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Want to be a beta reader for Lil' Nibblin?
Fill out the form below and I'll add you to the list!


Name: Christine
Specialties: Grammer, Characterization, basically anything.
Favorite Couple(s): Spike/Dawn, Willow/Xander, Wesley/Fred, Angel/Buffy, Cordy/Doyle, Cordy/Angel.


Name: Regina
Specialties: Grammer, Plot Holes, etc.
Favorite Couple(s): Spike/Dawn, Willow/Xander, Wesley/Fred, Cordy/Angel, Cordy/Anya, Angel/Buffy.


Name: Mary Ellis
Specialties: Grammar, characterization for Spike, Willow, Angelus, Dawn, Dru.
Favorite Couple(s): Spike/Willow, Spike/Dawn, Spike/Angelus, Angelus/Willow, any Dawn or Willow pairing.


Name: Caitlin
Specialties: Spelling, Characterization, Plot/Storylines.
Favourite Couple(s): Spike/Buffy, Spike/Dawn


Name: Binks
Specialties: Spelling/Grammar/Dialogue/Characters, etc.
Favorite Couple(s): Spike/Buffy, Spike/Dawn, anything Wesley, anything Cordy :)


Name: Lua
Specialties: Plot/Storylines, Dialogue, Characterization.
Favorite Couple(s): Pretty much everyone, but I like Faith/Riley, Spike/Dawn, and Buffy/Angel the best.


Name: Lelia
Specialties: Basically English in general,Grammar,Spelling, Plot Ideas, Characterization and Different Languages.
Favorite Couple(s): Buffy/Angel, Dawn/Spike, Willow/Spike and Cordy/Doyle.


Name: Kate
Specialties: Grammar, Spelling, the usual.
Favorite Couple(s): Spike/Dawn, Spike/Buffy.....and just about any of the regular couples.




Favorite Couple:
