alone in her writing, and looking at Dawn's curled up form lying in bed, she still looked every bit as isolated as her diary suggested.

But Spike, she liked Spike? Gross. She was definitely going to have to do something about that. It wasn't healthy for a 14 year old to have a thing for a vampire. And since when had Dawn started thining about sex. Did she think about sex at that age? Well, yeah, but that's besides the point. Dawn shouldn't. Buffy wasn't quite sure what had gone on between the two…Dawn had been rather vague about that, but she did not like the idea of Spike kissing her sister, whether it was a chaste kiss or not. Spike was just the sort to take advantage of a young, willing girl. Buffy had to play it cool though. She couldn't let Dawn know that she'd read her diary or it might ruin everything. She'd think of some way to break Dawn's infatuation with Spike after dinner. She set Dawn's journal on the floor next to the bed, making it seem like it just fell naturally while Dawn was sleeping. Tiptoeing out of the room, Buffy went downstairs to see if her mom needed any help with the meal.


"Hi honey, how was your sleep?" Joyce asked as Dawn groggily came down the stair.

"Ok, I guess. I'm really hungry though. I heard your supposed to eat a lot after losing blood. What's for dinner?"

"Come into the dining room and have a seat, dear. Dinner's almost ready."

Dawn gaped as she walked into the other room. A veritable Thanksgiving's feast was spread out on the table. And everyone was there. Giles, Xander, Anya, Willow and Tara. The whole gang. A chorus of "Hi Dawn's" assailed her as she took a seat across from Xander.

"Hey everyone. What's all this for?"

Joyce walked in, carrying a bowl of mashed potatoes between two hot pads. "We thought you could use a bit of family time after everything that's been going on. And everyone here is like family in one way or another, so I invited them all over."

"So, how're ya feelin' Dawnster" Xander asked.

"I wish people would stop asking me that. It's like you think I'm made of porcelain or something."

"I'm just worried about ya, that's all. If I lose you, who else will I beat at board games?"

"Yes," Anya replied. "We would all be very sad if you continued to cut holes into your arm. There are much cleaner ways to die you know. Messier too I suppose," she mused. Xander glared at his tactless girlfriend. She could give Cordelia a run for her money in the competition for Queen of Bluntness.

"Anya, honey. What did we discuss earlier about *good* and *bad* topics for dinner conversation." Xander spoke with a nervous tinge to his voice. He really didn't want Dawn to get upset again.

To everyone's surprise, Dawn gave Anya a big smile. She was glad that a least one person wasn't walking on eggshells around her. "Thanks for caring, Anya."

"See Xander, she thinks I'm nice!" Xander just rolled his eyes and let the comment slide.

The rest of the dinner was spent relatively disaster free. They talked and chatted about things. They even mentioned Glory, and for once Buffy didn't try to protect her kid sister by keeping information hidden. Dawn really felt like one of the gang. The only eventful thing happened once Joyce brought pie out. There was a small incident involving whipped cream, resulting in Xander getting a face full of the white, sticky stuff. Dawn giggled, and Anya made a remark about having to buy some whipped cream for later. Overall though, dinner was a success. Giles got up to help Joyce clear, while Dawn tried to convince Anya to tell her just what she had planned for the whipped cream. Xander's hand planted over Anya's mouth was the only thing that kept Dawn from all the juicy details.

Eventually, everyone moved into the living room to chat. Dawn groaned and said "I'm so full I think I'm gonna burst."

"Well you did eat two whole plates of food," Willow commented. "I didn't think your Dawn-sized stomach could hold that much."

"You…you're looking better though," Tara said. "Not nearly so pale as before."

"I still feel like a pig though. Hey Mom, would you mind if I went for a little walk…try to burn off some of these calories? It's still light out."

"I don't know Dawn. It's still dangerous out there. I don't want you to get hurt, not after what happened last night."

"I'm not a kid! I just want to go for a walk...stop treating me like I'm a baby!"

Buffy cut in, "It's ok Mom. I feel like I could use a walk too. I'll go with her. That is if you don't mind, Dawn."


"Buffy, are you sure that's wise?" her mother asked, always concerned for any of her children when they went out at night.

"We'll be fine...really. I'm sure Dawn will protect me."

Dawn rolled her eyes at the attempt at humour, but agreed to let Buffy come with her. "We'll be back soon," Buffy said, leaving the room full of laughing and talking individuals.

"Do be careful," Giles cautioned as they walked out the door.

"So, where'd ya wanna go?" Buffy asked.

Dawn shrugged and they walked in silence for a while. After a while they ended up at the cemetery where Spike lives. "Dawn, I don't know if it's the smartest thing for us to be walking through the cemetery. It's almost dark."

"We'll be ok," Dawn replied quietly. Not adding her thought, "Spike is here. He'll protect us."

Buffy wasn't a mind reader, but she had a good idea why her sister had steered them towards this place. "You're looking for Spike, aren't you?"

"No I'm not. Ok, well maybe…How did you know?"

"Just call it Big Sister sense. Dawn, I really think you need to be careful around Spike. He might not be able to bite, but he's still dangerous. He might....take advantage of you. I don't want you spending time with him."

"You can't tell me what to do! Spike's my... friend...he cares about me. I'm sure he does!"

"Dawn, what if I could prove to you that Spike doesn't care. Would you listen to me then?"

"And how are you planning on doing that," Dawn replied angrily.

"C'mon," Buffy said, dragging Dawn in the direction of Spike's crypt. "You stay out here, right by the door, ok?"

Inside, Spike was getting ready to go out. He could feel the sun going down and he had a strong urge to get outside, work off some of his energy. Surprisingly, he wasn't that hungry. Not hungry at all in fact, but he was dying for some whiskey and a spot of violence. Spike had taken off his shirt and boots before going to sleep earlier that day, and now he stripped off his last piece of clothing, his dirty pants. He never really had felt the need for underwear of any sort. Standing there naked, he looked at his assortment of clothes, trying to decide just which combination of black and red he wanted to wear tonight. That's when Buffy walked in.



Dawn stared from the door, her eyes wide as saucers. Sure she had taken health class, but this was the first time she'd ever seen a real person naked. For a second she got to look at Spike in his full glory, just standing there pondering what to wear, before he hurriedly grabbed a blanket and held it over his groin area.

"Bloody hell! Doesn't anyone in this godforsaken town ever knock?"

"It's a *crypt* Spike. No one knocks when they come into a crypt."

"Well this crypt happens to be my home. Have some respect would ya." After a short pause, where they both just stared at each other, Spike broke the silence. "I'm guessing you haven't come to just stare at me Slayer. What do you want? And make it quick…I'm feeling a bit…exposed…here."

Buffy steeled herself. Think of Angel…think of Angel, she thought. "Actually Spike, I have you just where I want you." Buffy advanced towards him and began raking her nails over Spike's bare chest. She put on her poutiest voice. "I got very jealous when I found out you spent the whole night with Dawn. Very jealous," she said as she kissed the spot where she had rammed a stake earlier that day. "I thought you loved me Spike. You do love me don't you? And not her?" Buffy said the `and not her' part a bit louder than normal, ensuring Dawn would hear. She then ran her finger up Spike's thigh and used her other hand to pull his head down for a rough kiss.

Dawn watched the spectacle from the doorway. At first Spike had just seemed stunned, not knowing what do to. When Buffy kissed him, his arms flailed about wildly for a second. Uncertain of himself, he gently cupped her face for a moment, rubbing his thumb along her jawbone. Then his whole body stiffened and his eyes snapped open. Dawn was sure she saw flecks of gold mixed with the blue as he used all of his strength to pull Buffy to him. His demon came forth as he ravaged her mouth and slid his hands over her, one to cup her ass and the other sliding under her shirt to roughly fondle her breast.

Dawn couldn't take it anymore. With a choked sob, she ran out the door and into the ever-darkening evening.


Part Seven

Spike stood naked in front of his assortment of clothes, contemplating what to wear. He was just about to make a decision when the door to his crypt came flying open.

"Buffy!" he squawked, his voice rising an octave.

This wasn't quite what he'd fantasized when he pictured being naked with her. Quickly he grabbed a blanket and covered his groin area. As he tied the blanket around his waist he grumbled, "Bloody hell! Doesn't anyone in this godforsaken town ever knock?"

Buffy was acting strangely. She wasn't kicking him…she wasn't punching him. She was just staring at him with a forlorn look in her eyes, like she was about to do something she was going to regret. Trying to speed things along, Spike asked her what she was doing there. He felt rather defenseless being almost naked and all. Suddenly Buffy's demeanor changed. Spike took a nervous step backwards as she began to advance towards him, a predatory look in her eye. Spike knew that look too well. Hell, he'd *used* that look many a time. It was a look that screamed, "I'm going to eat you up, and you're going to enjoy it."

"Actually, Spike, I have you right where I want you," Buffy practically purred. Spike raised his eyebrows. Now what was that supposed to mean? Spike soon lost the ability for all rational thought as Buffy answered his unspoken question, scratching and kissing his chest. A very prominent bulge began to form beneath the blanket, and Spike let a low moan escape the back of his throat. He'd wanted this for so long! Spike couldn't even decipher the words coming out of the Slayer's mouth. They were nothing but background noise to him. All he could concentrate on was the feeling of her lips and her hands.

He was totally unprepared when she yanked his head down and began to roughly kiss him, ravaging his mouth. Spike didn't know what to do. He didn't want to offend her and have this dream end, so he aimlessly moved his arms around, trying to find a neutral spot. Finally, he settled for cupping her face in his hand. He ran his thumb along her jawbone, trying to make the kiss more gentle. As he gave himself over to the kiss, the truth struck him. He suddenly knew, with perfect clarity, that this was not real. Whatever the Slayer's game was, it involved no feelings for him other than disgust. He could tell by the way she kissed. It was the same sort of kiss that the two-bit whores had given him so long ago, when he would desperately grope them and call out Cecily's name.

Spike's whole body tensed with this revelation. "Well, if the Slayer wants to play games," he thought, "I'll give her a game."

With a brute force, he clutched Buffy to him. Ravaging her mouth as she had ravaged his. He pawed at her as if she meant nothing, his hands roaming all over before finally settling on her ass and on her breast. Unbeknownst to him, Dawn was watching the whole spectacle. As she ran into the night with tears in her eyes, Spike continued his assault. He groped Buffy and pinched her nipple hard. Then he pushed her onto the ground and roughly spread her legs wide apart. Spike knelt between her thighs and grabbing her by the arms, he began to shake her. "I don't know what game you're playing, but it ends here!" he yelled. "Who's name were you going to scream when I fucked you? Who's? My nancy-boy sire's...the little tin soldier's? Or maybe even your old man Watcher's. It sure as hell wouldn't be mine! Who died and made you God…to think you have the right to play with people's hearts like that? I got feelin's too, ya know."

Buffy sat there in mute horror, tears streaming down her face, not because she had hurt the vampire in any way, but because what he said had really struck home. She was playing with Dawn's heartstrings and hadn't even stopped to think of the consequences. Without even glancing in Spike's direction, Buffy got up and moved towards the door.

"Dawn…Dawnie? Are you there? Oh, God…she's gone!" Buffy cried, a fresh batch of tears streaming down her face.

Buffy moved to run after her sister, and Spike caught her by the arm. "Dawn?" he asked angrily. "Dawn was here?"

"I did it to protect her. It's my job to keep her safe from things like you," Buffy said, emptiness tingeing her voice. Somehow she realized she had pushed it too far this time.

"She has a protector you stupid bint...ME!" Spike paced around the room angrily. "Just how do you think you made that little girl feel? She's all head over heels for me, and what does she get to see? Big sister whoring herself out all in the name of protecting her. I bet that went over real well! You remember how you felt when soldier-boy was havin' a spot of fun behind your back? Cried for days you did…I know…I was watchin' ya the whole time. Now imagine you caught soldier boy messing around with one of your pals, little witchy Red Riding Hood or something. Suddenly it's worse...all personal. Double betrayal…double pain. Add to that being some mystical Key and sprinkle on a bit of big sister rivalry, and you have yourself a whole heap of hurting. And *presto*, we get what you just did to kid sister!" Spike ended his tirade with a growl and stalked out the door, Buffy chasing after him.

"Just where do you think you are going, Spike?"

" *I'm* going to find her. *You* are going home!" Spike yelled.

Buffy punched Spike and threw him to the ground. "You stay away from my sister!"

"But will she stay away from me, luv?" Spike asked with a cocky grin. Buffy was about to launch into another attack on Spike when they both heard a shrill scream pierce the air.

"Dawn!" they both exclaimed simultaneously.

Spike easily outdistanced Buffy and arrived at the scene first. Dawn was surrounded by several dozen pygmy-like creatures. Some were clinging to her back, and a few had made a home in her hair. The rest were bouncing up in down in front of her, chanting something in a foreign language. Spike growled at them, and they all ran away screaming, making high pitched squealing noises. Dawn ran into Spike's arms and hugged him tight.

"I was so scared, Spike," she sighed, nuzzling her head into his chest. Then she backed away and slapped him, "but that doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you. I saw you with Buffy."

Just then Buffy ran up from behind, panting and out of breath. "What… were…they?" she gasped.

Under normal circumstances, Spike would have laughed, but he was still stinging from Dawn's slap. "They're called trollags," Spike said soberly. " Harmless buggers. They are more like sprites than anything else. They got scared when they saw the Big Bad comin'."

Dawn's curiosity got the best of her. Forgetting her anger for a moment, she asked "what did they want? They were chanting something."

Spike did laugh this time. "They wanted to play with you, luv," Spike said tenderly. "They're just children out for a spot of fun. That's what they were, play, play!"

A smile spread across Dawn's face. "Wow…that is so cool! I wish I hadn't been so scared."

"Cool? You think a bunch of demons attacking you was cool?" Buffy interjected loudly.

"Not demons, Slayer. Sprites. There is a difference you know. Not everything that goes bump in the night is evil. It'd pay for you to learn that."

Buffy continued to ignore Spike. "We're going home," Buffy said brusquely as she grabbed Dawn by the arm.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" Dawn yelled as she yanked herself away from Buffy. "You set me up. It was bad enough when I had to watch you and Riley go at it. But I liked Spike…I really liked him. You didn't have to practically have sex with him right in front of me just to make a point. I get it. He's yours, not mine. You didn't have to rub it in."

"Spike is *not* mine! I don't even *like* him! And you shouldn't either!" Buffy was outraged. This was not going at all how she had anticipated.

"Slayer, she's a big girl. Let her make her own decision." Spike turned to Dawn with a pleading look in his eye. "C'mon kitten, how's about you and me go somewhere quiet and talk? You can run off if you like, but I'd be daft to let you go off without at least trying to give my side of things."

Dawn looked back and forth between Buffy and Spike and chose the lesser of two evils. "Buffy, I am leaving with Spike. Tell Mom that I was really stressed and I'm sleeping over at a friend's house. You even try to stop me, and I tell everyone that I saw you making out with Spike when you were supposed to be protecting me."

Dawn had hit a nerve, and Buffy was too ashamed to argue. She ran up to Dawn and hugged her. "I'm sorry," she whispered. She still couldn't bring herself to apologize to Spike. Instead she threatened him. "You hurt even a hair on her head, and I will torture you slowly before I kill you."

Spike glared down at the petite blonde. "You ever hurt her again, chip or no chip, what I do to you will make Angelus look like the bleedin' tooth fairy."

Battle lines firmly established, Buffy stalked off, stake in hand. She was determined to kill something before going home or she would never blow off enough steam. Once Buffy was gone, Spike turned to Dawn.

"Shall we take this inside, kitten? Less chance of the creepy crawlies gettin' us if we aren't out of doors."

"Sure, whatever."

They walked in silence back to Spike's crypt. Once inside, Dawn crumpled, collapsing onto Spike's couch. Through her tears, Dawn asked, "Why...why, Spike? You used me. You said you'd never hurt me, but you don't care at all. I thought I was special."

"Aw hell, luv. You are special. What Buffy did was wrong. She used my feelings for her against us both to get you to hate me. Forgive me, pet?"

"Answer just one question, Spike. If Buffy and I both loved you, who would you choose?"

Where does she come up with this stuff, Spike thought, the Teenager's Guide to Awkward Questions? Spike looked at her teary eyes and did something he didn't often do. He told the truth. "I'm gonna tell it true, pet, but don't get your knickers in a twist until I'm finished. Deal?" Dawn nodded and Spike began.

"To be quite honest, I'd have to choose Buffy..." Dawn covered her mouth to muffle her sob. "Hush…hush." Dawn leaned into Spike's shoulder, and he smoothed her hair. Suddenly she grabbed him and bit hard into his shoulder.

"Owww! What'd you go and do that for?" Spike said in surprise.

"You're a vampire. Vampires like pain right? All that biting is supposed to be like a turn-on, isn't it? Buffy…Buffy's always beating you up, and you love her. I can be like Buffy...I can at least try. Please don't pick her. Please! I need you...!" Dawn's voice kept rising in intensity until it was almost a shriek.

"Dawn, luv…you have to let me finish," he said softly. "I said I would choose Buffy, now let me tell you why. You asked what I would do if you both *loved* me. Well Hell, I've loved the Slayer for months now. I've only just started taking a fancy to you. Of course I'd choose her. But see here. She doesn't love me. Believe it or not, she proved that the moment she kissed me. I could feel it. The way she kissed me made me feel dirty, like I was nothing to her. Last time I felt that way was the final night I was human. I've been there and done that. No way I'm going back. Now ask me the right question without any what if's...who would I choose now?"

Dawn looked up with hope in her eyes. "Who would you choose, Spike?"

"I choose you, nibblet." Dawn laughed and cried at the same time. He chose her! Spike brushed a tendril of hair behind Dawn's ear. He leaned in close, preparing to kiss her, but she stopped him with a hand on his chest.

"And just why should I take you back," Dawn said, her bravado back in full force.

"I already said that I choose you, pet. What else does a fellow have to do?"

Dawn got a mischievous look in her eye.

"Beg for me, Spike."


Part Eight

"Beg for me, Spike"

At Dawn's words, Spike's demeanor immediately changed. When he found out she had caught him with Buffy, he had felt like a forlorn lover who would do anything to get back in his love's good favours. But her taunting words sent a thrill through him. He went from looking like a whipped puppy whose tail was between its legs to a hungry wolf, ready to eat up the little girl in front of him. Spike slid off the couch and knelt before Dawn. First, he made a show of touching his forehead to the ground at her feet. Then he practically slithered off the ground and up her legs.

"Please forgive me, kitten," Spike said in his sexiest voice. He positioned himself between her legs and placed a kiss on the inside of her jean-clad knee. As he continued to crawl forward, her legs spread wider and wider apart to accommodate him. Spike continued his assault, planting soft kisses along the top of her thigh and then trailing his tongue across the waistband of her jeans until he reached her navel.

"Forgive me, pet and I can show how much fun begging can be."

Spike undid the button of her jeans with his teeth and rested his head against her stomach, awaiting further instruction from Dawn before going any further. The whole time, Dawn had grown more and more excited, until she finally reached a point where her whole body was trembling. At first she had thought it would be fun to turn the tables on Spike, embarrass him and make him beg, but she again found herself mentally flailing for control. Her body was experiencing a slew of new sensations, but her mind was blowing all the warning bells and screaming "STOP!"

Dawn ran her fingers through Spike's hair, but instead of pushing his head down, as he was so eager for her to do, she slid her fingers under his chin and brought his head up to look her in the eyes. "Not yet, Spike," she said gently. "I'm not ready, and if you care about me at all, you'll respect that. I want to be more than a cheap fling to you."

"Cor, luv…I could wait years for you. Hell, I could wait all of eternity. But, you might not have eternity. You might not even have years. Just remember, Carpe Diam and all that rot. Don't let too many opportunities pass you by." Spike licked Dawn's belly-button one last time, a grin plastered across his face, before he forced himself to comply to her wishes. He let his hands slide across her waist to her middle, and rather than slide her jeans down to the floor he reverently buttoned them back up.

Dawn let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. She didn't know if she could have turned Spike down again. Her stomach muscles tightened ever time he touched her, and just him looking at her made her tingle all over. She couldn't even imagine what it would feel like if she let him have his way.

"So, where do we go from here, pet?"

Dawn extricated herself from around Spike, moving so that her legs were beside him rather than wrapped around him. With a nervous look in her eyes, she timidly asked, "Could you teach me how to bite?"

Spike had a feeling that he knew what she was getting at, but he decided to play with her a bit. "Well, it's not all that difficult. Open mouth, insert object, close mouth. Simple, really. Even a child, supposing she had teeth and all."

"That's not what I meant, and you know it!" Dawn fumed. "The other night, when you bit me... you made me feel good all over."

"Well first off, if you want to play these games, you have to stop with the bloody euphemisms. I gave you an orgasm. C'mon... you can say it... or-gas-um. If you can't even say it, you certainly aren't old enough to experience it."

Dawn glared at Spike, resolve written across her face. "When you bit me, you gave me an ORGASM," Dawn said loudly, blushing despite herself. "I want to be able to make you feel good too, but I don't know how. When I bit you before, all I did was hurt you."

"It's all about the mood, luv. Hauling off and taking a chunk out of a fellow's shoulder isn't all that seductive. It's all about making the person want it... want it so badly it doesn't matter what the cost."

Spike peered deeply into Dawn's eyes, and she knew with absolute certainty that Spike had had much experience with this. Many years of experience. "It's a good thing you aren't that patient, Spike" Dawn said in a quavering voice. "I have a feeling you could seduce just about anyone into opening a vein if you took the time."

"Oh, believe me kitten, I have. I've had male and female alike screaming my name as I drained them dry, a smile still lingering on their faces as their empty corpses fell to the ground. Hell, if I'd known all it took was for human to take a fancy to being bitten, I wouldn't have come crawling to the Slayer and her lot, stupid sod that I was, beggin' for even a cup of pig's blood. That's no way to live. Humiliating it is."

Dawn recoiled in horror. She shoved him away from her as hard as she could, yelling, "well if that's how you feel, then why don't you just go! I showed you how to get around the chip... you don't need me anymore."

Spike wiped away the tears forming in Dawn's eyes. "Don't you see, pet? I don't want anybody else. I thought it would make you feel all special, knowing that I could have anyone and I choose you."

" you mean it? You really would rather have me?"

"Hell, luv. That's what I've been trying to show you all night."

"But you can't survive off of just me. I don't have enough blood to keep you alive."

"Funny thing that. I haven't felt hungry since I fed off of you the other night. Somethin' about your blood. It's special. It quenched the thirst like nothing I've ever tasted. Not even Slayer blood was that potent. So maybe I can live off of just fun for both of us, I'd wager. And if I have to, I'll rob a blood drive. No more pigs blood for this vampire. A fellow had to have his dignity."

Dawn laughed at Spike. The whole time he was ranting about vampire pride, he had been on his knees at her feet. "Yeah, Spike. You're real dignified. Yup." Spike laughed too as he realized his predicament. With a mock growl, he lunged at Dawn, pinning her beneath him on his couch.

"Didn't anybody ever teach you not to make fun of a vampire?"

"Buffy does it all the time, and she gets away with it."

Spike stiffened for a second at the mention of Buffy's name. Then he let his good mood take precedence. "But you're not Buffy, kitten. I thought we'd already established that." Dawn's eyes glowed at the recognition that she was her own person and not an extension of Buffy. She was about to lean up and kiss him, when Spike continued, "And Buffy is also not currently pinned beneath a vampire. I'd say you are at a disadvantage, luv."

Dawn squirmed at the challenge in his voice, trying to get away, but Spike was too strong for her. With a wicked glint in her eye, Dawn decided to changer her tactics. She leaned up and licked Spike's neck. He loosened the grip on her hands and he closed his eyes and groaned. The distraction was enough and Dawn slipped out from under him, causing him to plop down on his side, filling the spot on the couch where she had been moments before. Dawn giggled as she tried to run away, but Spike was too quick. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap as he rotated into a sitting position. For the second time that evening, Dawn found herself with her legs wrapped around Spike's waist.

Dawn was flushed and excited. Amusement gleamed in her eyes. Spike leaned over and whispered, "so, are you ready to learn, nibblet?" Dawn steadied herself and nodded in agreement.

"Pay attention, luv. It'd be a shame to have to do this over and over again."

Dawn had a feeling Spike really wouldn't mind `teaching' her over and over again, but she paid rapt attention anyway.

"Now, you have to start out slow...making sure the other person is relaxed." Spike started rubbing circles on Dawn's back as he licked her neck. After an initial tensing, he could almost feel her melting in his arms.

"Then let your teeth graze the other person's neck. Light at first, then harder. Mix it up... never doing the same thing for too long. Variety is the key." Spike then lowered his teeth to her neck, first barely letting them touch. Then, letting his fangs extend, he grazed them lightly over her pulse point. His teeth switched back to blunt again as he bit down, hard enough to only leave a slight indent.

"You getting the idea, luv?" Dawn had let her eyes drift shut and she was breathing heavily from the attention. "Yeah," she said in a distracted tone, "I think I'm getting it."

"This next part is the best for us bloodsuckers. When you get to sink your fangs into that warm, soft flesh and the blood fills your mouth. You'll have to live with merely biting down a bit hard at the point." Ending his speech, Spike attacked her neck again, still sucking gently for a moment before sinking his fangs into his mark from the night before.

A long moan escaped Dawn's mouth as Spike drank from her again, his sucking pulsing in time with her body's contractions. Spike only took a couple of mouthfuls before extracting his fangs and merely holding the trembling girl against his chest.

Spike leaned his head back against the top of the couch, savouring the taste of blood in his mouth. He was totally unprepared when Dawn's mouth began to lave at his neck.

"God, Dawn!" he moaned, his eyes half-shut in lust. "I think you've got it, luv."

Dawn licked her way down to the juncture of the shoulder and neck. She began lightly nibbling before biting down hard. Spike arched his back and growled something inarticulate. Dawn jumped when she felt something hard pushing into the inside of her thigh, but she did not stop her attack. She worked her way back up Spike's neck and trailed kisses along his jaw line until she reached his lips. She gave his lips the same treatment she'd given his neck. Sucking first before gently nibbling and biting. Spike wanted nothing more than to slam her to the ground and ravage her, but he clenched his fists and kept himself restrained. He felt the tentative nature of Dawn's lips against his, and he wanted to give her total control.

Dawn grew more confident as Spike let out small moans. Bravely, she deepened the kiss, her tongue tentatively tasting the inside of his mouth. Again Spike found himself caught unawares as Dawn bit down hard on his bottom lip. Blood filled her mouth and Dawn hungrily suckled at Spike's mouth. Spike couldn't take it anymore. He slipped his hands under her shirt and around her waist, roughly pulling her closer to him. His fangs sliced her lip as he began to ravage her mouth with a vengeance. Both parties groaned as their blood mixed in each other's mouths.

Dawn's eyes snapped open as she felt her blood mix with Spike's. For a second she knew him. She could see every detail of his life, years worth of knowledge in an instant. She saw even further back, to Drusilla and Angelus. All the way back to the first. She knew them all.

Spike experienced something very similar. A collage of images barraged him as he saw everything the monks had planted into her mind. But beyond that there was nothing. No images, no memories, only blindingly white light. Power seeped into him, effusing his being, as he clutched Dawn closer to him.

As their visions faded, Spike and Dawn were left gazing into each other's wide eyes. Trembling, Spike choked out, "Blood of my Blood I bind you," before they both collapsed into unconsciousness.

Parts Nine - Twelve
Parts Thirteen - Sixteen
Parts Seventeen - Twenty
Parts Twenty-One - ?

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