Part Five

It was after 5:00 A.M and Buffy was slowly beginning to wake up, but didn't open her eyes right away. She felt him stroking her body slowly, running his hands up and down her body in a possessive manner. His cool hands traveled downward from her thigh to her long legs and stopped between her legs.

His long fingers slowly caressed her clit over and over. Buffy moaned and opened her thighs wider to give him better access and to let him do anything he wanted. "Mmm, Angel", she said with a moan again with her eyes closed. His lips turned into a smile and he continued to tease her. Her body began to release moisture and his long fingers caught it. Angelus wanted to taste her again, so he withdrew his fingers and Buffy moaned in protest.

But her lover didn't disappoint her. He positioned himself between her legs, so his mouth was close to her opening. Then he started to lick her in slow motion, making Buffy arch her back to get more contact with his mouth. She tasted so sweet; he had never tasted anything like her before.

Soon he felt her orgasm approaching and he sucked harder, sending her into ecstasy. Then he moved his way upward, dropping kisses along the way. Buffy opened her hazel eyes to see him staring at her. He reached down and captured her lips in a long, passionate kiss, that seemed to last forever.

He settled besides her, taking her small form into his arms, and putting her head on his wide, muscular chest. Buffy purred as she slowly stroked his smooth chest, running her fingers on it and Angelus was running his hand on her back.

"So, how do you feel lover", he whispered in her ear. Buffy thought about it for a second. She hasn't felt this good in such a long time. She had always dreamed of being with him like this millions of times. Her body was relaxed and she was tingling all over.

"Good", she mumbled. They just lay there on the bed, silently, stroking and caressing each other. Soon Buffy fell asleep in his arms for another few hours.

It was already 8:00 am and Buffy got up to leave the Mansion, so she would be on time for her classes. She dressed herself while Angelus just watched her. Buffy was just about to comb her hair, while he offered to help her. "Let me do it", he said, looking at her.

She gave him the comb and he moved behind her, so her back was pressed against his chest. He started to comb her golden hair softly. He ran his fingers through it, and nuzzled his face in it. He didn't want her to leave; he wanted her to stay with him, so he could touch her all the time.

Finally they stood in the middle of the living room, saying good-bye until the night. Buffy turned to face him and she smiled at him and he returned that smile. He reached for her and brought her closer and said "I'll see you tonight", whispering and she nodded. Their lips met each other in long kiss before she left.

So it began. They would meet each other every night, making love, exploring each other's bodies.

It had been a week since they had made the deal. Buffy would make up some excuse to see him every night and since she lived in a dorm, she didn't have to answer to anyone as to why she was late or what was she doing all night.

Angelus noticed that Buffy didn't hesitate to come into his arms anymore. As soon as they saw each other, they would launch themselves at each other, forgetting everything else.

Buffy stopped thinking about what her friends would say if they ever found out that she had betrayed their trust and lied to them. She didn't care anymore because she got what she had always wanted, her Angel. She wanted to spend her time in his arms. They would caress each other for hours, but their need for each other was insatiable. Whenever they said good-bye, they look forward for the day to end and night to come, so they could be together again.

Buffy felt so drawn to him. Sometimes, she couldn't pay attention in her classes, or when she was with her friends talking because she would be thinking about him. It was just like Angelus had wanted, she looked forward to seeing him, being with him, and making love with him. She loved the way he touched and treated her. Buffy stopped worrying that he would hurt someday. It didn't take long for her to realize that it didn't' matter, if Angel had his soul or not, she still wanted him so much.

Her friends took notice of her changed behavior, especially Riley. She hadn't actually told him that she didn't want to be with him anymore. He loved her and he wanted to be with her. But Buffy was acting really strange around him. She tried to avoid him and whenever he tried to touch her, she would just back away from him, making some silly excuse like she was late for something or she had studying to do.

Angelus had told her to break up with him as soon as possible because she was only his now. Buffy told him that it was over between them and that she wanted to be with him instead. She just didn't want to break Riley's heart, but she knew that she wasn't being fair to him. He should know about her feelings.

However, Buffy still wanted him to be there for her as a friend. Sometimes she felt so guilty for lying to her watcher, her mother, her friends and Riley about not telling them the real truth. But if they ever find out the secret they would never trust her again and then things would be over between her and Angelus.

Somehow, that was the most painful for her to bear; she couldn't think of surviving without him. If she didn't see him for a night, her body would ache for his touch; she needed him to touch her and give her relief and he was the only one who could provide it.

But it wasn't just true for Buffy. It was true for Angelus as well. He could hardly wait for the sun to set on the horizon so he could see and touch her. He was just as evil as he was before and probably wanted to destroy humanity, but being with Buffy changed that. Of course, if Buffy hadn't agreed with his deal, then he would be making sure to bring harm and evilness to this town.

They were entwined with one another and it didn't matter that they were each others sworn enemy. Their passion for each other had destroyed that boundary of good and evil. But Angelus still needed to make sure that Buffy would never leave him in any circumstances.

Giles and rest of the gang were surprised that Angelus hadn't tried to attack them or Buffy in particular. But it was a good sign that he wasn't causing more damage. But they also wanted to know the reason for it, and they started to worry that he was doing something very destructive and he was just waiting for the right time. Therefore, they were always prepared.

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