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South Dakota UDO
Saturday, October 29, 2005
6 Times A Year? Cool! Of course!
You set up a cool nonprofit organization in South Dakota 3 things would happen:

1. We'd feel the FREEDOM and joy of winning, and doing something!

2. Others would probably get inspired that we didn't just "moan and bitch and wait for another 2 years"
--We have elections every 2 months, not 2 years!

3. Our nonprofit group could some cool and exciting projects that would help people, innovate and create jobs!

My proposal is to have elections 6 times a year to
inspire people and show them how real ultra democracy

(Granted these will be organization elections, not public elections, but it is an inspiring concept).

This can literally be started with a nickel, in any precinct or county in South Dakota!

Why not assume that the best things that we can think of, CAN HAPPEN? Read any book by Eckhart Tolle, and you'll know that good things happen NOW.

How about creating a Think Tank With Attitude, that YOU start with a few nickels, meets at taco places and has elections every 2 months, and totally changes things in South Dakota?

I'm hoping it can start in South Dakota this year, and hopefully in other states, too.

The First Amendment protects our right to free speech and peaceful assembly.

This is powerful, and allows UDO to exist and THRIVE!
UDO refers to the way the nonprofit organization works, having ultra-democratic OPEN elections on paper ballots every 2 months!

Or you can call your group an OLAF--Opulent Laughing Abundant Friends.

What makes these UDOs or OLAFs super cool?

1. Since they are Nonprofit Associations, they can be started for nothing but the cost of paper and pen, and funded with a few nickels!

2. Each UDO or OLAF would do basically 3 things:
ONE--DO research and humanitarian projects, both where the group is (County, City, or Precinct UDOs or OLAFs).

TWO-- Pass one to 3 resolutions each year. A resolution would be statement of what project the UDO or OLAF would intend to do to help humanity!

THREE--DO the 1-3 projects!

3. Many people will have the pleasure of being elected to an UDO or OLAF where they live, and elections can be every 2 months, very lively!

Sure, there are public elections every 2 years for different offices.

But an UDO or OLAF is different!

An UDO or OLAF can decide to either do local projects or national or international projects!

Start an UDO or OLAF in 2005!

This blog tells you how!

Posted by ThinkTank Creator at 3:14 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:17 AM CDT
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