Part Nine

The next morning, at the campus…

Riley was trying to track Buffy down, but he couldn't find her at the dorm. He checked other places at the campus where she possibly could have gone to, but no luck. He didn't give up that easily. He checked at her house if she was there. Then he asked Xander, Oz, Giles, and Willow if they had seen her or spoken to her since last night. Where could she have gone he wondered to himself. She wasn't slaying because it was daytime, so that possibility was out. But he checked that one out anyway. Buffy didn't know anyone else, so where was she?

At the Mansion…

Buffy was contently resting on her lover's chest in front of the fireplace.

Even though it was daytime, it was pretty dark in the Mansion because Angelus had sealed the windows so not one single ray of the sun could enter. After Buffy had come back here from Giles' house they had made love all night long. They couldn't seem to get enough of each other.

She told Angelus that she needed to leave; otherwise she was going to miss her classes. But he said that he wanted her to stay with him, to spend the day with him. Buffy agreed to it, and they made love several more times. Angelus had placed her on velvet comforter, surrounded with satin pillows in front of the fireplace. She was so relaxed, and warm. They were caressing each other as they stayed in each other's embrace. She rested her head on his shoulder and he stroked her skin so softly. Buffy wished she could be here like this every day. Buffy was only wearing his silk shirt and it made her feel more close him. He loved Buffy seeing in his clothes. She looked so beautiful at that moment.

Suddenly Angelus moved from her warm embrace to get something and she moaned in protest. Buffy reached out and held his hand to stop him and brought him where he was. She needed to stay in contact with him, she thought, she couldn't stand to be apart from him even for a second. She whimpered and nuzzled her face into his neck, moaning. He noticed and smiled at the thought that she wanted him to stay with her every second like he did.

He tried again and before she could protest more, he placed his finger on her soft lips, and his other hand caressing her check and softly said, "Shush, my love, I am not going anywhere. I am just going to go and bring you something to eat." Buffy settled down and nodded. He quickly went to the fridge and brought her some fruit and some of the chocolate cake. He returned to her side again and sat down on the comforter. Then he pulled Buffy onto his lap and she rested her head on his strong shoulder, running her hands on his chest. "Are you hungry lover", he whispered. Buffy nodded because she hasn't eaten since last night and all of her energy was spent after hours of making love with him.

Angelus brought a spoon full of cake and brought it to her mouth. She opened and ate it slowly savoring the flavor. He repeated the same thing again, feeding her. Buffy loved this. She was in her lover's embrace as he fed her the food. As he was feeding her the food, he was stroking her hair slowly and caressing the soft skin of her cheek and neck. Then she was finished with the cake; he asked her if she wanted something else. "No, I am okay now, thank you", she said. "It was my pleasure," he answered smirking down at her.

"What about you? Don't you need to eat?" she asked, looking up at him.

"No it's okay, if I was hungry then I would be in some kind of physical pain that would tell me that I need to drink blood", he answered.

Buffy thought of something and she reached out and cupped his face in her hands saying "Angel, I want you to take blood from me. I want you to feed from me".

"But I just told you...he was cut off by her.

"I like it when you take my blood. I don't know how to explain, but when you drink from me, I feel these amazing sensations. And sometime it feels so good that I don't want you to stop. I don't know why because I've always thought that you feel lot of pain when some vampire drinks from you."

Angelus smiled at her, happy to hear that she trusted him. She was the slayer and he was a demon and she was asking him to take blood from her. He buried his face in her neck and kissed her there. Then his face morphed into the familiar ridges as he first licked her jugular vein with his tongue and then sank his fangs into her. Buffy moaned and held his head tightly. After he was done, he drew back his fangs and once again his face was back to normal. They both smiled at each other and kissed each other. As their kiss grew more passionate, a new kind of hunger awoke. It was the hunger, not for food or the blood, but for each other.

Back to Riley at the campus

A half-day had passed and still he was unable to track her. He was confused because Buffy didn't show up for her classes. If she's not at the campus, at any of her friends house, or her own house, then where is she?. Then something just clicked in his mind. The Mansion . But at the same time he wondered Why would Buffy be there? It was the place Angel used to live when he lost his soul and after he came back from hell. If Angelus were still living there then why would Buffy go there? It didn't make any sense Riley thought to himself.

Maybe he wouldn't be living there anymore and maybe Buffy needed time to think alone. She could have gone to the Mansion because it would make her feel more close to Angel. After all she did had to go through the pain of losing him. Yeah, that makes sense. She must've gone there so she could be alone and because nobody would likely to find her there.

So, Riley decided to head toward the Mansion and check that place out because he had looked everywhere else that he could think of. Soon he reached the front door of the Mansion and it was opened. She must be here he thought.

He started to climb the stairs but he didn't know that what he was about to find would change their lives forever. He reached the door and opened it slowly...


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