Part Ten

Riley came inside the room and he started to look for Buffy. He then came to the living room and he was about to call Buffy's name when his eyes dropped over Buffy. A naked Buffy with only a bed sheet covering her. And kissing Angel, no ANGELUS! He just stood there like a statue and thought that maybe he was having a bad dream. But it wasn't. Buffy was making love with the demon. His brain started to wonder of what he had just witnessed.

He just realized that this was the secret Buffy was hiding. This is why she broke up with him. She dumped him because she was seeing Angelus behind everyone's back. She cheated on him and the anger rose in him. Then something clicked in his mind. Ever since Angel had lost his soul, she had pulled away from him. She made excuses so she could come here and sleep with him. How could she do this he wondered with anger. Riley didn't know what to do next. Millions of thoughts were going through his mind and he wanted to scream!

Meanwhile, Buffy and Angelus didn't notice that they had intruder. They were so lost in each other. They were grabbing each other as they continued to kiss each other. Now Riley knew for the fact that Angel had lost his soul because they had slept with each other. That explained everything all the lying, silly excuses and withdrawing from him and her friends. She was betraying them. Not only had she lied to him, but to her friends as well.

How could she betray us like this? Didn't she know they were supposed to be fighting and not making love he wondered. He needed to get out of here and tell the rest of the gang of what was Buffy doing. He wasn't going to keep this secret from them like she did. He was so furious at this moment. Here was the woman he loved more than anything and she was here in arms of other man, no a demon, a demon that he now hated more than anything.

She was making love with him. She was doing something so forbidden. Just as he was about to turn, he dropped the flower vase on the table by bumping into it. The loud sound of something breaking made Buffy and Angelus start in surprise and they broke apart to see Riley starting at them with anger clearly written on his face.

"Riley", Buffy said founding her voice. Oh my god. He saw me with Angelus. I am so dead. He looks so angry she thought.

"So this is your big secret huh? I've got to hand it to you Buffy; you did a pretty good job at fooling us. And all the while knowing exactly what was going on with Angelus." Riley said.

"Please Riley let me explain" Buffy said desperately trying to make him understand.

"No there is nothing to explain. What I saw with my own eyes tells me everything I need to know. You and Angel slept together and he lost his soul and surprisingly you are still sleeping with him. Lying to ME all this time and not to mention betraying me because I was your boyfriend then", he said.

"Ok first of all, you should have knocked on the door before barging in here. And, Buff, I know I promised to leave this guy alone, but he is getting on my nerves, can I kill him?" Angelus said in a hard tone.

"Please let me handle this and promise me you won't do anything harsh", Buffy said looking at him while turning back her attention to Riley.

"Why Buffy? Why did you do this to me? I loved you more than anything. And I made you happy. Why did you betray me like this?" he pleaded for an explanation. Then he just realized something else and he continued.

"You never loved me did you? You never cared about me did you?" he asked.

"That's not true, of course I cared for you, its just..." Buffy was cut off.

"No, you like to believe you loved me but now that I think about it makes perfect sense. I told you hundreds of time that I love you, but I never ever heard you say the same thing to me. You would tell me I was sweet, I was thoughtful and kind, but NEVER the words I love you. You might have said it indirectly like 'me too' or 'I feel the same way' but not once have you told me you loved me. I can't believe I never noticed that. I didn't think about it then but it makes sense now", he said harshly.

Buffy didn't try to deny that it was true. He was right and she felt so bad for hurting him like this. "All I have to say to you now is how you are going to explain this to your friends?" Riley said waking toward the door to get out of here and tell them. Then before Buffy could do anything, he was gone.

"Oh, god I have to stop him and make him understand. I have to." Buffy said in her panic voice. Angelus looked as if he couldn't care less. He was still pissed off with Riley for interrupting. "They were going to find out anyway lover. I am sure if you make them understand what is between us maybe they won't be mad at you", he said.

"Ok, I am going to leave and try to make them understand and I'll come here tonight and tell you what did they say", Buffy said while dressing up and ready to leave.

"Come back soon", he mumbled as he gave her good-bye kiss on the lips. Buffy nodded her head and then left, wishing she wasn't too late.

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