Part Five

Buffy gasped, seeing her father standing in the doorway in shock. All she could think to do was make sure the sheets covered her. Angelus lay next to her, not sure of what to do next either. He wanted to kill the man, he looked like he was going to be pissed, and anyway, with him dead he could have Buffy to himself. "Get dressed!" He screamed at Buffy.

Buffy moved to get out of the bed, then whimpered, remembering she was naked. Hank grabbed her bathrobe from a hook on her door and tossed it to her, turning his back to her so she could get out of bed and pull it on. Angelus used the time to quickly yank his leather pants back on.

"Buffy, I want you to go wait in the living room for me." Hank practically growled.

Buffy shook her head. "I'm not leaving you two alone."

"I am your father, you listen to me!" He yelled.

Angelus nodded to her, telling her it was okay to go, but she stood still. She couldn't leave them alone. What if Daddy hurt Angelus? What if Angelus killed Daddy?

"This concerns me so I need to stay." She told them firmly.

"Fine." Her father replied, seething with anger. "You are disgusting...vile....Taking advantage of a young girl! How old are you?! 25?! She's a baby!"

"I"m 18, Dad, legally old enough to do whatever I want with him. And he didn't take advantage of me, we love each other!" Buffy defended her boyfriend, who didn't speak because he knew he'd end up snapping and killing the man.

"Oh, Honey...sometimes men say things that they don't mean to get what they want. He's using you sweetheart." Hank replied, feeling so bad for his poor innocent little girl.

"This isn't like that!" Buffy argued, begging him to believe her.

Seeing his daughter like that made him furious. His baby girl had been sucked in by this man's lies and less than honorable intentions. He'd convinced her that she was in love with him and he in love with her, for his own selfish desires.

"I want you out of my house! I never want to see you near here again. And don't you come near Buffy, or you will regret it!"

Angelus shook his head. "I can stay away from the house...but not her. I love her, I can't bear to live without her."

Hank shook his head in disgust. "You're a real piece of work, but I am not an innocent young girl, I don't buy all your pretty words of love, something you probably know nothing about! Leave, leave before I call the police!"

Angelus knew that if he didn't leave, he'd probably end up killing Hank, so he resignedly threw on his shirt and boots before walking towards the door. At the last minute, he grabbed Buffy and yanked her up against him, the sad look on her face too much to bear. Kissing her furiously, he poured all his love, all his emotions, and all his intentions into it.

He released her and left the room, with an enraged Hank and a breathless Buffy behind.


Buffy stared out the living room window. It was the end of one of the longest weekends in her life. She missed Angelus terribly. Her father had kept a close eye on her all day Saturday, at least he seemed a bit more relaxed today. She still wasn't allowed to leave the house, but she could be alone in a room.

Sighing sadly, her heart ached. She had no idea when she'd see Angelus again. If her father was breathing down her neck all weekend every weekend, she couldn't see him then, and during the week, Cordelia had a job as a receptionist for a detective agency, so she couldn't come get Buffy while her father was at work. And Angelus lived too far away to walk to.

Early that morning, Buffy had been able to sneak a phone call to her friend, giving her a message to tell Angelus that she missed him. Cordelia had promised to tell him, and to try and work out a plan to get the two lovers time together.

Buffy didn't even care if it was just a few moments. She just wanted to hug and kiss him more than anything in the world. She felt like an addict and he was her drug.

"You don't have any plans for tomorrow, do you?"

Hank asked his daughter as he came into the living room.

"I thought I was grounded." Buffy replied coldly, not looking away from the window.

"Of course not, you're eighteen."

Buffy turned and looked at him with anger in her eyes. "Exactly. I'm a legal adult, capable of making decisions like who my boyfriend is."

"Now, Honey, I told you. Angelus is only after one thing from you. He knows all the right words to say all the right things to do to get that from you. And you're just a young girl; you don't always know how to defend yourself against these kinds of men. That's a father's job."

Buffy shook her head and looked back out the window.

"Just make sure you are ready to go out tomorrow at nine."

"What for?" She asked dully.

Hank was about to tell her, when he thought better of it. The truth would only upset her.

"It's a surprise."


"He what?!" Cordelia exclaimed as she and Buffy sat down in the movie theater Friday night.

"He dragged me to the doctor Monday morning and made me take a pregnancy test!"

Cordelia laughed. "Why did he do that? Oh.....he doesn't know Angelus can't have kids. But if he could....would they even be able to tell?"

"Well...I got my period Saturday, and I tried to tell my know, without coming out and saying it...but he wouldn't listen. I think he thought I was lying. It was so embarrassing." Buffy replied putting her head in her hands as she mentally relived the moment.

"Sounds like it! Are they putting you on the pill or something? That's what they usually try to do in situations like this."

Buffy shook her head. "My dad insisted on coming in with me for the results. And then when the doctor suggested I get some protection, Dad freaked out. He kept saying that I was his daughter and he would make sure I didn't do anything to get pregnant anytime soon. The doctor was amused, I could tell. Besides, I'm telling everyone Angelus had a vasectomy, so he is sterile."

"That must have been one of the most embarrassing things that has ever happened to you."

"Pretty much. At least now that he knows I'm not pregnant and after a week of babysitting, I am allowed out. Speaking of, don't let me forget my ticket stub. I need proof I went to the movies with you and Ryan." Buffy told her. She normally wouldn't want to be the third wheel on a date, but Cordelia had asked Buffy had been bored out of her mind, and her father had agreed.

Looking towards the doors at the back of the theater, Cordelia smiled. "Oh good! He made it!"

"Who made it?" Buffy asked absently, looking for her pack of gum in her purse.

"Well, you didn't think I wouldn't tell Angelus you'd be going to the movies with me, did you?"

Buffy's head shot around to see Angelus walking non-chalantly down the aisle towards them.

"I didn't want to tell you until he got here, just in case he couldn't make it, I didn't want you to be disappointed." Cordelia explained.

Angelus reached their aisle, smiled gratefully at Cordelia as he scooted past her down the aisle to take the seat next to Buffy.

The blonde hugged him fiercely as soon as he sat down. "Oh, I missed you so much!"

They were soon completely engrossed in each other, kissing and whispering how hard the week had been without one another.

Cordelia decided to take preventative measures. She leaned over and told them. "Please keep the making out to a minimum until the lights go down. And no sex in the theater, it's illegal and I so don't want to get kicked out of here. Plus, Buffy has to provide her father with a written summary of the movie."

Soon Ryan came back with the drinks and snacks and sat on the other side of Cordelia, keeping her distracted from the reunited lovers.


Luckily, the movie was as predictable as possible, so it would be easy for Buffy to give her father a decent summary of it, despite the fact that she spent most of the film making out with Angelus.

After it let out, they still had an hour and a half until Buffy had to be home. They'd told Hank that they'd have some coffee and dessert and then Cordelia would bring his daugher home, and they fully intended to keep that promise.

Of course, the coffee and dessert just happened to be in Cordelia's apartment.

Ryan, who had met the girls at the theater, kissed Cordelia good-bye at the theater, then made his way to his own home. Cordelia drove home alone, leaving Buffy and Angelus to get to her place in his car. She was well aware that it would probably be the longest car ride to her house in history, and they didn't let her down.


Buffy had her hand down Angelus' pants and her mouth on his neck. Angelus decided to pull over so he wouldn't get her killed in a car wreck. The Mercedes Sedan might be the safest car in the world, but it hadn't faced the wrath of a horny Buffy in those tests.

When Angelus found them on a dark street that didn't get a lot of traffic, he pulled over. When he turned off the car engine, Buffy noticed what he'd done and chuckled, then crawled into the backseat of the car. As Angelus followed, she quickly pulled her panties off and lay on her back with her arms stretched invitingly.

Yanking his pants to his knees, he wrapped her legs around his waist and slid into her fiery depths. They both gasped at the sensation of finally being whole again.

Angelus soon began moving in and out of the place only he had been. As he thrust deep inside her he placed soft kisses along her neck. Buffy bucked up against him, desperate for release. He moved his hand between them and stroked her tender nubbin, giving her what she craved. As her vaginal walls clenched around him, he emptied himself inside her, then lay half on top of her in the backseat of the car, their bodies entwined.

Reluctantly, the two separated, fixed their clothing, and headed to Cordelia's. Cordelia just shook her head and smiled as she saw them come in, hand in hand.

"You didn't really want me to fix you anything, did you?" She asked.

At the couple's shaking heads, she smiled, happy she didn't have to get up in the middle of her TV show.

In a casual voice she added. "The guest bedroom has fresh sheets." When the two rushed in and shut the door she shook her head. "I feel like such a pimp! Of course, without the money!"


Much too soon, it was time for Buffy to leave. She and Angelus just couldn't seem to be able to break apart.

Finally, Cordelia pulled Buffy away. As the two girls walked down to Cordelia's car, the brunette felt so bad for her friend, she seemed so sad.

"Don't worry, Buffy. You'll see him again soon, I'm sure." Cordelia reassured here as they headed to Buffy's. "Hey, have you talked to Angelus about when you go back to Sunnydale this fall?"

Buffy shook her head. "Oh you think that he and I will break up at the end of the summer?"

"No way! I'm thinking he'll follow you back there."

Buffy smiled dreamily. "That'd be nice."

"Yeah, until everyone else finds out you and AngelUS are together. Then expect them to wig."

Buffy bit her lip. "Good point."

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