Part Four

Buffy was confused, which only served to really confuse Cordelia and Angelus. She claimed she didn't want Angelus...even though she'd willingly screwed him on top of some poor person's desk, and she continuously told Cordelia her schedule, fully knowing the brunette would turn around and tell Angelus. It was a week after the last time she'd seen him. She'd felt his presence almost every night...but he hadn't let her see him. She reflected back on that night a week ago in the office and a week before then in his apartment. She realized that it had been a mere two weeks since Angelus had reemerged...if felt like so much longer. Then again, if Giles knew that Angelus had been back for two weeks and she hadn't called him, he'd totally freak.

Giles.... She reminded herself. He was a great reason why she and Angelus could never happen!

All of a sudden, an arm shot out of an alley that she'd been passing. Gasping, she found herself face to face with Angelus.

"Miss me?"

Buffy melted in his heated gaze.

She allowed him to kiss her once more, even though she knew she'd never be able to resist his advances after that. He lifted her and sat her down on a crate that was up against a wall. Yanking her tight pants and underwear down her legs, he moved a hand to her throbbing center. Pleased to find she was already wet and ready for him, he released himself from his own pants and slid deeply inside her.

They moved swiftly, their bodies crashing together violently. Their mouths were fused together so they swallowed each other's cries of pleasure.

As soon as they came, Buffy got that panic-stricken look on her face. "Oh no...did it again. Bad, Buffy, bad."

"Oh no, great, Buffy, you were great!"

Buffy pushed him away from her, hopped off the crate and yanked her pants and underwear back up. "I so need to stop doing this!"

"I agree!" Angel replied, pulling his pants back up.

"You do?"

"Yes...oh not about the screwing me part...I live...or whatever I do...for that...but you need to stop having an anxiety attack after every time we make love."

"This is not making love!" She argued as she marched out of the alley and towards her home.

Angelus started following her. "Yes it is!"

"No, it's not. We don't love each other. It's sex. Meaningless, evil sex."


"I'm not lying!"

"Yes you are. I love you and you love me and you know it!"

"No, I love Angel! And every time I sleep with you I cheat on him!"

Angelus felt his heart break in two. He did indeed love her and hated the fact that she felt such guilt about their relationship...and he also felt jealous. He wanted her to look at him with love and adoration written clearly across her face the way she had with Angel....As it was she could hardly look at him now.

"Just do me a favor and give it up!" She pleaded, before leaving him on the sidewalk and walking up to a house.

"Is this where you live?"

"Yes! Now will you leave?"

He watched sadly as she withdrew a key and opened the door. He noticed she paused on her way in.

Turning around to face him, she asked "Would you like to come in?"


Angelus walked nervously around the spacious ranch style home, remembering it vaguely from the time Angel had watched Buffy, right after she'd been called.

He found they'd ended up in the kitchen, but opted against complaining that it wasn't the bedroom. This was a huge step and he should just be grateful that she'd allowed him in.

"I am so torn." Buffy finally said. "I want much. I love you. Not just Angel....I love Angelus too. But it's so wrong. Giles had a hard enough time when I was with Angel....But you...he'll never accept that. And I do feel like I am betraying Angel by being with you."

He gently stroked the side of her face. "Maybe you should put Buffy first for once."

She smiled at him. "Make love to me?"

He nodded, then allowed her to lead him to her bedroom. Giving him a shy look, she pulled her top over her head, revealing her braless breasts. Angel followed her lead, stripping himself of his own clothes until they were both nude.

Buffy laid on her bed and held her arms out, telling him to come to her. He happily complied, moving on top of her, careful not to rest all his weight on her small frame.

He entered her slowly, making every stroke so deliberate it was torturous. She pulled his head down to hers and kissed him.

"I love you, I really wish I didn't, but I do." She chuckled.

"You and me both!" He laughed as well. "What do you think it does for my rep to be completely in love with the slayer?"

Soon their pleasure grew too great for anything other than moans and gasps.


Buffy awoke at four in the morning to see Angelus' nude form looking out her window.

"What's up?" She asked softly.

He turned and smiled at her. "The sun is coming up soon. I don't imagine your father would appreciate my being here all day...although I don't think I ever heard him come home."

Buffy shook her head. "He didn't. He had to go on a business trip and won't be back until the day after tomorrow...oh, well I guess he'll be back tomorrow acutally."

"So we have a full day and night before he gets home?" Angelus grinned.

Buffy smiled. "That's exactly right."

"Might as well take advantage of a situation like that!" Angelus deadpanned, moving back to his lover's arms.


Buffy hardly left her bed for the entire day. Angelus sapped all her energy. Whenever they were both awake they'd make love, then slip back into unconsciousness. Buffy had to wonder if she'd even walk normally again.

"Wake up sleepyhead."

She opened her eyes with a smile on her face. seeing her lover gazing tenderly down at her.

"It's dark out now." He told her, bending down to kiss her. "Want to go swimming?"


"We've never fucked in water."

"Is it fun?"

"Very." He grinned.


Buffy was extremely grateful to whomever had built the wall around her backyard high enough that her neighbors couldn't see she and her boyfriend were frolicking around her backyard, nude.

Angelus hadn't been lying. She had one of the most intense orgasms in her short sexual life in the pool...and in the hot tub...and in the gazebo...and on her living room couch.....

As much fun as they'd had, it still didn't seem nearly enough when Angelus had to kiss her goodbye in the middle of the night so he could get home before daybreak. Her father would probably be home before dark, so he couldn't spend the day there again.


The next few weeks flew by. Angelus and Buffy saw each other every night, even if they just talked. Buffy was amazed to see how much they had in common.

One night, Hank announced he wanted to take Buffy out for a special dinner. She'd called Angelus to let him know, but he was still disappointed, and terribly lonely without her.

When she'd gotten home from the restaurant with her dad, Buffy saw Angelus half in the shadows and smiled. She was all of a sudden very tired, and decided to turn in early that night. As soon as her light went out, Angelus climbed in her open bedroom window.

He was happy to find his lover nude beneath the blankets. He quickly striped off his own clothes and joined her in the bed. For a long while they lay there, whispering words of how they'd missed each other and loved each other, while stroking each other's most private parts. Even after he'd entered her, he lay half on top of her, not moving, just kissing her tenderly and speaking softly with her.

Eventually the need for release got to be too much. He started moving in and out of her, grunting and groaning as he went. Buffy thrust her hips up to meet his own, their bodies working together, increasing the pleasure. As they both fell over the edge into the abyss of ecstasy, they remembered not to be too loud, so as to alert Hank to Angelus' presence.

Unfortunately, when Angelus made a crack about her father stealing her away for the night, Buffy forgot not to laugh loud.

"Buffy who are you....AAAAHHHHH!" Hank screamed as he entered his daughter's room and found her in her bed, nude, with an equally nude man!

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