Part Six

It was a hot day in August, when Hank decided to drag Buffy with him to work. She'd regained some trust with him, but he still only let her go out one or two nights a week with Cordelia after the girls gave him their specific plans so he could be sure she wouldn't be off with Angelus...Which, of course, she always was. The two had grown to cherish whatever time they could have together. Not only did they meet those few nights when Buffy would go out with Cordelia, but also they'd often talk on the phone, just before sunrise, when Buffy was sure her father was sleeping.

Then one night Hank came home and told Buffy that he'd have to work very late. He would be home at ten o'clock at the earliest.

When Buffy had first heard this, she'd had to order herself not to grin broadly. She and Angelus could have a few hours to themselves.

Until her father added that she was going to go with him to work that day, so that he could keep an eye on her that night.

So there she sat, bored out of her mind. He'd tried to show her what being a statistician was all about, but he soon lost her. She had actually surfed the Internet for a while....Willow would have been proud. Then she'd looked in every vending machine on the floor that Hank's office was located on before picking a candy bar. She wandered around, hoping that there'd be some feakishly cool adult that had nothing better to do than hang out with her. Hey, if they worked for her dad she might get them ordered to take her to the mall or something. After spending the entire day exploring the building from that one floor-since her father forbid her to leave the floor-she was pretty sure you could die from boredom.

The fact that she sat in the old lady, who served as Hank's secretary, Miss Perkins' chair, spinning as fast as she could, only served to prove that point.

Buffy stood, hoping to be so dizzy that she'd collapse and fall asleep, but no such luck.

She soon regained her balance and began wandering for the 50th time that day, looking for anything to entertain her.

And then she found the paper room. A room filed with machines that cut, collated, copied, or faxed paper. Cabinets full of thin paper, thick paper, white paper, green paper.

To an incredibly bored teenager, it was Disneyland.


Angelus walked cautiously down the hall of the building amazed that it had been so easy to figure out which floor Hank's office was located. Now all he had to do was find Buffy without letting Hank see him.

He saw that a door was ajar a few inches so he peered inside...and saw Buffy sitting on a Xerox machine....with her panties around her ankles.


Buffy gasped, startled that someone caught her. Looking up she saw Angelus creep carefully in the room, shutting the door behind him.


"Baby...what are you doing?"

"Um...xeroxing my ass."


"Nothing better to do." Buffy answered with a smile as she hopped off the machine and pulled her panties up.

"I think I can think of something to keep you busy."

"Oh really?" She grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply.

"How many people are here?" He asked.

"Um....Daddy and a few people who work for him are helping with...ugh, whatever the fuck he does."

"So...we're practically alone?"

Buffy nodded, knowing she shouldn't agree to was just asking for trouble....But she missed him so much!

She led him to a big conference room, then hopped onto the table, sliding her panties back down her legs and smiling invitingly at Angelus.

As usual, he couldn't resist her. He walked over to her and kissed her deeply as her arms encircled his neck before moving down to his waist and undoing his pants. She reached inside and stroked his aroused member.

"Angelus...I need you inside me NOW!" She ordered.

He pushed her down, so that she lay on her back on the table. Grabbing her hips, he slid her expertly onto him. He began to thrust savagely into her, with an almost painful need for release. Buffy began to buck her hips up, starving for any and all contact she could come into with him.

They came together, Buffy's tight muscles clenching around him as he spilled his seed deep inside her.

Once they calmed down, they fixed their clothing, and then Angelus sat in one of the cushioned chairs that were sitting around the table. Buffy flopped down into his lap.

"What are we going to do? This sneaking around, only seeing you so I can have sex with you is killing me. I want to be with you Buffy."

"I know...I feel the same way. I keep hoping my dad will lighten up...but he never seems to. And...I'll be going back to Sunnydale in three weeks."

Angelus smiled. "So in three weeks we'll be free to spend as much time together as we like."

"You're going to Sunnydale too?" Buffy asked hopefully.

"Of course."

Ecstatic, Buffy squealed and kissed her beloved fiercely.


Hank looked around th eoffices after saying goodnight to his employees. Where had Buffy gone? It was only nine at night and he'd already finished, hurrying so she could get out of there, since she was so obviously bored. He checked the paper room and found there were several xerox's still sitting in the machine. Picking one up, he raised his eyebrows in shock.

"What the Hell? Is that someone's....butt?"

Hearing what sounded like a squeal coming from the conference room next door, Hank hurried over.

And found his daughter kissing and sitting on the lap of the man he had grown to hate immensely.

"Buffy!" He shouted, startling the two lovers. He rused into the room and grabbed her by the arm, yanking her from Angelus. "I should have known you wouldn't just let her alone."

"Dad, stop!" Buffy shouted, to no avail. Her father still only saw red when it came to the....Child molester...that sat before him.

"I'm going to kill you!" Hank screamed, looking for a weapon.

Angelus couldn't help but chuckle. Like that man could kill him.

But when Hank picked up a sharp pointd wooden statuette off a shelf, Angelus got nervous.

Seeing her father go for Angelus' heart in his blind fury, Buffy panicked....And picked up a rock paperweight.....and hit Hank over the head with it.

Buffy gasped as she saw her father slump to the ground at her feet. "Oh no!"

Angelus sighed and checked Hank's pulse. "He's fine, he's just unconscious."

"What do we do?" Buffy asked, frenzied.

"We'll call 911...then get the Hell out of here....The police wouldn't like the fact that you knocked him out and I don't fancy answering questions all night.

Buffy nodded numbly. She could hardly think she was so scared. She trusted Angelus more than anyone, he could decide what they'd do.


Angelus kept his word, calling 911, then promptly whisking Buffy back to his place. He'd given her a massage to calm her down...and it worked.

The sun was rising and the couple was exhausted, after making love repeatedly throughout the night.

Right before they drifted off to sleep, Angelus told her in a sleepy voice. "By the way, thanks for saving my unlife."

Buffy yawned. "Anytime, baby. Anytime."

The End