Part Twenty-Two

The Mansion...

Today was not Riley’s day. He woke to find himself chained to the wall. He didn’t know what was going on at that moment. He tried to remember what had happened. He was walking around the park, lost in his thoughts and worrying about Buffy. He was so angry with her, but he still cared. But she didn’t return his feelings and it was all because of him. Angelus. The last thing he remembered was being hit from behind and then everything went blank. The next thing he knew, he was in the Mansion, chained to the wall. He knew who had brought him here. He tried to break free, but couldn’t. Suddenly he heard footsteps entering the room and looked up at the amused face of Angelus.

Angelus smirked at him. Tonight he was going to have some real fun. He thought it was time for fish boy to pay for his mistakes. His biggest mistake was to come near HIS Buffy and then daring to touch her. He should have never tried to take what was his. Sure, he left Buffy to be with some other guy, but only because he had that damn soul.

Riley’s second mistake was telling the entire gang about their relationship. He was the main reason Giles had forbidden Buffy to be with him and to break the deal. He had ached the entire week for her. Tonight he would make Riley see whom Buffy belonged to.

“Trying to break free from the chains won’t work. You are only human, and a pathetic one at that.”

“Angelus, I knew all along it was you. So why I am here?” he asked stupidly.

“Not that bright I see. I have big plans for you. You are going to pay for all the trouble you have caused me, but most importantly you are going to pay for the price for daring to touch what was mine in the first place” he said in serious tone.

“You mean Buffy. Possessive much? She doesn’t belong to you. You don’t own her. I don’t know why Buffy even let you come anywhere near her. You are nothing more than a monster. And to think she let you touch her. Just wait until she finds out what you’re doing to me,” Riley growled out angrily.

This made Angelus even angrier which was not a good idea. This boy had no idea, what he was capable of or how much trouble he was in. He couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he discovered Buffy had joined him.

“Oh, Buffy won’t interfere with my plans. She will do whatever I tell her to do,” he answered.

“You’re lying. Once Buffy realizes how wrong you are for her and that you’re nothing but a monster she’ll leave you. She’s just blinded by you and your lies. You’ve turned her against her friends” Riley said.

“You are bigger fool than I ever thought human. I just don’t see what Buffy ever saw in you to go out with you in the first place. You’re such a loser, and I’ll be glad to get rid of you once and for all” Angelus said while taking a sharp knife in his hand and moved closer to him. Riley tried to hide his fear from him, but failed miserably.

“Buff, come out here and see your surprise” he called out to his mate. Riley looked in the direction Angelus was looking at and saw Buffy emerge. Hope rose in his chest when he saw Buffy. He knew that now she was here, she would help him. That she would realize what kind of monster Angelus really was.

Buffy eyes widened with surprise when she saw Riley chained to the wall. Buffy’s shock turned to pleasure when she realized this was her surprise. Angelus returned her smile and turned his attention back to his prey. “Buffy, look at him? Can’t you see he was wrong for you?” he said.

“Angel, is this my surprise? I like it.” she asked while walking toward him.

“Yes my love” he answered and pulled her into his embrace and kissed her reverently on the lips. She hungrily returned his kisses and in that moment Riley ceased to exist for them. Riley’s jaw dropped in shock when he saw them kissing in front of him. What was Buffy doing? Couldn’t she see what he had done?

“Buffy?” he asked questioningly. “Buffy, You need to tell him to let me go. We need to get out of here.”

“You know Riley, you never understood me like Angel does. You tried to take his place, but you know what, you mean nothing to me. I can’t believe I actually thought of replacing Angel with you,” she said surprising him. The look of shock and hurt on his face brought a smile to her lips.

“What? Why are you doing this to me? I love you. Even now, knowing that you cheated on me. I still care for you. Are you saying you don’t care for me?” he asked bewildered.

"Oh, please. Could you get over yourself? Do you really believe that if my Angel hadn’t left me that I would have gone out with you? If Angel hadn’t left I wouldn’t even know that you existed on this earth. With Angel by my side I don’t need anyone else, let alone see anyone else,” she answered with a laugh.

“This isn’t you Buffy. He’s brainwashed you,” he continued on, making a bigger fool of himself.

“Oh, this is the true me. I’m not the nice little girl I pretended to be. I never wanted you. The only reason I went out with you were because Willow kept pushing me to go out with you. She was always telling me how great you were and that I needed to move on and forget Angel. And fool that I was, I listened to her. Oh, and let’s not forget the fact that you kept pushing me to go out with you. You know every time I was with you, I wished it was Angel” she said.

“Buff, you know that if I hadn’t that damn, stupid soul, I would have never left you. You only belong to me and this human has dared to touch what was mine and now he’s going to pay.”

“Can we start?” she asked excitedly and then slipped into game face, making Riley’s eye’s widen in horror as he realized Angelus had turned her into a vampire. His fear rapidly began to escalate.

“Yes love. Just watch and learn” Angelus told her. Angelus grabbed Riley’s hair, forcing him to look up at him so he could see the fear rising in his eyes. He slapped his face a few times, causing his ears to ring and his nose to begin bleeding.

“That was for daring to touch her,” he said. Then he took the knife in his hand and made a long cut along the side of his face, making Riley scream in pain. “That was nothing, just wait and see what I have store for you. You had no right to touch her. She is MINE! She’s always been mine, from the first moment I saw her,” he whispered furiously. Then he moved to his chest and made numerous shallow cuts, making him bleed as he took pleasure listening to his painful screams.

Riley didn’t know what to do or how much more he could take. He was so much in pain. He was babbling incoherently, begging Angelus to stop. But of course he didn’t.

“You’re the main reason Buffy’s so called friends took her away from me,” he made more incisions into his skin. Buffy didn’t say anything, just watched her lover as he tortured Riley. He was so talented and inventive when it came to torture. Buffy couldn’t care less about Riley and his painful screams for help excited her. Her entire focus was on Angelus as he skillfully started to skin him alive. The scent of the blood was getting to her and she growled.

Buffy watched his beautiful body. Seeing him torture someone was a major turn on for her. She watched Angelus’ every move as he continued to hit him and using the sharp knife on Riley. Riley was losing consciousness and everything stated to look blurry.

Meanwhile Buffy was growling softly as her need for Angelus grew. She felt like her body was on fire. She shifted her sitting position rubbing her thighs together to alleviate the ache there. Angelus looked over her at the smell of her obvious arousal, which caused his leather pants to cup him as he swelled. Buffy ran her tongue around her lips seductively as Angelus abruptly left Riley for the moment and moved towards her. He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her voraciously.

Buffy moaned in delight and pressed herself against him, letting him know her need. Then he lifted her lightly as she wrapped her legs around his waist while they continued to kiss. Angelus broke the kiss and she moaned in protest. “Later love, first let me kill that pathetic excuse for a human being over there” he replied and reluctantly stepped from her embrace.

Buffy slid down his waist and he returned to Riley, finally deciding to end his life. He grabbed Riley’s head and forced him to look up. Riley looked at Angelus with a dazed look in his eyes. As his eyes cleared he looked at Angelus in dull terror and screamed loudly before Angelus snapped his neck and dropped him quickly to the ground.

Buffy watched the entire thing and was glad that Riley was gone. He had paid for causing her and her lover trouble. Now it was her friends turn to pay. They made her chose between her lover and her duty and forced her to stay away from her. She saw Angelus approaching her and she quickly drew him in her arms and kissed him hungrily.

“Well, that’s one problem solved. What’s next lover?” she asked, breaking the kiss.

“Now comes the fun part lover. Just watch and learn,” he said it with smile. “But first lets take care of more important things”, he added and lifted off the ground and he started walking toward his bedroom.