Part Twenty-One

In the morning....

Giles and rest of the gang were worried when they learned from Buffy's mother that she hadn't come home that night. They all gathered in Giles' home, Joyce included. She was shocked to find about her daughter when everyone filled in the details. She had hard time believing that Buffy was involved with Angel, no not Angel but his demon, Angelus. They were all discussing the matter. "I mean we were kind of harsh on her," Willow said.

"Oh, please Willow, we were perfectly reasonable. I mean she broke our trust again, going behind our back. We have every right to be angry," Xander yelled.

"That's true. But now she's gone and we don't know where?" Willow said.

"I could guess where she might be. She went to him. She must have gone to Angelus after she spoke to us" Riley said.

"Do you think so? We told her to stop seeing him and said things against him. She must have gone there" Giles said.

"You know, I have no idea what the hell is wrong with her. I mean Angelus, its the demon. She told us she loves him, even after the things he put us through. I just can't believe that. I still think she is possessed by something," Xander suggested.

"Why would Buffy do this? She is the slayer right? She should be fighting him, not sleeping with him. I can't believe he has this kind of control over her," Joyce said.

"Maybe, see Buffy first knew what was right and wrong. She had always been so strong and took her responsibilities seriously. She has never been selfish, always doing what is best for everyone. But now, she had changed. She lied to us constantly. She threw her duty and responsibilities and looked the other way. It's because of him, she stopped caring," Giles said.

"So now what? Should we go and look for her at the Mansion. If we find her, we make her come here and settle this thing. We demand that she stop seeing him, that he obviously had someone put a spell on her," Xander suggested.

"I don't think Buffy is going to like that idea. We have to deal with this cautiously. She would believe we are against her if we force her to leave Angelus. We just have to wait and let her come to us and make her understand that we are trying to help her. We need to make her realize he is wrong for her," Riley suggested.

"I guess that could work" Giles agreed with him.

So they decided to give her some time. But they had no idea that their slayer was dead. She no longer existed, she had already chosen to be with her demon lover for eternity. But soon they would find out what the truth is and it wouldn't be good for any of them. They were already too late in saving her life.

At the Mansion...

Buffy smiled at her lover as she watched him sleep. He was so beautiful. She loved everything about him. She bent down and placed small kisses on his hard chest, making him purr. She moved beside him, pressing herself against his chest and continued to watch him sleep. She worshipped his god-like body with her hands. Her mind told her that she should let him rest, but she couldn't take her hands off him. He was so perfect, so handsome. She nipped at his chin, biting it lightly and then his jawline, soothing the minor hurt by licking him. Angelus purred and woke under her loving administrations.

She was looking down at him with a smile. Then she bent down and kissed him on his lips. "Wake up sleepy head" she said. "Did you sleep well" he asked and she nodded her head in answer.

"Angel don't you have minions around here? How come I never saw them here when I came here?" she asked.

"Of course I do. I asked them to stay out of your way because you were the slayer. Why do you ask?" he said.

"I was just wondering. They obeyed your orders and that means you are their master right? And they have to do what you asked them to do?"

"Yes that's true. I am like their king and they must obey my orders and from now on they would obey yours too because you are my queen now," he answered.

"That's so great! I like that a lot" she said with laugh.

"I knew you would".

"So since you sired them they follow your orders and if they don't, then what?"

"Well then I have the right to punish them. I could torture them or kill them. See when are sired, you must do what your wishes or you would be punished. If you do something wrong then you are punished if their master wishes" he explained to her the rules of being a vampire.

"Oh, but you are my sire and if I do something wrong, you wouldn't punish me, would you?" she asked him in an innocent voice while running her fingers on his chest.

"Of course not my darling. At least not the same way I punish my other children. You are so precious to me and I would kill anyone for you" he answered.

Buffy smiled at his answer and kissed him again. They spent a few minutes, exploring each others mouths again. Then she broke the kiss and asked "So what are we doing tonight?"

"Oh, I have plans for us and I promise you will have fun".

"Does that mean we are going to visit my old friends and tell them about my new life?"

"No, that comes later. But tonight I have a surprise for you and you'll love it. And then your friends will get clue as to what kind of trouble they are in for hurting you."

"But we can't go outside now. It's daytime, so we have to wait for hours. What do you think we should do to pass the time lover?" she asked wickedly.

"Oh, I think you can guess" he said it with laugh and trapped her beneath him and kissed her hard. Soon they were too busy to talk as they lost themselves in each other once more.


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