Part Six

Buffy was out with Willow, Oz, Xander, and Riley. They all suggested that they should hang out at the Bronze tonight and Buffy agreed to it. She had told Angelus to meet her there after two hours. First she hunted few vampires and then changed her clothes. Her mother was in LA again for art buying. Today was Friday, so she decided to spend her weekend at home. They were all siting at the table, listening to the band. Tonight Buffy decided to tell Riley that she wanted to break up with him because she already had waited so long and it wasn't fair to him.

She was cheating on him by sleeping with Angelus every night, so she needed to end this now before it got out of hand. She told Riley that she needed to talk to him alone. Her friends wondered what she had to talk to him about.

"Riley, we need to talk", she said siting on another table with him. "Yeah, we do, Buffy is something wrong, I am sure something is wrong because you have been acting really strange around me lately", he said.

"I know, it's just really hard to explain", she said nervously. "So talk, I feel like you're pushing me away and I don't feel like I am your boyfriend. You act like you are hiding something from me and I want to know what?"

"Riley, I don't think we should see each other anymore, it's just that a lot of things have been happening and I need some time alone", Buffy said it finally.

"What! Did I do something wrong. I thought things were good between us and you know how I feel about you and I thought you felt the same way. Why are you doing this?", he asked her angrily.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong, I just need some time alone", Buffy said lying. She couldn't tell him the truth that she was cheating on him and that she wanted someone else.

"Does any of this has to do with Angel", he asked quickly.

"What? Why would you say that", she said.

"I don't know Buffy, you tell me. I knew all along that you still cared about him and he did for you, but after he lost his soul, you pushed me away, you didn't even let me touch you."

"No, it's not that. Look I really don't want to hurt you but this is the way I feel, but we still could be friends, you could still help us out with slaying", she answered him.

"So that's it huh, it's over and I'll think about being friends with one another", he said, getting up to leave. He needed to get out of here. He still couldn't believe she broke up with him. He still loved her and she didn't feel same about him. So he went to her friends table and told them that he was leaving.

Buffy quickly joined her friends at the table and they asked if every thing was okay. She didn't want to tell them now, so she nodded her head. Buffy was lost in her thoughts and wondered why Angelus hadn't shown up yet. She should feel guilty or sad for ending things between her and Riley, but she didn't.

All she could think about was him. She wanted to see him, touch him and she glanced around time to time to see if he had arrived yet. Then suddenly she felt his presence. She looked around to find him and she saw him standing in the dark corner. He was staring at her. Since her friends were siting on the opposite side, their back was to him, so they didn't see him.

Buffy looked at him more closely and she caught her breath. He was wearing tight black leather pants and a black silk shirt and an over coat. He looked so handsome - tall, strong and dangerous. She had a sudden image of his strong hands caressing her body, and his cool lips kissing her with hunger and passion.

Buffy licked her dry lips as she stared at him hungrily. Her body cried out for his body contact and she couldn't suppress low moan escaping from her lips. But nobody noticed. Her core clenched with need and wetness started to seep out of her. She could barely keep herself from going into his arms and kissing him.

Angelus was also staring at her possessively. She looked so beautiful; she was wearing a short skirt and red tank top. He could smell her obvious arousal and he wanted to take her in his arms, carry her some place and make love to her again and again. Then he motioned her to come to him as he disappeared back into the dark.

Buffy needed to come up with some excuse, so she could be with him. "Umm, guys, I am going to leave now, I need some time to think."

"Buffy are you going to okay", Xander asked.

"Yes, I'll see you all tomorrow", and she left. But she didn't leave, she searched for Angelus, wondering where he could be. Suddenly his arms pulled her back to his strong chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist tightly. Buffy knew his touch, so she leaned more into him, closing her eyes, finally able to feel his touch.

"Hi", he whispered in her ear. Buffy turned around and pressed herself against him, cupping his face and moaning in return.

"I missed you", she said softly and he brought her head down and placed small kisses along her neck. "Angel", she said in breathy voice and pressed her hips against his member, making him growl deep in his chest. Then he took her hand and guided her to a table, which was more in the corner and dark. She went without protesting.

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